To guarantee the best possible t of the RhizoLoc, it is essential
to check whether the product is adequately shaped and whether
it needs to be anatomically reshaped by a specialist
trained specialist may carry out the (initial) tting of the
orthosis and provide instruction.
The sewn-in label of the RhizoLoc, which contains information
on the product name, size, manufacturer, washing instructions
and CE certi cation, is located on Rhizobic outside of the wrist
Use in combination with other products, e. g. as part of
compression treatment (arm stockings), must be discussed
beforehand with your physician.
Should you notice any unusual changes (e.g. increased
symptoms), please contact your physician without delay. No
product liability is accepted in the event of improper use.
Avoid the use of ointments, lotions or any substances including
grease or acids. Do not make any alterations to the product.
Failure to comply with this requirement may adversely affect
product performance, thereby voiding any product liability.
Side effects involving the body as a whole have not been
reported to date. Correct tting is assumed.
Do not put the RhizoLoc on too tightly as this could lead to local
pressure symptoms. In rare cases, constriction of blood vessels
and nerves may occur. If this happens, loosen the straps of the
RhizoLoc and, if necessary, check the size of your RhizoLoc.
A specialist is any person who is authorized according to the state regulations
for tting and instruction in the use of orthoses which are relevant to you.
Hypersensitivity reactions harmful to health have not been
. Only a
reported to date. In the following conditions such aids should
only be tted and worn after consultation with your physician:
• skin disorders/injuries in the relevant part of the body,
particularly if in ammation is present. Likewise, any raised
scars with swelling, redness and excessive heat build-up
• impaired sensation and circulatory disorders of the arm/
hand (e.g. diabetes mellitus)
• impaired lymph drainage, including soft tissue swellings of
uncertain origin located away from the tted support
Application instructions
Putting on the RhizoLoc
A - wrist strap, B - thumb strap,
C - thumb tab
Open the two Velcro straps on the RhizoLoc. Loosen the
straps without pulling them out of the guide.
RhizoLoc on the affected thumb. To do this, guide your hand
through the bottom wrist strap and your thumb through the top
thumb strap.
strap by closing the Velcro at the side next to the thumb tab.
Following consultation with your physician, you can use the
thumb tab to adjust the level of stabilization of the thumb basal
joint depending on the phase of your treatment.
Application instructions
Taking off the RhizoLoc
Open the thumb and wrist straps. Guide your hand downward out
of the RhizoLoc.
Cleaning instructions
Note: Never expose the RhizoLoc to direct heat (e.g. heaters,
sunlight, in your car, etc.)! This may damage the material, which
can impair the effectiveness of the RhizoLoc.
Close the wrist strap. Then close the thumb
Put the