3. Insert the appropriate tip into the handle making sure
that it is correctly engaged, as shown in the gure.
4. If the selected I/A tip requires a silicone infusion sleeve,
place the infusion sleeve onto the tip until the desired
exposure of the aspiration tip is achieved.
When setting the exposure of the tip, the orientation
of the irrigation port holes on the sleeve should be at a
right angle to the aspiration port on the tip as shown.
5. Initiate irrigation uid ow (following the manufacturer's
instructions) and verify uid ow out of the irrigation
Checking System Operation
1. Fill a test chamber with balanced salt solution (BSS) and
slide the test chamber onto the I/A tip.
2. Place or hold the I/A handle horizontally at the level of
the cassette.
3. Pinch o the aspiration tubing close to the I/A handle's
aspiration Luer and activate the system's aspiration
pump. Make sure the system responds as required.
4. With the aspiration pump still activated, release the pinch
of the aspiration line while watching the test chamber.
The chamber should maintain its shape or dimple only
slightly. After verifying chamber stability the vacuum
may be released.
WARNING: Use caution when performing the following
step. The aspiration cannula of some tips is extremely
delicate and handling may damage the tip.
5. With the system's vacuum set at greater than 400mmHg,
simulate an occlusion of the aspiration port by blocking
the port at the tip with a gloved hand. Activate the
vacuum and verify that the vacuum level climbs to
within 50 mmHg of the system setting. Check for leaks or
bubbles in the aspiration line while the vacuum is active.