SuperMaster controller allows setting the operation mode simultaneously of the Airzone zoning
systems it is connected to.
Operation mode can be set either manually or automatically:
Manual selection: Set the operation mode manually according to which it is needed in
each moment.
Automatic selection: You can time program the controller to weekly and automatically
set the operation mode.
Other functionalities are:
Broadcast activation: Same to those time programming for operation-mode, you can
schedule an activation (set to On) for every zone of every system connected setting a
set-point temperature.
Operation mode repetition: Gets the operation mode set in one system (the system
with ID set to one) and set on every other system connected to the controller.
Temperature range configuration: Modify the temperature-range individually for
heating and cooling. This functionality allows higher energy efficiency.
Communication error indication: In case some communication error occurs, the
controller will prompt them.
3.1. Previous recomendations
To start the installation of a SuperMaster controller, previously some actions must be done:
Complete the installation and commissioning of every system to which controller is
Assign to each system a different system ID. See system configuration manual to do so.
Connect every system in series using the domotic connector, if present the Production unit
controller AZXCCPC, and the SuperMaster controller.
Once every previous step done, do sequentially as follows to complete the assemble,
connection and configuration of the installation.