number is answered. When answered, the Phone will
go direct to Hands free mode so there is no need for
the user to press any answer button.
NOTE, Check SOS operation with numbers after they
have been entered and saved.
If a dialed phone number answers in voice
mail/message then it will be assumed the phone has
been answered and will not ring the next number in
turn. Please be aware of this when selecting SOS
numbers to enter.
5.5.3 Speed dial and Family numbers
Menu-organizer-family numbers
Status, select "On" (default setting) to enable speed
Set number. The speed dial numbers from 2 -9 can
be set.
Select speed dial key number and then the number to
be entered can be selected from the phonebook.
Family special number * (Female) and # (Male) can
be entered in the same way.
5.5.4 Calendar. Select to view calendar for month or