ELCART VICTORY Manual De Instrucciones página 2

1. Svitare e rimuovere la vite posta sulla calotta posteriore del
metallica esterna e sollevare quindi la calotta superiore.
2. Rimuovere la pila esaurita .
3. Inserire la nuova pila Litio tipo CR2032 da 3V,facendo attenzione a rispettare le
ART. 11/10207
do avvitando la vite nell'alloggiamento previsto.
Il radiocomando VICTORY è conforme alla normativa CE e alla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
4-channel Universal auto-learning RF Remote Control for open gate
VICTORY is a universal remote to replace any brand of gate-opening remote control opera-
"rolling codes").
Extremely compact, VICTORY can store up to 4 codes at the same time and reproduce them
in a wide operating radius.
A) How to memorize the original code
a. Choose one of the 4 keys on the VICTORY where you want to reproduce the function of
the original remote.
b. Press this key along with any of the other 3 keys available on the VICTORY and keep
selected key pressed.
d. While holding the 2 remote controls next to each other (at a maximum distance of
5cm), press the key you want to duplicate on the original remote. Within a few seconds
release the keys of both remotes.
e. The VICTORY remote is ready for use.
Rolling Codes Test . If during the acquisition phase the Led is rapidly blinking, this me-
ans that the original remote control is a "Rolling-code" type and therefore the VICTORY
is not able to duplicate it.
For each available device key, and thus for each device to be commanded, you must repeat
the operation.
NOTE: make sure that you memorize the codes in an area free of electromagnetic distur-
bances (for example, cellular phones, two-way radios, etc.).
B) What to do if the code is not memorized or if the remote does not perform the
desired function
If the code is not memorized correctly (after a few seconds the Led turns off or remains
on, but not blinking)
in rolling codes test)
2. Check that the original remote works properly
3. Check that the batteries of both remotes are charged and inserted correctly
4. Check that the distance between the remotes during the memorization phase is correct
And then, if after repeating the operations described in paragraph A, the code is still not
memorized: hold the two remotes as close to each other as possible, and try changing
their position in relation to each other from front to back and side to side repeating the
operations described in paragraph A each time
perform the desired function, in addition to checking points 1 through 4, make sure that the
code has been memorized on the key you are pressing.
Battery replacement (1 CR2032 3V Lithium )
1. Unscrew and remove the screws on the back cover of VICTORY, remove the outer metal
part and then raise the upper cover
2. Remove the dead battery
3. Insert the new lithium battery type CR2032 3V
ning the screw on the provided slot.
VICTORY complies with EC regulations and Council Directive 1999/5/EC.
ELCART DISTRIBUTION SPA via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 46 - 20093 Cologno Monzese (Milano) ITALY
Tel. ++39 02.25117310 Fax ++39 02.25117610 sito internet: www.elcart.com
La divulgazione dei dati contenuti in questa scheda è da ritenersi un servizio puramente informativo e non costituisce alcun vincolo da parte della Elcart in merito a prestazioni ed utilizzo del prodotto.
The divulgation of data contained on this technical sheet are exclusively for informational reasons and establish no link on behalf of Elcart regard to thr performances and the usa of the product.
La divulgacion de los datos contenidos en esta ficha son un servicio unicamente informativo y no constituyen ningun vinculo de parte de Elcart respecto a las prestaciones y uso del producto.
richiudere il radiocoman-
Manuale di istruzioni/Scheda tecnica
z/868,92MHz (except for
, while keeping the
ition;when this happens,
3. Introducir las nuevas pilas de
las polaridades.
cerrar el control remoto ator
El mando a distancia VICTORY cu
Radio-télécommande universel
La radiocommande universelle
d'ouverture de barrières, porta
De très petite taille, VICTORY o
codes différents et de les reprod
A) Comment mémoriser le cod
1. Etablir laquelle des 4 touche
ment de la radiocommande d
2. Appuyez simultanément sur
VICTORY et ce jusqu'à ce qu
3. Relâchez immédiatement la
maintenez appuyée la touch
4. Positionnez les deux radioco
cm), appuyez sur la touche d
du code ; relâchez les touch
5. La radiocommande VICTORY
6. Rolling Codes Test. Si, duran
tournant" (ou Rolling code) e
Pour chaque touche de sélection
renouveler l'opération
NOTE: faire bien attention à ce
de toute perturbation due à des
radio réceptrice/émettrice, etc...
B) Que faire si l'acquisition du
n'effectue pas la fonction souh
Si l'acquisition du code ne se pro
l'acquisition du code ne se produ
ments brefs) ou que la radiocom
que la radiocommand
Code» ( point 6- Rolling Code
le bon fonctionnemen
3. S'assurer que les piles des d
que la distance entre
tion est bien correcte.
Et si en répétant à nouveau les o
produit toujours pas: rapprocher
éventuellement de varier la posi
répétant à chaque fois les opéra
Si le code a été acquis correctem
s'assurer que le code acquis a bi
C) Remplacement de pile (1 L
1. Dévisser et enlever la vis sit
métal, puis soulever le couve
2. Retirez la piles dé chargé.
3. Insérez la nouvelle pile au Li
la polarité.
télécommande en serrant la
La radiocommande VICTORY est