4 Commissioning of the inverter from the battery
This chapter describes how to do the commissioning of the inverter when is supplied by the
battery BYD B-BOS Premium HVS/HVM. Also is possible to do the commissioning of the
inverter when the inverter is connected PV field (chapter 3), which is simpler.
The LEDs of the cover indicates that the inverter is ON. Then, it is necessary to access the
For more details, of how to access the inverter, check the INGECON SUN STORAGE 1Play
"Installation and Operation Manual" available in the Ingeteam Webpage.
Configuration of the BYD B-BOX Premium HVS/HVM
First, move the circuit breaker to ON position to turn the battery on. Then, configure the battery
to work with the inverter through the "BYD Be Connect" app.
In the interface of the battery the type of inverter that is going to work with must be selected. In
this case:
Type of inverter: "INGETEAM HV"
Choose the type of battery: HVS or HVM
Black start
The ISS 1Play, as a compatible inverter, can be supplied from the BYD B-BOX Premium
HVS/HVM batteries, without PV. Only for a limited time.
To do so, once all the previous steps have been completed, the following steps must be
Use and settings of the INGECON SUN STORAGE 1Play TL M working with BYD B-BOX
Premium HVS/HVM