1. Power: 2 x 1.5V AAA batteries
2. Power On/Tare button:
3. Auto power off time: 60 seconds
4. Manual power off time: Press and hold the 'ON' button
5. Minimum weight: 5g
6. Maximum weight: 5000g (5kg) / 11lb
7. Overload value: 5300g
8. Graduation : 1g, 0.1oz, 1ml, 0.1fl.oz.
9. Unit conversion: Press button
10. Power on display: Turn to zero, 0g. The default unit is g
11. No weight display: 0 g-0:0.0 lb:oz-0 ml-0.0 fl.oz.
12. Indication Symbol:
Overload indicated by
Lower than 2.6V indicated by
Lower than 2.5V indicated by
Weight unstable indication:
13. Negative weight indication: indicate actual negative weight.
14. Tare function enables weight measurements with the bowl.
for unit conversion to g, lb:oz, ml, fl.oz
for 2 seconds.