Chevrolet Performance HT383 Manual De Especificaciones Y Funcionamiento

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This HT383 long block specification sheet should be used in conjunction with the 383 short block
specification sheet, GM part number 19355750.
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This publication provides general information on components and procedures which may be useful when installing
or servicing an HT383 engine. Please read this entire publication before starting work. Also, please verify that all
of the components listed in the Package Contents section below were shipped in the kit.
The information below is divided into the following sections: package contents, component information,
HT383 engine specifications, additional parts that you may need to purchase, torque specifications,
and a service parts list.
The HT383 engine incorporates modern technology in a package that can be installed in applications where
265-400ci small block Chevrolet V-8's were originally used. This complete engine is assembled using brand new,
premium quality components. Due to the wide variety of vehicles in which an HT383 engine can be installed,
some procedures and recommendations may not apply to specific applications.
The HT383 engine consists of a cast iron engine block, cast iron cylinder head assemblies, forged steel
crankshaft, hypereutectic pistons, forged powder metal connecting rods, and a performance roller camshaft.
The HT383 engine is manufactured on current production tooling; consequently you may encounter dissimilarities
between the HT383 engine assembly and previous versions of the small block V-8. In general, items such as
motor mounts, accessory drives, exhaust manifolds, etc. can be transferred to an HT383 when it is installed in
a vehicle originally equipped with a small block V-8 engine. However, as noted in the following sections, there
may be minor differences between an HT383 engine and an older small block V-8 engine. These differences
may require modifications or additional components not included with the HT383 engine. When installing
an HT383 engine in a vehicle not originally equipped with a small block V-8, it may be necessary to adapt
or fabricate various components for the cooling, fuel, electrical, and exhaust systems.
It is not the intent of these specifications to replace the comprehensive and detailed service practices explained in
the Chevrolet service manuals.
For information about warranty coverage, please contact your local Chevrolet Performance Parts dealer.
Observe all safety precautions and warnings in the service manuals when installing an HT383 engine in any
vehicle. Wear eye protection and appropriate protective clothing. When working under or around the vehicle
support it securely with jackstands. Use only the proper tools. Exercise extreme caution when working with
flammable, corrosive, and hazardous liquids and materials. Some procedures require special equipment and
skills. If you do not have the appropriate training, expertise, and tools to perform any part of this conversion safely,
this work should be done by a professional.
HT383 Crate Engine Specifications
HT383 Engine Long Block Specifications
Specifications Part Number 19355751
REV 04OC17

