Resetting the network settings
The network settings are reset to the delivery default settings. Saved entries from the device library and the
timer are retained.
How to proceed:
1. Remove the plug.
2. Insert the service pin into the opening between the two top sockets until you feel a resistance. That is the
reset button.
3. Keep the reset button pressed for approx. 5 seconds.
An acoustic warning signal will sound at short intervals, signalling the deletion of the network settings.
The network name (SSID) and password of the WLAN router are deleted.
The password of the FM-Master WLAN is set to the factory default setting.
The LED on the FM-Master WLAN is lit green.
The FM-Master WLAN starts in access point mode and can now be directly connected to the
4. Reinsert the plug.
Restoring the factory default settings
Added devices and individual network settings are deleted when the factory default settings are restored.
How to proceed:
1. Remove the plug.
2. Insert the service pin into the opening between the two top sockets until you feel a resistance. That is the
reset button.
3. Keep the reset button pressed for at least 15 seconds.
After 5 seconds, an acoustic warning signal will sound at short intervals, after a further 10 seconds a contin-
uous acoustic warning signal will sound. Then the LED will flash and the factory default settings will start
being restored.
The factory default settings have been restored when the green LED is lit.
4. Reinsert the plug.
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