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  • ESPAÑOL, página 4

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Solenoid operators, intrinsically safe enclosure,
These Installation and Maintenance Instructions for solenoid
operator types LI (aluminium enclosure) - WSLI (stainless
steel AISI 316L enclosure) are a general supplement to the
specifi c I&M sheet for the solenoid valve. These operators
are identifi ed by the prefi xes LI / WSLI before the catalogue
number. Always use both I&M sheets for installing and main-
taining the solenoid valve.
Essential Health and Safety Requirements: Solenoid
operators types LI / WSLI are designed in accordance with
IEC and EN Standards references: 60079-0, 60079-11 and
q II 1G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga
Classifi cation:
q II 2D Ex tb IIIC T85°C IP66/IP67 Db
: See special conditions for safe use.
All the certifi cates of Conformity in compliance with
these Standards are available at
EC type examination certifi cate no.: LCIE 09 ATEX 3054 X
IECEx Certifi cate of Conformity no.: IECEx LCI 09.0022X
Our components are intended to be used only within the
technical characteristics specifi ed on the nameplate. Sole-
noid operators Types LI / WSLI are designed to be installed
in potentially explosive atmospheres caused by gases of
groups IIA, IIB and IIC, vapours or mists of category 1G (LI
/ WSLI) and dusts (category 2D). The surface temperature
classifi cation is T6-T85°C and depends on the power rating
and ambient temperature stated on the coil.
Special conditions for safe use:
- The apparatus may only be connected to certifi ed intrinsically
safe equipment. This combination must be compatible as
regards the intrinsic safety rules (see electrical parameters
under «Electrical Characteristics»).
Equipment type LI must be protected against
mechanical shock and friction when used in zone 0.
If the WSLI apparatus is used with an aluminium
solenoid operator then the enclosure has to be
protected from any mechanical or friction impacts
when it is used in zone 0.
- Ambient operating temperature: - 40°C to + 60°C
DC (=) Solenoids
solenoid size
maximum ambient °C
surface temperature
insulation class F (155°C) 100% E.D.
surface temperature classifi cation
cold wattage
for dust
types LI / WSLI
Check the wattage compatibility with the selected product.
1) Minimum ambient temperature: -40°C. This tempera-
ture may be limited by the operating temperature rating
of the pilot valve or spool valve.
-35°C with plastic cable gland (standard delivery)
-40°C with metal cable gland
DC coils (=)
type (series) LI - WSLI
Nominal supply voltage
: Un = 12,5 V
: 32 mA
Nominal dissipated power
: Pn = 0,5 W
Insulation class F (155°C) 100% E.D.
safety parameters
= (DC)
The solenoid operators type LI or WSLI must be supplied with
power from a voltage barrier certifi ed for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres of groups IIC, IIB or IIA and having
an output circuit that is rated intrinsically safe. The valve-and-
barrier combination must be compatible in terms of intrinsic
Since the two parameters Ci and Li of the equipment are both
equal to zero, the maximum output characteristics Co and
Lo of the voltage barrier must exceed the effective values of
C and L of the connecting cable used.
Selecting the barrier and making the interconnections are at
the user's responsibility.
Calculation of operating conditions:
[ V s - 0,7] x 1000
(mA) =
(Rc + R l + Rb)
This value (I (ON) ) as well as the maximum current of the
barrier/interface (if it is non-linear) must exceed 32 mA.
I (ON) (mA)
Minimum supply current for the product
Max. barrier resistance
Ta (°C)
Max. ambient temperature
R l ()
Max. resistance of connecting cables
Vs (V)
Min. no-load voltage of barrier/interface
Rc ()
Max. coil resistance
288 (Ta + 234 +5)
Rc ()
Depending on the ambient temperature/power rating, a heat
resistant cable suitable for the temperature indicated on the
coil must be used.
These pilot valves are compatible with the barriers given in
