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ITM. / ART. 2621064
No Jumping
Shallow Water
Refer to the item name or number stated on the packaging.
Packaging must be read carefully and kept for future reference.
Failure to follow these warnings and instructions
can result in serious injury or death to users,
especially children.
Prevent Drowning
Electrocution Risk
Children under 5,
Keep all electrical lines,
especially toddlers are at
radios, speakers, and
highest risk of drowning.
other electrical devices
Closely watch children
away from pool.
who are in or near this
Do not place pool near
pool. Empty pool or
or under overhead
prevent access when not
electrical lines.
in use.
Prevent Young Children From Drowning:
Install fencing or approved barrier around all sides of pool.
State or local laws or codes may require fencing or other approved
Check state or local laws and codes before setting up pool.
Drowning occurs silently and quickly. Assign an adult to supervise pool
and wear provided water watcher tag.
Keep children in your direct sight when they are in or near pool and
when you are filling and emptying pool.
When searching for a missing child, check pool first, even if you think
your child is in the house.
Pool presents a drowning hazard even during filling and draining of the
pool. Maintain constant supervision of children and do not remove any
safety barriers until the pool is completely empty and stowed away.
Refer to the list of barrier recommendations and guidelines as
described in CPSC Publication No.362.
Assign an adult to be responsible for watching children in the pool.
Give this person a "water watcher" tag and ask that they wear it the
entire time they are in charge of supervising children in the pool. If they
need to leave for any reason, ask this person to pass the "water
watcher" tag and the supervision responsibility to another adult.
Prevent Young Children From Gaining
Access to Pool:
Remove pool ladders before leaving pool. Toddlers can climb ladder
and get into pool.
Position furniture away from pool so that children cannot climb and
gain access to pool.
When leaving pool, remove floats and toys from pool that might attract
a child.
Be Prepared to Respond to an Emergency:
Keep a working phone and list of emergency numbers near pool.
Become certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) so you can
respond to an emergency.
No Diving
Shallow Water
No Diving
You can break your
neck and be
Diving Risk:
Do not dive into the pool. Diving into shallow water can result in a
broken neck, paralysis, or death.
Electrocution Risk:
Keep all electrical lines, radios, speakers and other electrical
appliances away from the pool.
Do not place pool near or under overhead electrical lines.
Safety Barrier Guidelines for Residential
Swimming Pool
Section I: Outdoor swimming pool
An outdoor swimming pool, including an inground, aboveground, or
onground pool, hot tub, or spa, should be provided with a barrier which
complies with the following:
1. The top of the barrier should be at least 122 cm (48 in) above
grade measured on the side of the barrier which faces away from
the swimming pool. The maximum vertical clearance between
grade and the bottom of the barrier should be
10 cm (4 in) measured on the side of the barrier which faces away
from the swimming pool. Where the top of the pool structure is
above grade, such as an aboveground pool, the barrier may be at
ground level, such as the pool structure, or mounted on top of the
pool structure. Where the barrier is mounted on top of the pool
structure, the maximum vertical clearance between the top of the
pool structure and the bottom of the barrier should be 10 cm (4 in).
2. Openings in the barrier should not allow passage of a
10 cm (4 in) diameter sphere.
3. Solid barriers, which do not have openings, such as a masonry or
stone wall, should not contain indentations or protrusions except
for normal construction tolerances and tooled masonry joints.
4. Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and vertical members
and the distance between the tops of the horizontal members is
less than 114 cm (45 in), the horizontal members should be located
on the swimming pool side of the fence. Spacing between vertical
members should not exceed 4.4 cm (1-3/4 in) in width. Where
there are decorative cutouts, spacing within the cutouts should not
exceed 4.4 cm (1-3/4 in) in width.
5. Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and vertical members
and the distance between the tops of the horizontal members is
114 cm (45 in) or more, spacing between vertical members should
not exceed 10 cm (4 in). Where there are decorative cutouts,
spacing within the cutouts should not exceed 4.4 cm (1-3/4 in) in
6. Maximum mesh size for chain link fences should not exceed
4.4 cm (1-3/4 in) square unless the fence is provided with slats
fastened at the top or the bottom which reduce the openings to no
more than 4.4 cm (1-3/4 in).
7. Where the barrier is composed of diagonal members, such as a
lattice fence, the maximum opening formed by the diagonal
members should be no more than 4.4 cm (1-3/4 in).