Resumen de contenidos para Chevrolet Performance HT383

  • Página 1 HT383 engine. When installing an HT383 engine in a vehicle not originally equipped with a small block V-8, it may be necessary to adapt or fabricate various components for the cooling, fuel, electrical, and exhaust systems.
  • Página 2 This manual also describes procedures and modifications that may be useful during the installation of an HT383 engine. It is not intended to replace the comprehensive service manuals and parts catalogs which cover Chevrolet engines and components. Rather, it is designed to provide supplemental information in areas of interest to “do-it-yourself”...
  • Página 3 HT383 Engine Torque Specifications: Camshaft retainer bolt ..............106 in.lbs. / 12 Nm (Blue Loctite) Camshaft sprocket bolt ..............22 ft.lbs. / 30 Nm (Blue Loctite) Connecting rod bolt ............... 45 ft.lbs. / 61 Nm (30 weight oil) Carburetor nut First pass ................5 ft.lbs. / 7 Nm (30 weight oil) Second pass ................
  • Página 4 Block The HT383 Block is a 1986 and later (1 piece rear main seal) design. The block is bored then deck plate honed to a finished size of 4.005”. Features include 4 bolt intermediate mains, clearanced for a 3.80” stroker crankshaft, and machined for hydraulic roller or flat tappet lifters.
  • Página 5 They also feature a pressed piston pin. Water Pump The HT383 engine comes with a long leg style cast iron water pump. Caution This engine assembly needs to be filled with oil and primed. You should add the specified oil (see startup instructions) to your new engine.
  • Página 6 Spark Timing: ............ 32° maximum @ 4000 RPM with vacuum advance disconnected Firing Order: ............1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 Information may vary with application. All specifications listed are based on the latest production information available at the time of printing. 19355751 HT383 Crate Engine Specifications REV 04OC17 TITLE PART NO. SHEET DATE...
  • Página 7 Starter: This HT383 engine does not include a starter. The starter must be matched to the flywheel or flexplate diameter when installing the HT383 engine. Small diameter flywheels are 12-3/4" in diameter and have a starter ring gear with 153 teeth.
  • Página 8 Chevrolet Performance sells a spark plug wire loom kit, part number 12496806. The brackets in this kit are stainless steel, with the "Bow Tie" logo laser cut into them. This kit can be used with the HT383. The brackets bolt to the side of the cylinder heads.
  • Página 9 HT383 Service Parts List: Part # Quantity Name Part # Quantity Name 19575719 Engine Asm, Partial 383 Cid 10077153 Indicator Asm-Oil Lvl 88962516 Block Asm, Eng 12558060 Head Asm, Cyl(W/Vlv) 12499103 Piston Kit, W/Pin (.005" O/S) set of 8 12529093...
  • Página 10 être transférés sur un HT383 lorsqu'il est monté sur un véhicule équipé à l'origine d'un moteur V-8 à petit bloc. Toutefois, comme l'indiquent les sections suivantes, il peut exister de petites différences entre un moteur HT383 et un moteur V-8 à...
  • Página 11 Le présent manuel décrit également les procédures et les modifications pouvant être utiles pendant la pose d'un moteur HT383. Ces renseignements ne sont pas destinés à remplacer les manuels de réparation complets et les catalogues de pièces en matière de moteurs et de composants de Chevrolet.
  • Página 12 French Spécifications de couple de serrage du moteur HT383 : Boulon de retenue de l'arbre à cames ........106 lb po / 12 Nm (Loctite Blue) Boulon de pignon de l'arbre à cames ........22 lb pi / 30 Nm (Loctite Blue) Boulon de bielle ..............
  • Página 13 Renseignements sur les composants : Bloc Le bloc-moteur HT383 est de conception 1986 et ultérieure (joint principal arrière monobloc). Le bloc-moteur est percé et surmonté d'une plaque de finition traitée de taille finie 4,005 po. Ses caractéristiques incluent un boîtier intermédiaire à...
  • Página 14 Ils sont également pourvus d'un axe de piston pressé. Pompe à eau Le moteur HT383 est doté d'une pompe à eau en fonte à longue patte. Attention Ce moteur doit être rempli d'huile et amorcé. Il vous faut ajouter de l'huile spécifiée (voir les instructions au démarrage) à...
  • Página 15 Dans les régions plus froides, une viscosité inférieure de l'huile peut être nécessaire pour un meilleur écoulement de l'huile. Spécifications du moteur HT383 : Cylindrée : ............383 pouces cubes Alésage x course : ..........4,005 po x 3,80 po Compression ............9,1:1...
  • Página 16 Un carburateur de 750 ou 770 pi3/min à quatre corps avec enroulements à dépression ou mécanique et un volet de départ électrique est recommandé pour le moteur HT383. On doit utiliser un filtre à air à faible restriction doté d'un élément en mousse ou en papier pour protéger le moteur contre l'usure excessive et diffuser l'air entrant dans le carburateur.
  • Página 17 Distributeur : GM recommande d'utiliser le distributeur HEI, N/P 93440806, sur le moteur HT383. Il a été utilisé pour la mise à l'essai de ce moteur et de nombreux autres moteurs en caisse et s'est avéré être très fiable pour un moteur de performance.
  • Página 18 French Liste des pièces de rechange HT383 : N° de pièce Quantité N° de pièce Quantité 19575719 Ensemble de moteur, 10077153 Ens. indicateur de niveau d'huile partiel 383 Cid 12558060 Ens. culasse, Cylindre 88962516 Ensemble bloc-moteur (avec soupapes) 12499103 Trousse de pistons, avec axes 12529093 Culasse, cylindre (usiné)
  • Página 19 Esta publicación brinda información general sobre los componentes y procedimientos que pudieran ser útiles al instalar o dar servicio a un motor HT383. Por favor lea esta publicación completa antes de comenzar el trabajo. Además, por favor verifique que todos los componentes indicados en la sección de Contenidos de paquete a continuación se enviaran en el juego.
  • Página 20 Este manual también describe los procedimientos y modificaciones que pueden ser útiles durante la instalación de un motor HT383. No está diseñada para sustituir a los exhaustivos manuales de servicio y catálogos de partes que cubren los motores y componentes Chevrolet.
  • Página 21 Spanish Especificaciones de apriete de motor HT383: Perno de retenedor de árbol de levas ........106 pulg. lb. / 12 Nm (Loctite azul) Perno de corona dentada de árbol de levas ......22 pies lb. / 30 Nm (Loctite azul) Perno de biela ...............
  • Página 22 Información sobre los componentes: Bloque El bloque HT383 es un diseño de 1986 y posterior (sello principal trasero de 1 pieza). El bloque está barrenado y después la placa de la cubierta rectificada a un tamaño terminado de 4.005". Las características incluyen 4 principales intermedios, con espacios para un cigüeñal de pistones de 3.80", y maquinado para un rodillo...
  • Página 23 También presentan un pasador de pistón presionado. Bomba de agua El motor HT383 viene con una bomba de agua de hierro fundido de estilo de pata larga. Precaución Este ensamble de motor necesita llenarse con aceite y cebarse. Debe agregar el aceite especificado (vea las instrucciones de arranque) a su nuevo motor.
  • Página 24 En regiones más frías, se puede requerir un aceite de menor viscosidad para mejores características de flujo. Especificaciones de motor HT383: Desplazamiento: ..........383 pulgadas cúbicas Diámetro x Carrera: ...........4.005 x 3.80 pulgadas Compresión ............9.1:1...
  • Página 25 Este motor HT383 incluye una placa flexible de 12 ¾" de diámetro, número de parte 14088765. Use el volante de inercia, número de parte 14088650, con transmisiones manuales. Además, si usa una transmisión manual, se requerirán seis pernos, número de parte 12337973.
  • Página 26 12496806. Los soportes en este juego son de acero inoxidable, con un corte láser del logotipo de "Corbatín" en ellos. Este juego se puede usar con el motor HT383. Los soportes se atornillan al lado de las culatas de cilindro.
  • Página 27 Spanish Lista de partes de servicio HT383: # de parte Cantidad Nombre # de parte Cantidad Nombre 19575719 Ensamble de motor 383 Cid, 10077153 Ensamble de indicador- Parcial Nivel de aceite 88962516 Ensamble de bloque, motor 12558060 Ensamble de culata, cilindro (con válvula)

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