7.3.1 Setting to max. curve duty
Description of function, see section 6.3 Max. or min.
curve duty.
Press "+" continuously to change over to the max.
curve of the pump (top light field flashes), see fig. 28.
To change back, press "–" continuously until the de-
sired head is indicated.
Fig. 28
Max. curve
7.3.2 Setting to min. curve duty
Description of function, see section 6.3 Max. or min.
curve duty.
Press "–" continuously to change over to the min.
curve of the pump (bottom light field flashes), see fig.
29. To change back, press "+" continuously until the
desired head is indicated.
Fig. 29
Min. curve
7.3.3 Start/stop of pump
Stop the pump by continuously pressing "–" until
none of the light fields are activated. When the pump
is stopped, the green indicator light will be flashing.
Start the pump by continuously pressing "+" until the
desired head is indicated.
When the pump is to be inoperative for a period, it is
recommended to use the R100 remote control or to
switch off the electricity supply. In this way, the pump
head setting will remain unchanged when the pump
is to be started again.
7.3.4 Resetting of fault indications
To reset fault indications, briefly press "+" or "–" .
This will not influence the pump performance set.
If the fault cause has not disappeared, the fault indi-
cation will reappear.