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PleAse reAd these InstruCtIOns COmPletely
beFOre OPerAtInG the eCOsmArt™ FIre.
49.6kg, 109lbs
66.5kgs, 146.2lbs
If the InformatIon In thIs manual Is not followed exactly, a fIre or explosIon
may result causIng property damage, personal Injury or loss of lIfe.
41.6kgs, 91.4lbs
69.6kg, 153lbs
52.6kgs, 115.6bs
35.6kgs, 78.2lbs
e-nrG bioethanol is the
Only fuel to be used in
this appliance.
57.6kg, 126.6lbs

Resumen de contenidos para EcoSmart Fire Aspect

  • Página 1 AND INStAllAtIoN MANUAl PleAse reAd these InstruCtIOns COmPletely beFOre OPerAtInG the eCOsmArt™ FIre. DeSIGNeR fIReplAceS Fusion Ghost Igloo Aspect Cube 52.6kgs, 115.6bs 35.6kgs, 78.2lbs 57.6kg, 126.6lbs 49.6kg, 109lbs 41.6kgs, 91.4lbs Oxygen Vision 66.5kgs, 146.2lbs 69.6kg, 153lbs e-nrG bioethanol is the Only fuel to be used in this appliance.
  • Página 2 Bitte lesen Sie diese Anweisungen vor Veuillez lire ces instructions dans leur before operating the ecoSmart™ fire. Inbetriebnahme des ecoSmart fire intégralité avant de faire fonctionner le vollständig durch. système EcoSmart™ Fire. ces modèles sont adaptés à une utilisation these models are suitable for indoor use only.
  • Página 3 Preste toda la atención al Aspect, cube, oxygen posicionamiento de la chimenea lejos de 对于侧面和/或顶部没有额外的要求。 モデルAspect / Cube / Oxygen cosas que puedan moverse como resultado 側面および (または) 上方の離隔距離について、 上 del viento o corrientes. Por ejemplo árboles/ Igloo, Ghost 記以外の要件は特にあ...
  • Página 4 Installation des ecoSmart™ fire zu ecoSmart™ fire doit être installé dans gewährleisten. une position solidement ancrée en utilisant ASpect, cUBe, oxyGeN les pièces fournies et en suivant les ASpect, cUBe, oxyGeN instructions suivantes. Drywall/plasterboard - concrete/Brick Trockene Mauer/Gipskartonwand –...
  • Página 5 【警告】 転倒の危険 : 以下の指示を守り、 安全に AteNcIÓN: Siga estas instrucciones para 警告:倾斜的危险。要遵守有关安装消防安全 取り付けてください。 instalar su chimenea con seguridad. 说明 モデル ASpect, cUBe, oxyGeN ASpect, cUBe, oxyGeN ASpect, cUBe, oxyGeN escayola/pladur - cemento/ladrillos 乾式壁/石膏ボード、 コンクリート/レンガ 干墙/石膏板 -混凝土/砖石 Equipamiento requerido: lápiz, 必要な道具 : 鉛筆、 プラスドライバー、 ハンマー、...
  • Página 6 enGlIsh deutsCh FrAnÇAIs Designer fireplaces Designer feuerstellen Installation pour les Installation Installation cheminées de créateurs GHoSt GHoSt GHoSt Equipment required: Erforderliches Werkzeug: Matériel nécessaire: Bauholz/Holz: Bleistift, Surface bois: crayon à papier, tournevis Timber/Wood: pencil, short philips head Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher mit kurzem Griff, cruciforme à...
  • Página 7 中文 日本語 esPAÑOl Instalación - Designer Fireplaces 独立式壁炉安装 Gama De Diseño 取付 モデルGhost GHoSt GHoSt 必要な道具 : Equipo requerido: 所需设备: 木材表面の場合 : 鉛筆, 柄の短いプラスドライバー、 Madera: Lápiz, atornillador punta phillips, ドリル、 パイロットド 木材/木制:铅笔,短手柄十字螺丝刀,钻头和 リル用ビット taladro. 定心钻头。 Cemento/Piedra: Lápiz, atornillador punta 混凝土/石材:铅笔,短手柄十字螺丝刀,锤 コンクリート/石材表面の場合...
  • Página 8 enGlIsh deutsCh FrAnÇAIs Designer fireplaces Designer feuerstellen Installation pour les Installation Installation cheminées de créateurs VISIoN, fUSIoN VISIoN, fUSIoN VISIoN, fUSIoN Note: The Vision/Fusion is heavy - you will need two Hinweis: Das Modell Vision/Fusion ist schwer. Remarque: le modèle Vision/Fusion est lourd, deux (2) people to perform this procedure.
  • Página 9 中文 日本語 esPAÑOl Instalación - Designer Fireplaces 独立式壁炉安装 Gama De Diseño 取付 モデルVision / Fusion VISIoN, fUSIoN VISIoN, fUSIoN 備考 : モデルVision / Fusion は重いので、 2 人で取り Nota: La chimenea Vision/Fusion es pesada - 注:Vision和Fusion非常沉重 – 需要两(2)个人 付けを行ってください。 Necesitará dos (2) personas para llevar a cabo este 来操作。...
  • Página 10 showrooms 3 & 4, 40-42 O’riordan street Alexandria nsW 2015 Australia Tel: +61 2 9997 3050 Email: [email protected] reV050716...
  • Página 11: Care And Maintenance

    Use a soft, damp cloth to Cleaning wipe away any remaining residue. The solid surface surrounds of your EcoSmart Fire can be cleaned using mild soap and warm water with a soft cloth. Dry out completely before re-using the appliance.
  • Página 12 When using an EcoSmart Fire Burner: Safety Spout If you are an owner of an authentic EcoSmart Fire, you would have received a Jerry Can with an attached Safety Spout as part of the standard operating accessories. An Adapter is available to connect the Safety Spout to the e-NRG bottle which eliminates the need to decant the fuel from the bottle into the Jerry Can.
  • Página 13 Safety Data Sheet Section 1. IDENTIFICATION Continue rinsing. Product Name: e-NRG If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Product Code: 00101 If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. SDS Date: July 22, 2016 Call a poison center/doctor is you feel unwell. EcoSmart Inc.
  • Página 14 Safety Data Sheet emit carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and/or low molecular weight recommended as minimum protection in industrial settings. hydrocarbons. Hand Protection: Butyl rubber gloves. Body: Avoid skin contact. If product comes in contact with clothing, Fire Fighting Equipment/Instructions: Wear protective clothing and immediately remove soaked clothing and shower.
  • Página 15 Safety Data Sheet Teratogenic Effects: Not Available. Identification No.: UN1993 Packing Group: II Developmental Toxicity: Ethyl alcohol is a developmental toxin when Label: Flammable Liquid consumed during pregnancy. Target Organs: When consumed, ethyl alcohol can target the respiratory Section 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION system, skin, eyes, CNS, liver, blood, and reproductive system.

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