Enlaces rápidos

Interfaccia seriale per schede chiller • Serial interface for chiller cards
Interface série pour cartes chiller • Serielle Schnittstelle Für Chiller-Steuerung
Interface serie para tarjetas congelador
pag. 4
pag. 7
pag. 10
pag. 14
pag. 18

Resumen de contenidos para AERMEC AER485P1

  • Página 1 Interfaccia seriale per schede chiller • Serial interface for chiller cards Interface série pour cartes chiller • Serielle Schnittstelle Für Chiller-Steuerung Interface serie para tarjetas congelador AER485P1 pag. 4 pag. 7 pag. 10 pag. 14 pag. 18 AER485P1_6876423_03...
  • Página 3 AERMEC S.p.A AERMEC S.p.A. si riserva il diritto, in ogni momento, di effettuare qualsiasi modifica al fine di migliorare il proprio prodotto, e non è obbligata ad aggiun- gere tali modifiche a macchine precedentemente fabbricate, già consegnate o in fase di costruzione.
  • Página 4 AER485P1 Interfaccia seriale per scheda chiller DESCRIZIONE La scheda AER485P1 è un accessorio di tutta la famiglia di controlli PCO3 (PCO3B esclusi) che permette l’interfacciamento diretto una rete RS485. La scheda garantisce l’optoisolamento del controllore rispetto alla rete seriale RS485. Il baud rate massimo ottenibile è...
  • Página 5 Guida di riferimento per protocollo modaer Il protocollo di comunicazione Modaer rappresenta lo standard di comunicazione reso disponibile da Aermec per il collegamento tra chiller e sistemi di supervisione o controlli centralizzati (consultare la guida prodotti Aermec per vedere su quali macchine è dispo- nibile questo protocollo).
  • Página 6 Comando 03: Read Dati Analogici Con questo comando si possono richiedere uno o piu’ variabili analogiche e intere a partire dall’indirizzo specificato. La codifica adottata è binaria in complemento a 2. Le variabili analogiche vengono rappresentate in decimi (ad esempio il valore 10,0 viene trasmesso come 0064h = 100d)., le intere sono trasferite con il valore effettivo (ad esempio 100 viene trasmesso come 0064h = 100d).
  • Página 7 non sono corretti (es. comando non previsto, richiesta numero dati NOTE RIGUARDANTI LETTURA/SCRITTURA DATI TIMER eccedente, indirizzi non previsti, valore dato in scrittura fuori range) E STORICO DA SUPERVISORE: slave : risponde normalmente con il suo indirizzo sul primo campo, sul Timer : campo comando risponde aggiungendo 0x80 al codice del comando e come terzo byte risponde con un codice di errore che identifica...
  • Página 8 Chiller card serial interface DESCRIPTION The AER485P1 card is an accessory for the entire PCO3 control series (PCO3B excluded), which allows the direct interface of an RS485 network. The card provides the optical isolation of the controller in relation to the RS485 serial net- work.
  • Página 9 The Modaer communication protocol is the communication standard made available by Aermec for the connection between chillers and centralised supervision or control systems (see the Aermec products guide to see on which machine this protocol is avail- able). The protocol allows both the point to point connection (machine * supervisor), as well as Fig.5...
  • Página 10 The slave receives the request, but there is a slave communication error NOTES CONCERNING READ/WRITE OF SUPERVISOR (e.g. checksum): no master reply is given: there should be a timeout on the TIMER AND LOG DATA : response Timer : The slave receives the request without communication errors but the data of the request are incorrect (e.g.
  • Página 11 Interface sérielle pour carte chiller DESCRIPTION La carte AER485P1 est un accessoire de toute la famille de contrôles PCO3 (sauf PCO3B) qui permet l’interface directe à un réseau RS485. La carte garantit l’opto-isolation du contrôleur par rapport au réseau sériel RS485. Le baud rate maxi- mum qui peut être obtenu est 19 200 baud (réglable à...
  • Página 12 Guide de référence pour protocole modaer Le protocole de communication Modaer représente le standard de communication réseau Aermec pour la connexion entre chillers et les systèmes de supervision ou contrôle centralisés (consulter le catalogue de produits Aermec pour savoir quels appa- reils acceptent ce protocole).
