Enlaces rápidos

This Hardware Installation Guide provides a brief description of the hardware
installation of the print server. It contains the following information:
Scope of Supply
Safety Regulations
Print Server Controls and Technical Data
Mounting the Print Server
Information and Hotline
To obtain additional information about your print server, please refer to the
documentation on the product CD. Should you have any further questions, please
contact our support hotline.
Monday - Thursday
+49 (0)521 94226-44
Hardware Installation Guide
Print Server
Hardware Installation Guide
8:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. and
8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. (CET)

Resumen de contenidos para SEH PS1109

  • Página 1 Print Server PS1109 Hardware Installation Guide Overview This Hardware Installation Guide provides a brief description of the hardware installation of the print server. It contains the following information: Scope of Supply Safety Regulations Print Server Controls and Technical Data Mounting the Print Server...
  • Página 2: Scope Of Supply

    - Installation Manuals (The pdf files provide a detailed description of the software installation under each of the supported operating systems.) - InterCon-NetTool (Administration tool), - SEH Printer Wizard (Printer Installation Wizard), - SEH Print Monitor, - SEH Private-MIB, - Adobe Reader...
  • Página 3: Safety Regulations

    Safety Regulations English (en) Print servers are network interfaces for printers in office environments and are designed for the direct integration of printers into networks. Before starting the initial operation procedure of your device, please note the following safety regulations: •...
  • Página 4 • Lisez attentivement la documentation et assurez-vous que votre système satisfait bien toutes les exigences mentionnées. • Evitez le contact avec l'humidité ou avec le liquide. • Le périphérique doit être connecté et exploité uniquement en parfait état de fonctionnement. •...
  • Página 5 • Non collegare linee telefoniche al connettore RJ-45. Tutti i connettori RJ-45 devono essere collegati solo con tensioni SELV. Per il collegamento al connettore RJ-45, utilizzare esclusivamente cavi S/UTP (categoria 5 o meglio). La schermatura al connettore deve essere fissata in piano. •...
  • Página 6 Printservere er netværksgrænseflader til printere i kontormiljøer og bruges til at integrere printere direkte i netværk. Inden De tager Deres apparatet i brug, skal De være opmærksom på følgende sikkerhedsforskrifter: • Læs det tilhørende skriftlige materiale, og kontroller, at Deres system opfylder de angivne krav.
  • Página 7 • Voor het uitpakken moeten maatregelen worden getroffen om te voorkomen dat het apparaat beschadigingen oploopt door elektrostatische ontlading. • Verbind geen telefoonleidingen met de RJ-45-stekker. Hierop mag uitsluitend extra lage spanning (SELV, safety extra-low voltage) worden aangesloten. Gebruik voor de aansluiting op de RJ-45-stekker uitsluitend S/UTP-kabels (categorie 5 of hoger).
  • Página 8 • Zariadenie tlaèového servera sa nesmie prevádzkovat’ mimo tlačiarne. Eesti (ee) Printserverid on võrguliidesed bürooprinterite jaoks ning nende ülesandeks on printerite otsene ühendamine võrku. Lugege enne seadme kasutuselevõtmist läbi järgnevad ohutusjuhised: • Lugege dokumentatsioon läbi ning kontrollige, kas Teie süsteem vastab loetletud nõuetele.
  • Página 9 Printera serveri ir tīkla saskarnes printeriem biroju apkārtnē un tie kalpo tiešai printeru ieslēgšanai tīklos. Pirms uzsākt iekārtas ekspluatāciju, lūdzam iepazīties ar sekojošiem drošības noteikumiem: • Iepazīstieties ar dokumentāciju un pārliecinieties, ka Jūsu sistēma atbilst minētajām prasībām. • Iekārta nedrīkst nonākt saskarē ar mitrumu vai šķidrumu. •...
  • Página 10 Przez rozpakowaniem należy przedsięwziąć odpowiednie środki, aby uniknąć • uszkodzeń spowodowanych wyładowaniami elektrostatycznymi. • Do wtyczek RJ-45 nie należy podłączać przewodów telefonicznych. Można podłączać do nich wyłącznie bezpieczne, niskie napięcie. Do podłączania do wtyczki RJ-45 należy używać wyłącznie kabli S/UTP (kategoria 5 lub lepsza). Ekran kabla i ekran wtyczki muszą...
  • Página 11 Il-print servers huma interfaces ta' netwerk ghall-printers f'uffiććju u huma ddisinjati ghall- integrazzjoni diretta ta' printers ma' netwerks. Qabel ma tibda bil-proćedura inizjali ta' thaddim ta' l-apparat tieghek, jekk joghgbok hu nota tar-regolamenti ta' sigurtŕ li gejjin: • Aqra d-dokumentazzjoni u aghmel ćert li s-sistema tieghek tissodisfa l-htigijiet elenkati fiha.
  • Página 12 • Înainte de scoaterea din ambalaj, întreprindeţi măsurile necesare pentru a evita deteriorarea prin descărcări electrostatice. • Nu conectaţi fire de telefon la fişa RJ-45. La aceasta este permisă numai conectarea tensiunilor de siguranţă scăzute. Pentru conectarea la fişa RJ-45, utilizaţi numai cablul S/UTP (categoria 5 sau superioară).
  • Página 13 Print Server Controls and Technical Data 1) RJ-45 connector for 1000BaseT, 100BaseTX and 10BaseT 2) Link indicator LED (green): The LED lights up when a (physical) connection to the network is available. 3) Network activity LED (yellow): The LED lights up when data packets are being received.
  • Página 14 Mounting the Print Server The print server is a so-called slot card that is simply inserted into the provided slot. Use KUIO 3,3 Volt Interfaces ONLY! For more information, please consult your retailer. THE USE OF A 5 VOLT INTERFACE WILL DAMAGE YOUR PRINT SERVER! Prepare the printer Proceed as follows:...
  • Página 15: Connect The Print Server

    Connect the print server Proceed as follows: 1. Connect the network cable to the print server. 2. Connect the printer's power cord to the printer. 3. Turn the printer on. 4. Press the status button of the print server in order to print out a status page.
  • Página 16 Notification EC - Class B Hardware Installation Guide...
  • Página 17 FCC - Class A Hardware Installation Guide...
  • Página 18 Hardware Installation Guide...
  • Página 19 Hardware Installation Guide...
  • Página 20 © 2007 SEH Computertechnik GmbH All trademarks, registered trademarks, logos and product names are property of their respective owners. This product uses ’Open Source Software’ . For further information, please contact http://www.seh.de. The product documentation gives you valuable information about your product.