3. Hardware Installation
Connect the bundled power supply to the power connection on the back of the C54BRS4A and to a free
wall power outlet. The Power LED of the C54BRS4A will turn on.
3.1 WAN Connection
Use a LAN Cable to connect the C54BRS4A to your Broadband Gateway (Cable Modem, DSL Modem, Fiber
Gateway, etc.)
The WAN LED on the front side of the C54BRS4A will turn on.
If the WAN LED on the front side does not turn on, make sure that:
- The C54BRS4A is powered (the Power LED should burn).
- The Broadband Gateway is turned on.
- The LAN cable between both devices is connected correctly.
3.2 LAN / Wireless LAN Connection
For LAN Cable Users:
Connect the LAN Cable to 1 of the 4 LAN ports on the back panel of the C54BRS4A and to the Network
Card in your computer.
The LAN LED of the used LAN port will turn on, indicating that the computer is connected. (Your LAN
Connection must be enabled and your computer turned ON).
For Wireless Users:
Almost every brand/type Wireless Card uses a different Client application. Please check the manual of
your Wireless Card for information how to create a connection with a Wireless Network.
The example below is using the standard Microsoft Wireless Client, which is integrated in Windows XP with
Service Pack 2.
Right click the Wireless
Network Icon in your System
tray and select "View
Available Wireless