  • Página 13 Typologie de commandes : Commande 03 : Lectures Données Analogiques Tab.2 Avec cette commande l'on peut demander une ou plusieurs variables analogiques et entières à partir de l'adresse spécifiée. L'encodage adopté est binaire en complément à Commande Opération 2. Les variables analogiques sont représentées en dixièmes (par exemple la valeur 10,0 Master est transmise comme 0064h = 100d)., les entières sont transférées avec la valeur effec- Lecture données numériques (données 1 bit)
  • Página 14 Le slave reçoit la demande, mais il y a une erreur de communication (ex. REMARQUES CONCERNANT LA LECTURE/ÉCRITURE DONNÉES checksum) slave : il ne donne aucune réponse master : il doit prévoir une TEMPORISATEUR ET HISTORIQUE DE SUPERVISEUR : temporisation sur la réponse Temporisateur : Le slave reçoit la demande sans erreurs de communication mais les données de réponse ne sont pas correctes (ex.
  • Página 15 Serielle Schnittstelle für Kaltwassersatz-Steuerung BESCHREIBUNG Die Platine AER485P1 ist ein Zubehörteil und gehört zur Familie der PCO3 (ausgenom- men PCO3B) Kontrollen, sie dient als direkte Schnittstellenverbindung zu einem RS485 Netz. Die Platine gewährleistet die Optoisolierung des Controllers hinsichtlich des seri- ellen Netzes RS485.
  • Página 16 Anleitung zum Modaer-Protokoll Das Kommunikationsprotokoll Modaer ist die von Aermec bereitgestellte Standard- kommunikation für die Verbindung zwischen Kaltwassersätzen und zentralgesteuerten Überwachungs- oder Steuerungssystemen (zur Feststellung auf welchen Maschinen dieses Protokoll verfügbar ist, verweisen wir auf den Aermec-Produkt-Katalog). Durch die Verwaltung von einer Adresse pro Maschine ermöglicht das Protokoll sowohl Abb.
  • Página 17 Befehl 03: Read Analoge Daten Beginnend mit der spezifischen Adresse können mit diesem Befehl eine oder mehrere analoge und ganze Variablen angefragt werden. Es wird die Binärcodierung in Ergänzung auf 2 angewendet. Die analogen Variablen werden in Zehn- tel dargestellt (z.B. wird der Wert 10,0 als 0064h = 100d Befehlsformat : übertragen), die ganzen Variablen werden mit dem effektiven Wert übertragen (z.B.
  • Página 18 HINWEISE ZUM LESEN/SCHREIBEN DER TIMER- UND ALARMÜBERSICHTSDA- Der Slave empfängt die Anfrage, aber es liegt ein TEN VOM ÜBERWACHUNGSSYSTEM AUS : Kommunikationsfehler vor (z.B. Prüfsumme) Slave : gibt keine Antwort Zeitschalter : Master : muss ein Timeout für die Antwort einberechnen Einstellung der nachfolgenden Zeitspannen aus dem Überwachungssystem: Der Slave empfängt die Anfrage ohne Kommunikationsfehler, aber die DIENSTAG...
  • Página 19: Descripción

    Interfaz serial para la tarjeta del refrigerador DESCRIPCIÓN La tarjeta AER485P1 es un accesorio de toda la familia de controles PCO3 (PCO3B excluidos) que permite la interfaz directa a una red RS485. La tarjeta garantiza el optoaislamiento del controlador con respecto a la red serial RS485. El baud rate máximo que se puede obtener es de 19.200 baudios (configurable vía software).
  • Página 20 Guía de referencia para el protocolo modaer El protocolo de comunicación Modaer representa el estándar de comunicación puesto a disposición por Aermec para la conexión entre refrigeradores y los sistemas de supervi- sión o controles centralizados (consultar la guía de productos Aermec para las máquinas en las cuales está...