8. Access gates to the pool should comply with Section I, Paragraphs
1 through 7, and should be equipped to accommodate a locking
device. Pedestrian access gates should open outward, away from
the pool, and should be self-closing and have a self-latching
device. Gates other than pedestrian access gates should have a
self-latching device. Where the release mechanism of the
self-latching device is located less than 137 cm (54 in) from the
bottom of the gate, (a) the release mechanism should be located
on the pool side of the gate at least 7.5 cm (3 in) below the top of
the gate and (b) the gate and barrier should have no opening
greater than 1.3 cm (1/2 in) within 45.7 cm (18 in) of the release
9. Where a wall of a dwelling serves as part of the barrier, one of the
following should apply:
(a) All doors with direct access to the pool through that wall should
be equipped with an alarm which produces an audible warning
when the door and its screen, if present, are opened. The alarm
should sound continuously for a minimum of 30 seconds within
7 seconds after the door is opened. Alarms should meet the
requirements of UL2017 General-Purpose Signaling Devices
and Systems, Section 77. The alarm should have a minimum
sound pressure rating of 85 dBA at 305 cm (10 ft) and the
sound of the alarm should be distinctive from other household
sounds, such as smoke alarms, telephones, and door bells.
The alarm should automatically reset under all conditions. The
alarm should be equipped with manual means, such as
touchpads or switches, to temporarily deactivate the alarm for a
single opening of the door from either direction. Such
deactivation should last for no more than 15 seconds. The
deactivation touchpads or switches should be located at least
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Bestway 2621064

  • Página 1 ITM. / ART. 2621064 Diving Risk: OWNER’S MANUAL Do not dive into the pool. Diving into shallow water can result in a broken neck, paralysis, or death. FAST SET POOL Electrocution Risk: Keep all electrical lines, radios, speakers and other electrical appliances away from the pool.
  • Página 2 Connector Barriers should be located so as to prohibit permanent structures, equipment or similar objects from being used to climb the barriers. Item Number: 2621064 Installation usually takes approximately 10 minutes with 2-3 people Water Valve excluding earthworks and filling.
  • Página 3 IMPORTANT: Don't use granulate tablets or throw the tablet directly in the water. The chemicals can deposit on the bottom, damage the material and discolor the PVC. Using chemical liquid (not included): IMPORTANT: Add chemical liquid in small doses and in the center of the pool to avoid direct contact between the chemicals and the PVC surface.
  • Página 4 使用手冊 作好回應緊急事故的準備: 在靠近泳池處擺放一支可使用的電話以及緊急電話號碼清單。 成為心肺復甦術(CPR)認證合格者,如此便能在緊急事故時進行施救。 簡易安裝泳池 跳水的風險: 請勿跳入游泳池。跳入淺水中會造成頸部斷裂、癱瘓或死亡。 觸電死亡的風險 所有電線、無線電、揚聲器及其他電子裝置都應遠離泳池。 請勿將泳池設置在靠近或是架空的電線下方。 居家用游泳池的安全柵欄規範 禁止跳入 禁止跳入 第I部分:戶外用游泳池 淺水 淺水 戶外用泳池,包含地下型、地上型和地面型的泳池、熱水浴池或按摩浴池,都 應提供符合以下要求的柵欄: 1. 由背對游泳池的柵欄邊側測量,柵欄的頂端應至少高過地面122公分(48 參考包裝上標示的品項名稱或編號。 吋)。由背對游泳池的邊側柵欄測量,地面與柵欄底部的最大垂直淨空應 必須仔細閱讀包裝內容並保留以供日後參考。 保持10公分(4吋)的高度。當游泳池的頂部結構高於地面時(例如地上 型游泳池),柵欄可設置在地平面(例如泳池結構或安裝在泳池結構的頂 端)。當柵欄是安裝在游泳池結構頂端時,游泳池結構的頂端與柵欄底部 內含重要資訊,請保留以供日後參考: 的最大垂直淨空應保持10公分(4吋)的高度。 請詳閱 2. 柵欄上的開口不應超過直徑10公分(4吋)的範圍。 3. 固定式柵欄並無開口,例如磚砌或石牆,不應有凹陷或突出,除非是一般 未能遵守這些警告及說明指示會造成使用者(特別是孩 的施建誤差或是加工砌牆的接縫。 童)嚴重的人身傷害或死亡。 4. 當柵欄包含水平橫構件及垂直構件,且水平橫構件上下端的距離少於114 公分(45吋)時,則水平橫構件應設置在游泳池那一側的圍籬。垂直構件 之間的間隙寬度不可超過4.4公分(1-3/4吋)。當柵欄上有裝飾性切割圖 樣時,圖樣內的空隙其寬度不可超過4.4公分(1-3/4吋)。...