the table. These barriers and interfaces allow to feed the
intrinsically safe solenoid valves located in explosive areas.
This equipment must be ordered from its respective manu-
facturers specifying that they are intended to feed intrinsically
safe solenoid valves intrinsically safe: LI / WSLI
According to the zones and following the country legislation,
apply the certifi cation procedure relative to the association
of IS products.
We decline all responsibility for the use of products from
other suppliers and the possible modifi cations of their char-
Wiring must comply with local and national regulations
concerning equipment for use in explosive atmospheres.
To prevent overloading and causing an ignition source, a
fuse or circuit breaker of maximum 100 mA must be used.
NOTE: Alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) so-
lenoids are built differently. To convert from one to the other,
it is necessary to change the complete solenoid including
the core and solenoid base sub-assembly, not just the coil.
Contact ASCO.
Standard cable gland accepts cables
with overall O.D. from 6 to 12 mm. IP66/IP67: Tighten
the cable gland at a torque of min. 8 Nm (torque C).
Min. temperature -35°C.
Caution (metal cable gland): In order to obtain
IP66/IP67, it is necessary to put graphite grease on the
1/2" NPT threads according to Standard IEC-EN 60079-14
(torque E = 7 N.m).
Min. temperature -40°C.
Position the solenoid operator before making the electrical
connection. To make the wiring connections to the coil ter-
minals, remove the cover from the solenoid operator. Re-
move the outer insulation from the cable by approx. 30 mm
and strip 8 mm off the wires. Introduce the wires into the
cable-gland and connect them to the coil terminals. Con-
nect the cable ground wire to the ground terminal. Leave
enough slack in the wires between the cable entry and the
coil to avoid excessive strain on the wires. Assemble the
cable gland and tighten the elastomer compression seal so
that it fi ts tightly around the cable.
Close the housing and tighten the 4 cover screws to
the specifi ed torque. The solenoid operator's housing is
equipped with an external terminal for an earth wire.
The power supply must be within the range specifi ed on the
nameplate. Failure to stay within the electrical range of the
coil rating will result in damage to or premature failure of the
coil. This will also invalidate its approval.
Solenoid operators, intrinsically safe enclosure,
types LI / WSLI
WARNING: Unauthorised personnel is not permitted to re-
move the cover from the solenoid operator.
Take care not to damage the mating and sealing surfaces
when disassembling or reassembling the cover of the sole-
noid operator.
Wrong assembly will invalidate the approval.
To prevent the risk of personal injury or property damage,
do not touch the solenoid operator. It can become hot under
normal operation conditions. If the solenoid valve is easily
accessible, the installer must provide protection against ac-
cidental contact.
For servicing, refer to the solenoid valve's Installation and
Maintenance Instructions.
Spare parts kits are available (contact us). If problems arise
during installation or maintenance or in case of doubt, please
contact us or one of our authorised representatives.
CAUTION: Prior to any maintenance work, power off and
depressurise the valve and vent fl uid to a safe area.
This operation must be carried out by suitably qualifi ed per-
Unscrew the 4 screws and remove the cover.
Disconnect the electrical wires, remove the coil and its yoke.
Proceed in reverse order to re-install.
The solenoid operator must be fully reassembled as the hous-
ing and internal parts close the magnetic circuit.
Replacement of screw no. 1: Only use screws with 700 N/mm
minimum tensile strength.
In case of replacement of parts by the user, the trace-
ability of the fi nal product cannot be guaranteed by us
and must be ensured by the user.
Wrong assembly will invalidate the approval.