  • Página 21 Mando 03: Read Datos Analógicos Con este mando se pueden solicitar una o más variables y enteras a partir de la dirección especificada. La codificación adoptada es binaria en complemento a 2. Las variables analógicas se representan en décimos (por ejemplo: el valor 10,0 se transmi- Formato de los mandos: te como 0064h = 100d), las enteras se transfieren con el valor efectivo (por ejemplo: 100 se transmite como 0064h = 100d).
  • Página 22 El slave recibe la solicitud, pero existe un error de comunicación (por ej.: NOTAS REFERIDAS A LA LECTURA/ESCRITURA DE DATOS TIMER checksum), el slave: no da ninguna respuesta al master: debe prever un E HISTORIAL COMO SUPERVISOR: timeout en la respuesta. Temporizador: El slave recibe la solicitud sin errores de comunicación, pero los datos son incorrectos (por ej.: mando no previsto, solicitud de número de datos exce-...
  • Página 23 Tabella parametri supervisione: RV - NW - NS - NSB - WS - WF / Parameters table oversight: RV - NW - NS - NSB - WS - WF DIGITAL READ (code 01) Description Read/Write BMS address Min.  Remote On/Off input status ...
  • Página 24 DIGITAL WRITE (code 05) Description Read/Write BMS address Min. Max.  Unit On/Off from supervisor (SPV) Reset the alarm after acting on address 80  Double setpoint enabling Save the time by the SPV set with the var. LHOUR / LMINUTE / …. ...
  • Página 25 MINUTES of event on alarm log DAY of event on alarm log MONTH of event on alarm log YEAR of event on alarm log  Working hours compressor 2 high  Working hours compressor 2 low  Working hours compressor 3 low ...
  • Página 26 Tabella parametri supervisione modello TW110 / Parameters table oversight model TW110 DIGITAL READ (code 01) Description Read/Write BMS Address Digital/Analog Min. On/Standby 1=On 29/R 30/W Cooling/Heating 1=heating 1= alarm Summary Alarm 1=reset Reset Alarm Cooling setpoint Heating setpoint Outlet water temperature ALARMS Flowswitch Condenser pump overload...
  • Página 27 Description Read/Write BMS Address Digital/Analog Min. BradLoady Overcurrent Dchighvoltage Highcurrent CurrentWarning IGBTerror HighcurrentStartup BearingError BearingWarning NoCurrIGBT AVCData EMFLow Eprom GeneratorMode SCRPhase WARNING DP ALLARME COM TURBO Condenser antifreeze Condenser flowswitch Battery EEV Overload pump glicole free Flowswitch glicole free No probe Analog input ERWT (ev.
  • Página 28 Tabella parametri supervisione modello NXW / Model parameters table oversight NXW Analog variables ANALOGUE WRITE (Code 06) Description Read/Write BMS Address SUW - Temp, evaporator outlet 1 -3276,8 3276,7 °C SIW - Temp, evaporator inlet, 1 -3276,8 3276,7 °C Outlet water condensator temp, -3276,8 3276,7 °C...
  • Página 29 Modulating pump condensator 0.01V 1000 Fan speed 1 (0,, 1000) 0.01V 1000 Fan speed 2 (0,, 1000) 0.01V 1000 Counter high, evaporator pump 2 1000h Counter low evaporator pump 2 Counter low, pump capacitor 2 Counter high condenser pumps 2 1000h Actual Power Capacity 1000...
  • Página 30 ALC30 - Compressor 2 thermal alarm circuit 2 ALC30 - Compressor 3 thermal alarm circuit 2 AL65 - Fan 1 thermal alarm AL66 - Allarme termico ventilatore 2 ALU50 - Fan 2 thermal alarm not used ALB34 - Alarm low pressure circuit 1 ALB34 - Alarm low pressure circuit 2 ALB35 - Low pressure alarm circuit 1 ALB35 - Low pressure alarm circuit 2...