  • Página 5 (b) 游泳池應安裝電動安全蓋,該設備應符合以下所列的ASTM F1346-91 規範。 過量的水。這能夠避免水量溢流,並能使泳池維持其結構穩定。噴水器未 (c) 其他保護措施,例如附自動鎖定裝置的可自動關閉柵門,只要能夠提供 啟動時,請關閉閥以避免水排出。 足夠的保護且不會少於上述(a)或(b)之保護等級便可接受。 請見常見問題以取得額外的資訊。 10. 當地上型的泳池結構做為柵欄,或是柵欄安裝在泳池結構的頂端,而梯子 或是臺階為進出泳池的工具時,則(a)通往泳池的梯子或是臺階必須能 夠固定、鎖住或是移除以防止進出泳池,或是(b)梯子或臺階應被柵欄包 圍,而能符合第I部分、1至9款的內容。在梯子或是臺階被固定、鎖住或是 移除時,所有形成的開口不應超過直徑10公分(4吋)的範圍。 第II部分:柵欄位置 只有一隻海豚內建噴水器, 柵欄設置的位置應能禁止永久性結構、設備或相似的物體作為攀爬柵欄之用。 其他兩隻海豚並未附噴水 器。 刻度線 品項編號:#2621064 安裝通常需由2-3人耗費約10分鐘的時間完成,這並未包含土方工程與注水的 時間。 軟管接頭 水閥 泳池襯墊 軟管接頭 附註:圖示僅作為說明使用。無法反應出實際的產品樣貌。未按比例繪 製。 注意:注水時請勿無人看顧。 泳池壁會在水注入時升起 1. 注入80%的水量。注水請勿過量,因為這可能會造成泳池倒塌。在下大 排水閥蓋 水下黏合劑維修用補丁 雨時,可能會需要清空一些水以確保泳池內的水量未超標。 2. 完成注水時,檢查水並未偏向任一邊以確保泳池的平穩。 準備工作 請勿將泳池安裝在有坡度或傾斜表面、柔軟或鬆軟的土壤(例如沙或泥)...
  • Página 6 泳池的保養 若未能遵守以下所提及之保養規範,可能會危及您的健康,特別是孩子的健康。 使用化學藥錠(本產品未附): 附註: 以化學品進行保養時,必須使用化學接頭或化學浮筒。您購買的品項可能未包含這些分注器,若發生此狀況可連線到我們的網站 www.bestwaycorp.com訂購,或到最近的泳池設備經銷商處購買。 重要事項: 請勿使用粒化藥錠或是直接將藥錠丟入水中。化學品可能會在底部沈積,損壞材質並使PVC變色。 使用化學液(本產品未附): 重要事項: 添加小劑量的化學液,並將化學液加入泳池的中央以避免化學液和PVC表面直接接觸。直接的接觸會損壞材質並使表面變色。 附註: 測試項目 理想值 泳池在使用時應取出化學品分注器。 酸鹼值 7,4 – 7,6 30 – 50 ppm 三聚氰酸 重要事項: 以化學品完成保養後以及在使用泳池之前,使用測試套件(本產品未附)進行水化學 自由氯 2 – 4 ppm 測試。我們建議依據下表資料進行水的保養作業。 氯化合物 藻類 目視無法看到 鈣硬度 200 – 400 ppm 附註:...
  • Página 7: Riesgos De Zambullida

    MANUAL DEL Haga un curso de reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) para poder actuar ante una emergencia. USUARIO Riesgos de zambullida: No se tire de cabeza a la piscina. Tirarse de cabeza en aguas poco PISCINA FAST SET profundas puede ocasionar la rotura del cuello, parálisis o la muerte. Riesgo de electrocución: Mantenga los cables eléctricos, las radios, los altavoces y otros dispositivos electrónicos lejos de la piscina.
  • Página 8: Preparación

    Las barreras deben colocarse de manera que impidan el uso de estructuras, equipos u objetos similares como medio para saltar la barrera. Número de producto: 2621064 La instalación normalmente dura 10 minutos si la llevan a cabo 2-3 Conector de personas, excluyendo las excavaciones y el llenado.
  • Página 9 Mantenimiento de piscinas Si no cumple con las pautas de mantenimiento detalladas a continuación, su salud podría estar en riesgo, especialmente la de sus hijos. Uso de tabletas químicas (no incluidas): NOTA: Chemconnect o Chemical Floater deben usarse cuando realiza mantenimiento químico con tabletas. Su artículo comprado puede no incluir ninguno de esos dispensadores, en este caso puede comprarlo visitando nuestro sitio web o en el distribuidor de piscinas más cercano.
  • Página 10 ®™ Trademarks used in some countries under license to/ ®™ 商標在部分國家的使用受以下公司的許可 Marcas comerciales ®™ utilizadas en algunos países bajo la licencia de/ Bestway Inflatables & Material Corp., No.3065 Cao An Road, Shanghai, 201812, China. Manufactured,distributed and represented in the European Union by/ 歐盟的製造、分銷及代表為...

Tabla de contenido