Resumen de contenidos para Asco LI

  • Página 1 -35°C with plastic cable gland (standard delivery) This equipment must be ordered from its respective manu- noid operator. are identifi ed by the prefi xes LI / WSLI before the catalogue -40°C with metal cable gland facturers specifying that they are intended to feed intrinsically Wrong assembly will invalidate the approval.
  • Página 2 Ces électrovannes sont compatibles avec les barrières du Le boîtier de la tête magnétique est équipé d’une borne est faite par les préfi xes LI / WSLI dans le code du catalogue. -35°C avec presse-étoupe plastique (livraison standard) tableau. Ces barrières et interfaces permettent d’alimenter de raccordement externe pour un conducteur de mise à...
  • Página 3 Magnetventil. Die Magnetköpfe werden mit den Vor- ratur kann durch die Betriebstemperatur des Pilotventils eren bzw. Interfacemodulen können die in einem gefährdeten satzzeichen LI / WSLI in der Artikel-Nr. identifi ziert. Für die bzw. Wegeventils begrenzt sein. Bereich installierten eigensicheren Magnetventile angesteu-...
  • Página 4: Descripción

    Estas barreras e interfaces permiten alimentar las ATENCIÓN mediante los prefi jos LI / WSLI en el código del catálogo. Utilice funcionamiento de la válvula o del distribuidor. electroválvulas de seguridad intrínseca instaladas en zonas La alimentación eléctrica debe estar en la zona indicada en...
  • Página 5 Per il collegamento ai morsetti, dotto. rimuovere il coperchio della testa magnetica. Spelare il dotto cavo su circa 30 mm e i fi li su 8 mm. Introdurre i fi li nel pressacavo e collegarli ai morsetti della bobina. Collegare 503019-001 503019-001...
  • Página 6 IIA, IIB en IIC), dampen of nevels van categorie 1G (LI / WSLI) en stuk/deksel-combinatie, niet alleen de spoel. Neem contact op LET OP: voorafgaand aan onderhoudswerkzaamheden moet stof (categorie 2D).
  • Página 7 IP66/IP67: Trekk til kabelgjennomføringen med et til- eksplosive miljøer forårsaket av gasser i gruppene IIA, IIB og IIC, damp eller tåke i kategori 1G (LI / WSLI) og støv (kategori Fordi de to parameterne Ci og Li er lik null, må de maksimale trekkingsmoment på...
  • Página 8 Den här utrustningen måste beställas från respektive tillver- upphäver även dess godkännande. identifi eras av prefi xen LI / WSLI före katalognumret. Använd -35 °C med packbox av plast (standardleverans) kare och du måste ange att den är avsedd att mata egen- VARNING: Obehörig personal får inte ta bort kåpan från...
  • Página 9 LI / WSLI on suunniteltu asennettaviksi ryhmiin Koska laitteen kaksi parametria Ci ja Li ovat molemmat yhtä Avaa 4 ruuvia ja poista kansi. IIA, IIB ja IIC kuuluvien kaasujen, luokkaan 1G (LI / WSLI) suuria kuin nolla, jänniterajapinnan maksimiteho-ominai- Irrota sähköjohtimet, poista käämi ja sen kiinnike.
  • Página 10 (serie) LI - WSLI produkter. For at forhindre personskader og skader på materiale, må lerne af typerne LI / WSLI er designet i henhold til IEC- og Nominel forsyningsspænding : Un = 12,5 V magnetventilen ikke berøres. Det kan blive meget varmt under EN-referencestandarderne: 60079-0, 60079-11 og 60079-31.
  • Página 11 Invalidará electroválvula. A identifi cação é feita pelos prefi xos LI / WSLI -35 ºC com bucim plástico (fornecimento standard) Estes equipamentos devem ser encomendados aos fabri- igualmente a sua homologação.
  • Página 12 ηλεκτρομαγνητικής βαλβίδας. Αυτοί οι μηχανισμοί προσδιορίζονται Αυτές οι πιλοτικές βαλβίδες είναι συμβατές με τις διατάξεις ασφα- -40°C με μεταλλικό στυπιοθλίπτη καλωδίου από τα προθέματα LI / WSLI πριν από τον αριθμό καταλόγου. Χρη- λείας που δίνονται στον πίνακα. Αυτές οι διατάξεις ασφαλείας και ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ...
  • Página 13 štítku. Solenoidní ventilu a bariéry musí být kompatibilní, pokud jde o jiskrové se na společnost ASCO. pohony typu LI / WSLI jsou navrženy k instalaci v potenciálně zabezpečení. DEMONTÁŽ A OPĚTOVNÁ MONTÁŽ SOLENOIDNÍHO výbušných prostředích tříd IIA, IIB a IIC s výpary nebo mlhou POHONU NA VENTILU: kategorie 1G (LI / WSLI) a prachem (kategorie 2D).
  • Página 14 „Parametry elektryczne”). kresie odpowiedzialności użytkownika. 12 mm. IP66/IP67: Dokręcić dławik kablowy minimalnym DEMONTAŻ I MONTAŻ STEROWNIKA SOLENOIDU Podczas używania w strefi e 0 sprzęt typu LI musi być momentem 8 Nm (moment C). NA ZAWORZE: chroniony przed wstrząsami mechanicznymi i tarciem.
  • Página 15 6–12 mm külső átmérőjű kábelhez. IP67: Húzza LETVE SZELEPRE: szolenoidok IIA, IIB és IIC kategóriába eső gázok, 1G (LI / WSLI) gyújtószikramentesnek kell lennie. meg a kábeltömszelencét min. 8 Nm nyomatékkal (C meg- Ezt a műveletet csak kellően képzett szakember végezheti.
  • Página 16 ратуры поверхности T6-T85°C зависит от номинальной мощности и обратитесь в нашу компанию или к одному из ее официальных температуры окружающей среды, указанных на катушке. Так как оба параметра Ci и Li оборудования равны нулю, мак- представителей. Особые условия по безопасной эксплуатации: симальные...
  • Página 17 설치 및유지 관리 지침 설치 및유지 관리 지침 솔레노이드 작동기, 본질 안전 용기, 솔레노이드 작동기, 본질 안전 용기, LI / WSLI LI / WSLI 타입 타입 일반 사항 최대 주변 온도: -40°C. 이 온도는 파일럿 밸브 또는 스풀 호환 가능한 장벽 및 인터페이스...
  • Página 18 RYSUNKI RAJZOK OBRÁZKY RYSUNKI RAJZOK ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЕ 그림 ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЕ 그림 Description Description Bezeichnung INTERFACES SERIES LI /WSLI 1. Screw 1. Vis 1. Schraube 1G/2G T6 manufacturer module type 2. Couvercle 2. Cover 2. Deckel 3-9. Joint 3-9. O-ring 3-9. O-Ring DO910S 4.

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