collection point. End users who purchase a new motorcycle
battery without returning an old one must pay a deposit of €7.50,
incl. VAT, which will be refunded when an old battery is brought
back. Our stated battery prices do not include this deposit. If the
old motorcycle battery is returned to a different supplier (i.e. not
the one to whom the deposit was paid), this supplier is required
under Section 11 Para. 3 of the German Batteries Act (BattG), to
issue written or electronic confirmation that the battery has been
accepted without a refund of the deposit, if so requested by the
end user. Dealers who sell motorcycle batteries via distance selling
(internet, mail order, catalogue sales etc.) are obliged to refund the
deposit upon presentation of the written or electronic confirmation
of return, provided such confirmation is not more than two weeks
old at the time of presentation.
Note according to § 18 of the German Batteries Act – valid for
The symbol showing a crossed-out wheelie bin means that:
batteries must not be disposed of along with household waste.
If any of the following letters appear underneath this symbol (Pb:
battery contains lead, Cd: battery contains cadmium, Hg: battery
contains mercury), this means that the battery generally contains
one of these metals, and therefore special regulations apply to its
Batteries must not be disposed of along with household waste.
They may contain substances that are harmful to the environment
and pose a health risk. Please return old batteries to us, or take
them to your municipal recycling centre or battery dealer. The
return is free of charge and required by law; regarding the return of
vehicle batteries and possible associated costs in the event that
the return does not take place with us, we cannot reimburse you.
All old batteries will be reused. This enables valuable materials to
be recycled and, at the same time, protects the environment and
human health.
11 | Contact
If you have any questions about the product and/or these
instructions, before using the product for the first time, please
help you as quickly as possible. This is the best way to ensure that
the product is used correctly.
Made in China