Installation Steps
Apply included tape tabs to the deflector edge as
NOTE: the tape tabs are wider than the flange of the
deflector. Align the tape so that one edge is flush with
the inner edge of the deflector.
Without Vent Post
Locate deflector in upper window frame and place in position
as shown.
The deflector flanges should be INSIDE the window channel. Pull the deflector firmly outwards so that the tape adheres securely.
outside of vehicle
Replace rubber window channel and raise window to
fully seat window channel.
NOTE: Actual application may vary slightly from illustrations.
tape tab
Carefully peel back the tape liner off of the tape tabs.
With Vent Post
NOTE: In cars with a vent post put NO tape on the front end of the
part. Insert the end flange between the weatherstrip and the vent
post and push the deflector up into position.
vent post
no tape
outside of vehicle
Rear door installation
Lower window. Use a putty knife to grasp and pull
down the rubber window channel. Clean the inside of
the window channel with an alcohol pad.
rubber window
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tape tab in position
deflector in position