  • Página 31 ALP71 - Condenser flow switch alarm pump 1 (SLAVE)) ALP72 - Condenser flow switch alarm pump 2 (SLAVE) AL77 - Alarm Circuit Low BP 3 (SLAVE) AL78 - Alarm Circuit Low BP 4 (SLAVE) AL79 - Alarm heat pump evaporator 1 (SLAVE) AL80 - Alarm heat pump evaporator 2 (SLAVE) AL81 - Evaporator water outlet temperature sensor, faulty or not con- nected (SLAVE)
  • Página 32 Tabella parametri supervisione modello WRL / Model parameters table oversight WRL ANALOG VARIABLES Addresses dedicated to the interface with BMS systems (analog variable) Read Description Write Address B1 - SUWH - water outlet temperature geothermal °C -999.9 999.9 B2 - SIWH - return water temperature geothermal °C -999.9 999.9...
  • Página 33 Historical time entry system °C -999.9 999.9 Historic low pressure -999.9 999.9 STA - Humidity measured from room No. 1 99.9 STA-room air temperature No. 2 °C -999.9 999.9 STA - Humidity measured from room No. 2 99.9 STA-room air temperature No. 3 °C -999.9 999.9...
  • Página 34 Mode of operation of the machine Y1 - Forcing health modulated pump 1000 Y2 - forcing modulating pump geothermal 1000 Y3 - forcing modulating valve area 1 1000 Y4 - forcing modulating output Y4 1000 software version -32768 32767 Selection type of geothermal pump adjustment Day of week calculated from the current date (0 ---, 1: Monday, 2: Tuesday, 3: Wednesday, 4: Thursday, 5: Friday, 6: Saturday, 7: Sunday;) State compr.1 (Off, On, Min.On;...
  • Página 35 DIGITAL VARIABLES Read BMS Address Description Write Economy mode activated Clearing alarms from BMS Enabling the presence BMS Active system status Active State Health POC - Pump Geothermal POE - pump system Mode system (chiller-cooling / heat pump-Winter) State health Valve State resistance saniatrio NO1 - Force ON compressor 1 NO2 - Come On Pump Geothermal...
  • Página 36 AL101 - Alarm offline solar kit AL013 - High pressure AL016 - Alarm Compressor 1 thermal AL017 - Alarm Compressor 2 thermal Historical - Next item to view Type of units selected (0 = ON, 1 = Anglo-Saxon) AL033-Offline Terminal 2 bedroom zone 2 Type of intervention in the healthcare integration (integration at PdC, replacing PdC) AL019 - Alarm geothermal flow AL020 - Alarm heat pumps...
  • Página 37 AL078 - Alarm sondaguasta pCOe 1 Zone 2 AL079 - Alarm 1 sondaguasta pCOe Zone 3 AL080 - Alarm zone 1 Dehumidifier AL081 - Zone 2 Alarm Dehumidifier AL081 - Alarm zone 3 Dehumidifier AL086 - Alarm temparetura high health AL087 - High temperature solar panels AL089 - Alarm probes EEV driver AL090 - Alarm LowSH (low heat)
  • Página 38 AL055 - Compressor Threshold counter 2 AL030-1 probe failed to terminal room AL031-1 Offline terminal room zone 1 AL032-faulty sensor to the terminal room 2 Cancellation alarm history SUMMARY TABLE ALARMS Code Description Reset Cause Delay alarm AL001 Flow temperature sensor B1-side geo broken or disconnected AL002 Return temperature sensor B2 geo hand broken or disconnected AL003...
  • Página 39 Location: ID2 thermal compressor 1 AL016 Location: ID9 Thermal Compressor 2 AL017 Position: External Alarm pCOe ID1 AL018 Location: ID1-side flow geothermal well AL019 Imp. Heat pumps or research phase sequen- Location: ID4 Heat pumps / RCS AL020 Location: ID10 water flow system side AL021 Imp.
  • Página 40 AL066 High temperature water outlet zone 2 AL067 Low water temperature discharge zone 2 AL068 High temperature water outlet zone 3 AL069 Low water temperature discharge zone 3 AL070 Reached minimum humidity threshold zone 1 AL071 Reached maximum humidity threshold zone 1 AL072 Reached minimum humidity threshold zone 2 AL073...
