DWARNING: Tests under controlled conditions have indicated that some refrigerants can
result in combustion when exposed to an ignition source. Shop air should not be used for leak
Follow the following precautions whenever working on the A/C system. Injury or death may
occur if these specific precautions are not followed:
• Always wear safety goggles.
• Avoid skin contact with refrigerant or refrigerant oil.
• Work in a well-ventilated area.
• Never release refrigerant into the atmosphere.
• Never expose refrigerant containers to direct heat or temperature in excess of 125˚F.
• Never expose refrigerant to an open flame.
NOTE: Do not remove protective caps from the A/C condenser until the lines are ready to
install. Some condensers may contain desiccant. If left uncapped for a long time, the desiccant
may absorb moisture and limit its longevity.
A/C Condenser Removal
The information below explains the necessary procedures and tools to remove and install an
A/C condenser.
NOTE: For more detailed instructions, please refer to the manufacturer's vehicle service
manual. Bolts, where specified, must be torqued to the proper specification. If torque is not
specified please refer to the vehicle manufacturer's service manual. On some vehicles, you may
have to temporarily remove the radiator support, center hood lock brace and/or a refrigerant
line that crosses in front of the condenser.
1. Use a refrigerant identifier to verify the type of refrigerant in the system.
2. Connect the appropriate refrigerant charging station to the A/C system and recover any
refrigerant in the system.
3. Disconnect the refrigerant lines from the condenser as follows:
NOTE: On some vehicles, the receiver-drier is secured to the condenser with a holder and a
small refrigerant tube links the drier and condenser. These components can be removed as an
assembly. For such applications, you can disconnect the line from the outlet of the receiver-
drier rather than the condenser.
Remove the bolts securing the inlet and
connections to the condenser.
Use two wrenches to disconnect the outlet
lines to the condenser.