Thank you for choosing a sterilizer from the IAM series.
Our equipment has been designed to provide long term, reliable service.
The sterilizer in the IAM series has been designed to enable fast, easy installation.
Its design also enables easy maintenance.
Please read these instructions carefully in order to ensure optimal operating
conditions for your bactericide unit.
WARNINGS AND SAFETY ........................................................................................... 6
C. STARTING UP................................................................................................................. 8
CHANGING LAMPS ...................................................................................................... 9
REMOVING QUARTZ TUBES................................................................................... 10
H. MANUAL OF THE MONITOR BIO-UV MIII .......................................................... 12
PROBLEMS / SOLUTIONS ......................................................................................... 15
ANNEX 1: Clearance dimensions - Blown up view - Designation
ANNEX 2: Electrical diagrams
Notice V3 IAM Anglais.doc
Registered Brand, Models and patents - exclusive products
Copyright BIO-UV
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