The automatic closure is enabled or disabled
On: enabled automatic closure
Off: disabled automatic closure
The multi-flat function is enabled or disabled.
On: enabled multi-flat function. The P.P. (Step-by-step) impulse or the impulse
of the transmitter have no effect in the opening phase.
Off: disabled multi-flat function.
The rapid closure is enabled or disabled
On: rapid closure is enabled. When the gate is open or moving, the photocell
activation causes the automatic closure of the gate after 3 s. It is activated only
with TCA:ON
Off: rapid closure is disabled.
The operating mode of "P.P. Push button" and of the transmitter are selected.
On: Operation : OPEN > CLOSE > OPEN >
Off: Operation: OPEN > STOP > CLOSE > STOP >
Forewarning flashing light enabled or disabled.
On: enabled forewarning flashing light. The flashing light is activated 3 s before
the starting of the motor.
Off: disabled forewarning flashing light.
During the TCA time, the blinker is enabled or disabled.
On: Activated blinker.
Off: De-activated blinker.
The OPEN input mode is selected
On: OPEN input with WATCH function.
To be used for the connection of timed opening/closing. (CLOSED contact -
open gate. OPEN contact - normal operation).
Off: OPEN input with OPEN function.
The Operator function is enabled or disabled.
On: Operator function enabled.
During operation, the OPEN/CLOSE push-buttons must be kept pressed.
Off: Automatic operation.
During the TCA phase, the PP and PED controls are enabled or disabled.
On: PP and PED controls are disabled.
Off: PP and PED controls are enabled.
The Encoder is enabled or disabled.
On: enabled Encoder, braking activated.
Off: disabled Encoder, braking deactivated
The TRIAC test is enabled or disabled.
On: Test on: if TRIAC is faulty the motor does not start.
Off: no test on TRIAC is performed.
The code programmable transmitters is enabled or disabled.
On: Radio receiver enabled only for rolling-code transmitters.
Off: Receiver enabled for rolling-code and programmable code transmitters
(self-learning and Dip Switch).
The second radio channel is enabled or disabled on terminals 10/11 (it can be
used only for control units with built-in receiver).
On: 10/11 output, preset as second radio channel.
The SERL logic should be OFF.
Off: 10/11 output, preset by the SERL Logic.
The service light function to output 10-11 is enabled or disabled.
On: At every operation, the contact is closed for the time preset with TLS pa-
Use the auxiliary relay to control the light.
Off: the output is provided with SCA function, open gate LED: open contact with
closed gate - flashing light in closing phase - closed contact in opening phase
and open gate. See wire diagram.
Settable values