  • Página 41 Lack heat output on the system side (control probes) (check VIC) AL099 off units Lack geothermal heat output side (control probes) (check VIC) AL100 AL101 Offline solar module AL102 Rapid configuration unfinished Press PRG to start AL103 Alarm exchange pump with manifold AL104 Pump alarm exchange with domestic hot water storage AL105...
  • Página 42 Tabella parametri supervisione SW multichiller 1.6 / Parameters table oversight multichiller SW 1.6 MULTICHILLER (ANALOG VARIABLE 129 = 0 = default value) Description A=Analogic D= Digital Read / Write BMS address In (Common Inlet water temperature read by multichiller Out (Common Outlet water temperature read by multichiller) Global Chiller Cooling Setpoint Global Chiller Heating Setpoint...
  • Página 43 Description A=Analogic D= Read / Write BMS address Digital Delay filter for request demand condition Delay between start next chiller Delay between shigh next chiller % Load Minimum % Load Chiller to start next % Load Chiller to shigh next Delay for setpoint reset before Off Delay for setpoint reset after Off Delay for setpoint reset before On...
  • Página 44 Chiller 9 On/Off Reset Allarm Chiller 1 Reset Allarm Chiller 2 Reset Allarm Chiller 3 Reset Allarm Chiller 4 Reset Allarm Chiller 5 Reset Allarm Chiller 6 Reset Allarm Chiller 7 Reset Allarm Chiller 8 Reset Allarm Chiller 9 Selection Load or Temperature Regulation type Chiller rotation Fixed 1 to 9 or By work hours Enable expansion (PCO3E) Enable Heat Pump Chiller...
  • Página 45 Only for NSB,WS Pf_Slave1 (0-100%) Only for NSB,WS Pf_Slave2 (0-100%) Only for NSB,WS Pf_Slave3 (0-100%) Only for NSB,WS Steps_active Master Only for RV NW Steps_active Slave 1 Only for RV NW Steps_active Slave 2 Only for RV NW Steps_active Slave 3 Only for RV NW Suction temperature TIA TW110 Not used...
  • Página 46 RA3 (Summary alarm C3) RA4 (Summary alarm C4) CP1 (State Compressor 1) CP2 (State Compressor 2) CP1A (or CP3) (State Compressor 3) CP2A (or CP4) (State Compressor 4) CP1B (State Compressor 1B) CP2B (State Compressor 2B) Alarm Flowswitch Alarm condensator pump Alarm evaporator pump Alarm low capacity Alarm compressor 1...
  • Página 47 Allarme sensor B9 Allarme sensor B10 Alarm Unit 1 Not connected Alarm Unit 2 Not connected Alarm Unit 3 Not connected Alarm Unit 4 Not connected Alarm oil pressure Alarm discharge temperature Alarm Condenser pressure Alarm lo pressure low Alarm sensor B11 Alarm sensor B12 Alarm expansion board Alarm antifreeze by digital input...
  • Página 48 Alarm GeneratorMode Alarm SCRPhase Alarm Inverter Temp (Prealarm) Alarm Discharge temp Alarm Suction pressure Alarm Discharge pressure Alarm Phase current Alarm Cavity temp Alarm Leaving water Alarm Compressor ratio Alarm Bearing Motor Alarm SCR temp Alarm Calibration Alarm Startup Alarm Axial disp. Alarm Axial load Alarm Fraddispx Description...
  • Página 49 Alarm GeneratorMode Alarm SCRPhase Alarm Inverter Temp (Prealarm) Alarm Discharge temp Alarm Suction pressure Alarm Discharge pressure Alarm Phase current Alarm Cavity temp Alarm Leaving water Alarm Compressor ratio Alarm Bearing Motor Alarm SCR temp Alarm Calibration Alarm Startup Alarm Axial disp. Alarm Axial load Alarm Fraddispx Description...
  • Página 52 Via Roma, 996 - Tel. (+39) 0442 633111 Telefax (+39) 0442 93730 - (+39) 0442 93566 I dati tecnici riportati sulla seguente documentazione non sono www.aermec.com impegnativi. L'Aermec si riserva la facoltà di apportare in qualsiasi momento tutte le modifiche ritenute necessarie per il miglioramento del prodotto...