This is a common occurrence in nature. Bats, whales, and certain insects can use sonar to detect "see"
the obstacles in front of them.
When sound waves hit an object, they use the distance and force of the sound wave's reflection to
detect the object's size, direction, and speed. Through the use of sonar detection, they can even hunt
their prey in total darkness and do not require the sense of sight.
Humans have discovered a way to apply these principles in technologies widely used in submarines,
cruise ships, and planes, in devices we call "radar". The invention of radar allowed pilots to avoid col-
lisions with other planes under conditions of poor visibility - such as flying through mist.
Police also use radar to detect the speed at which cars travel. Using this method, they can catch
speeding cars!
Humans cannot hear sonar because the structure of the human ear cannot process sound waves that
are too fast or at high frequencies. However, the machines humans invent can. In your assembled
models, the robot's head has a ultrasonic sensor. One eye is the blaster, while the other eye is the re-
ceiver. This design allows your robot to "see" obstacles in front of it even in total darkness.
Maybe you can try operating it in a completely dark room and see how it works?
Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows two mobile devices to exchange data over a
short distance by forming a local area network and using wireless radio waves to communi-
cate; it was invented in 1994.
Bluetooth technology is currently managed by SIG who are responsible for all technological
standards. Globally, over 20,000 companies are members.
The term bluetooth is a derivative of ancient Nordic words Blåtand/Blåtann. The symbol for
bluetooth is the combination of Hagall
first letters of the words Harald Blåtand.
and Bjarkan , or basically a combination of the
Before you begin assembly, please download the robot control app "Smart Machines".
• If you are using the iPhone or iPad series of products, you can download the app from
the App Store.
• If you are using an Android system, connect to Google Play to download the app.
• iOS devices must support Bluetooth 4.0 with a suggested operating system version of iOS
8 or above.
• Android devices must support Bluetooth 4.0 with a suggested operating system version of
4.3 or above.
1. Switch on your tablet or smartphone.
2. Scan the QR code A: This page will direct
you to the App Store to download the app.
Scan QR code B: This page will direct you to
Google Play to download the app.
3. If you don't have a QR code reader installed,
go to the website below to download the app
iOs https://goo.gl/jgaHf5 Android https://goo.
4. After the download is complete, open the app.
5. After execution, the first page you'll see will show
a control panel.
1. The first step is to connect to the model via bluetooth. Press the top left button
when the link connection is successful, the
2. When bluetooth has been successfully linked, the bluetooth symbol
corner will stop flashing. At this point, the model's motor will automatically spin for one
second to signify that the link is successful.
If you press
again, it will disconnect the taplet and robot. Remember to do this.
3. When bluetooth is connected, it means the ultrasonic sensor's "radar" function has been
4. When the ultrasonic senses a nearby obstacle, you'll see the radar sensor ring become
smaller and when the ultrasonic sensor is held far away, the radar sensor ring expands.
Use different objects or walls to experiment!
Control panel
image will flash
on the upper left