The woom ORIGINAL is not suitable for use with a trailer.
If your child wants to use the woom ORIGINAL on public roads,
inform yourself about the applicable national regulations and upgrade the
woom ORIGINAL with the appropriate accessories.
2�3 Disclaimer
The information, specifications and hints provided in these instructions were up to date at the
time of printing. The figures used are symbolic representations and do not have to correspond
to reality. The information, figures and descriptions in these instructions do not give rise to
any claims for changes to products already supplied. We reserve the right to make technical
changes. Changes, errors and misprints do not justify a claim for damages. The information in
these instructions describes the properties of the product without assuring them. No liability
is assumed for damages and injuries caused by:
Failure to follow the assembly instructions
Unauthorised modifications to the product
Operating errors
Neglected maintenance
Misuse, i.e. use of the product not
in accordance with its intended use.