Sera Professional UVC-Xtreme 800 Manual De Instrucciones página 15

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 38
Parts overview
a ast
e or va ve
e or va ve
va ves ith sea rin s
va ves ith sea rin s
or va ve
or va ve
or va ve
Suction um
ith attached arts
nverter or inte rated
indicator am on circuit oard ith
soc et ith ca e
ham er cover or um
unnin unit ith ront earin
S eeve or sha t earin
or runnin unit
astic scre s or ront earin
rotection ma netic contact
an e ieces um suction side
tu e ith union nut
S on e ith rid es
ma am
i s sma or fi ter head
i s ar e or fi ter canister
ccessories o
ccessories o
ontro circuit oard ith
ontro circuit oard ith
i ter head scre
i ter head sea
ass c inder ith sea s
i ter media as et sea
i ter media as et
sera crystal clear Professional
sera siporax Professional
u in
u in
General function description
1. Motor:
he entire fi ter as e as the um
ated ith a
a ast
di erent settin s he ater o rate throu h the fi ter o course de ends
on ho the as ets are fi ed ith fi ter materia
the more ater o is s o ed do n
a ers on the fi ter materia s are the more the o
n case o a sin in
o rate the fi ter materia shou d there ore e c eaned
as to reinstate the revious o rate
amount o
iofi m a ers
hich ma stron
2. Rotor (3, 4.1 – 4.7):
he rotor is h drod namica
ou first need to remove the t o
inta e c inder and motor cham er to et access to the runnin unit
hese t o an e ieces are on
e se arated rom the
he motor cover or um
a onet
he rotor is no e
remove them
he rotor shou d e ree
this is not the case ou shou d chec the ac ma netic art
o the runnin unit
are u
unscre the t o hite astic scre s
nin unit then care u
ta e out the rotor ith its ho der ate and sha t
he ac star sha ed
earin can e removed
ith a air o t ee ers i required
nsure correct ositionin o the
has a s that fit in noses on the casin in the ront and ac
a e sure the rotor is ree rotata e e ore assem in the um cham-
er hen ut the um cham er id on and ma e the ush on connection
to the
means o the t o
each other
3 ater ow through the filter
ater o s throu h the fi ter media as ets
do n ards
ater o in into the fi ter is directed into the fi ter throu h the
inta e va ve and ets on the fi ter media in the u
is equi
ith a s on e
he as ets underneath can e fi ed or instance
with sera siporax Professional
u soc et
u soc ets
u soc ets
S are art
ui t into the e terna fi ter are o er-
he o vo ta e motor a o s or
he finer the fi ter materia
he stron er io enic or articu ar
er ormance is reduced
oses can a so ear a considera e
reduce the o rate
o timi ed and rovides a s ecia noise
an e ieces
et een
ushed into each other and can
t istin a ainst the motor no
can e ta en o
turnin it
osed ree
n case o de osits ou can
and easi
or removin the run-
ith the centra
earin durin assem
an e ieces c ic a e into
ermost as et
ith rid es
and sera crystal clear
ter the ater has o n throu h
the ast as et it is dra n to the
ere the mechanica
the stron
and the aquarium throu h the
4. Function of the electric suction pump (6.1 – 6.6):
er amounts o air are ocated in the canister o the fi ter and the fi ter
media es ecia
needs to e removed in order to ma e the fi ter unction correct and
a e sure that the fi ter vo ume is fi ed ith ater
thirds and ut the fi ter head on
rin is seated correct
o reconnect the va ves ith their attached hoses to the fi ter head and
o en the va ve ta s
via the a ast and its u connector
a ast into the mains soc et he motor i start runnin
e on the contro ane
suction um
the fi ter head and e
i sto a ter it has run or a out
motor i restart
a ove the motor into the aquarium his rocess can e re eated severa
times i required even durin the o erationa hase o the fi ter
see the
suction um
er ormance settin a ter havin finished the suction um action and
ress the air throu h the out et hose
an time
er ormance settin in case ent o air is tra
or the um to ress the air out
desired a ter ards
underneath the fi ter head and are continuous removed throu h a hose
at the motor um cham er
5. Function of the UV-C system:
om ared to other
sta i i ed er ormance over the t
et een
etter distri ution and densit o meta steam and corres ondin
constant e ectric u throu h the ama am am
there ore reaches an overa hi her emission er ormance
turn rovides a hi her otentia or irradiatin
S itchin it on and o dai shou d e avoided as it does not ma e much
sense considerin the com at o quic
in on the s itchin c c es the i e e
am is et een one and t o ears
ears as to ensure its u
ro en fi ament or simi ar the ue
fi ter i a so turn o
ossi e
e terna fi ters
Step 1 Filling with filter media
ease fi
our fi ter ith the o o in fi tration media rom to to ottom
– Sponge
artic es
– sera crystal clear Professional
in the
finest artic es
– iofilter material e
rotata e
io o ica fi ter er ormance
his order o fi ter media increases the runnin time et een c eanin
o the fi ter
he ar er the amount o
ra hite
fi ter er ormance o the fi ter
fi ter media as ets
ria the
earin s
at the ma imum
other fi ter media such as active car on or a sor ents can e used
tem orari
Step 2: Positioning
ace the fi ter so it stands sa e
rom the to
connection o the hoses
su ficient reedom or ositionin the fi ter underneath or eside the
and io o ica
ama am am and directed into the motor cham er
out et va ve
in case o a ne setu or a ter c eanin the fi ter
and oc the head to the canister
a e the e ectric connection to the fi ter head
he motor i sto immediate
i no
e in dra in air tra
e it throu h the
he air is then ressed out o the hose and
s o the contro
ane i htin one a ter the other durin the
he motor
i return to the revious chosen
ou can sto suction um action
a ain
ou shou d choose a hi her motor
ou can reduce the er ormance as
he ases re eased durin fi ter o eration ather
am s an ama am
ica o erationa tem erature ran e
he s ecia
he am shou d e o erated ermanent
mu ti
he am shou d e chan ed a ter
unction Shou d the am
e recommend e chan in the am as soon as
use sera
ama am re acement am s or these
rofi e acin u
ards his materia ho ds ac coarse
sera siporax Professional
io o ica fi tration materia the hi her the io-
one o
hich can e used or iofi ter mate-
e terna fi ter has fi ter media as ets
o them can e used or iofi ter materia
he connectors are rotata e
hese are
unit throu h the centra duct
re c eaned ater is irradiated
a out t o
ease ma e sure the head sea
and u the mains u o the
ress the
and the
ed out rom underneath
he suction
seconds and the fi ter um
ou i
his ma es it easier
am has a etter
do ed am ensures
hich in re-
atho ens and a ae in
or est resu ts
atho ens
e end-
ectanc o the ama am
ai due to a
indicator am on the to o the
his fi ter materia ho ds ac
or hi hest
e terna fi ter has
and does not am i
vi ra-
and a o
or eas
on and a o

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