Flue; Chimney Cap; Connection To The Flue - La Nordica INSERTO 70 WIDE Manual Del Usuario

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EssEntial rEquirEmEnts for a corrEct opEration of thE dEvicE:
• the internal section must be preferably circular;
• be thermally insulated and water-proof and produced with materials suitable to resist to heat, combustion products and
possible condensates;
• not be throttled and show a vertical arrangement with deviations not greater than 45°;
• if already used, it must be clean;
• all the sections of the flue gas duct must be accessible to inspection;
• inspection openings must be provided for cleaning.
• observe the technical data of the instructions manual;
should thE fluEs havE a squarE or rEctangular sEction, intErnal EdgEs must bE roundEd with a radius not lowEr
than 20 mm. for thE rEctangular sEction, thE maximum ratio bEtwEEn thE sidEs must bE = 1.5.
a too small section causes a decrease of the draught. it is suggested a minimum height of 4 m.
the following features are FORBIDDEN and therefore they endanger the good operation of the device: asbestos cement, galvanized steel,
rough and porous internal surfaces. in
For a correct installation please respect the sections/lengths oF the Flue shown in the technical
data table. by installations with diFFerent dimensions the Flue must be suitably sized in accordance
with en13384-1.
thE draught crEatEd by thE fluE must bE sufficiEnt, but not ExcEssivE.
a too big flue section can feature a too big volume to be heated and consequently cause difficulties in the operation of the device; to avoid
this, tube the flue along its whole height. a too small section causes a decrease of the draught.
attention: as far as concErn thE rEalisation of thE fluE connEction and flammablE matErials plEasE
follow thE rEquirEmEnts providEd by uni 10683 standard. thE fluE must bE propErly spacEd from any
flammablE matErials or fuEls through a propEr insulation or an air cavity.
it is FORBIDDEN to lEt plant piping or air fEEding channEls pass in thE samE fluE. morEovEr, it is forbiddEn
to crEatE movablE or fixEd opEnings on thE samE for thE connEction of furthEr othEr dEvicEs
chimney cap
the draught oF the Flue depends also on the suitability oF the chimney cap.
thErEforE, if it is handicraft constructEd, thE output sEction must bE morE than twicE as big as thE intErnal sEction
of thE fluE
should it be necessary to exceed the ridge of the roof, the chimney cap must assure the discharge also in case of windy weather
the chimney cap must meet the following requirements:
• have internal section equivalent to that of the stack.
• have a useful output section twice as big as the flue internal one.
• be manufactured in such a way as to prevent the penetration of rain, snow, and any other foreign body in the flue.
• be easily checkable, for any possible maintenance and cleaning operation
connection to the Flue
thE connEction to thE stack must bE pErformEd with stiff pipEs in stEEl comply with all currEnt standards and
rEgulations and to thosE EnvisionEd by thE law.
it is Forbidden to use metallic pipes or pipes in asbestos cement since they jeopardize the saFety oF
the Fitting itselF, considering that they are subject to tears or breaks resulting in leaks oF smoke.
thE Exhaust pipE must bE air-tight fastEnEd to thE stack and can havE a maximum inclination of 45°; this to avoid
ExcEssivE dEposits of condEnsatE producEd in thE initial start-up phasEs and/or thE ExcEssivE gripping of soot and
morEovEr it avoids thE slowing down of thE smokEs at output.
thE failEd tightnEss of thE connEction can causE thE malfunction of thE dEvicE.
the internal diameter of the connection pipe must be equal to the external diameter of the smokes stub pipe of the device. this is assured
by the pipes complying with din 1298.
the chimney pressure (draught) must be at least (see chap. tEchnical data shEEt) . the measurement has always to be carried out
with hot device (rated thermal performance).
when the depression exceeds 17 pa (=1.7 mm of column of water), it is necessary to reduce the same by installing an additional draught
regulator (butterfly valve).
Picture 3
gives some examples of execution.
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