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Thank you for choosing Chevrolet Performance Parts as your high performance source. Chevrolet Performance Parts is committed
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This publication provides general information on components and procedures which may be useful when installing or servicing
your crate engine. Please read this entire publication before starting work.
This crate engine is assembled using brand new, premium quality components. It is based off of the Chevrolet Generation V LT1
Series architecture, and utilize such modern technologies as individual ignition coil per cylinder and direct fuel injection. Due to
the wide range of small block applications, if you are retrofitting a previous small block application, you may encounter installation
differences between your crate engine assembly and the previous version. These differences may require modifications or
additional components not included with the engine, including cooling, fuel, electrical, and exhaust systems. Some fabrication work
may be required.
The LT1 crate engine require an engine control system which is available from your Chevrolet Performance Parts dealer. Check
with your dealer or on for the control system packages that are currently available. It is not the
intent of these specifications to replace the comprehensive and detailed service practices explained in the Chevrolet service
manuals. For information about warranty coverage, please contact your local Chevrolet Performance Parts dealer.
Observe all safety precautions and warnings in the service manuals when installing a crate engine in any vehicle. Wear eye
protection and appropriate protective clothing. When working under or around the vehicle support it securely with jack stands. Use
only the proper tools. Exercise extreme caution when working with flammable, corrosive, and hazardous liquids and materials.
Some procedures require special equipment and skills. If you do not have the appropriate training, expertise, and tools to perform
any part of this conversion safely, this work should be done by a professional. This publication is intended to provide information
about this crate engine and related components. This manual also describes procedures and modifications that may be useful
during the installation of an LT1 crate engine system. It is not intended to replace the comprehensive service manuals and parts
catalogs which cover Chevrolet Performance engines and components. Rather, it is designed to provide supplemental information
in areas of interest to "do-it-yourself" enthusiasts and mechanics.
This publication pertains to engines and vehicles which are used off the public highways except where specifically noted otherwise.
Legal and Emissions Information
Federal law restricts the removal of any part of a federally required emission control system on motor
vehicles. Further, many states have enacted laws which prohibit tampering with or modifying any required
emission or noise control system. Vehicles which are not operated on public highways are generally
exempt from most regulations, as are some special interest and pre-emission vehicles. The reader is
strongly urged to check all applicable local and state laws. Many of the parts described or listed in this
manual are merchandised for off-highway application only, and are tagged with the "Special Parts Notice"
reproduced here:
Special Parts Notice
This part has been specifically designed for Off-Highway application only. Since the installation of this part
may either impair your vehicle's emission control performance or be uncertified under current Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards, it should not be installed in a vehicle used on any street or highway. Additionally, any such
application could adversely affect the warranty coverage of such an on-street or highway vehicle.
Performance Crate Engine
LT1 Performance Crate Engine
IR 02MY18
Initial Release - Rocko Parker
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Chevrolet Performance LT1

  • Página 1 Please read this entire publication before starting work. This crate engine is assembled using brand new, premium quality components. It is based off of the Chevrolet Generation V LT1 Series architecture, and utilize such modern technologies as individual ignition coil per cylinder and direct fuel injection. Due to the wide range of small block applications, if you are retrofitting a previous small block application, you may encounter installation differences between your crate engine assembly and the previous version.
  • Página 2: Installation Instructions

    Engine installation This crate engine is assembled using brand new, premium quality components. It is based off of the Chevrolet Generation V LT1 Series architecture from a 2019 Chevrolet Camaro, and utilize such modern technologies as individual ignition coil per cylinder and direct fuel injection.
  • Página 3: Fuel System

    Low Pressure (Fuel Tank to Engine) The production system uses a return less variable flow/pressure system that has been incorporated in the Chevrolet Performance engine control kit. A return less fuel system reduces the internal temperature of the fuel tank by controlling the speed of the fuel pump and not returning hot fuel from the engine to the fuel tank.
  • Página 4 The variable pressure/flow oil pump must be controlled by the ECM in order to maintain proper lubrication and minimize excessive oil delivery to the cylinder heads and PCV system. There are several devices on the LT1 that use oil pressure to maintain proper functionality.
  • Página 5 The engine coolant should route to the lower portion of the radiator, or inlet hose of the coolant pump. Heat is then removed by the engine radiator. Reference the 2019 Camaro LT1 for additional parts.
  • Página 6 Starter Motor A starter motor is not provided with the engine. The following parts are designed for the LT1 starting system and may assist with your installation. Please reference a 2019 Camaro with a LT1 engine for current part numbers.
  • Página 7 Front Accessory Drive Kit Front accessory drive kit can be purchased thru your Chevrolet Performance Dealer. Please refer to the Chevrolet Performance Parts catalog. Valve cover noise insulators Valve cover insulators can be purchase for your installation. Please refer to a 2019 Chevrolet Camaro for correct part numbers.
  • Página 8 Also, do not expose the engine to extended periods of high load. 12. Change the oil and filter. Again, inspect the oil and oil filter for any foreign particles to ensure that the engine is functioning properly. LT1 Engine Specifications Type:………………………………………………………………………………Gen V Small Block V8 Displacement: .....................376 cubic inches (6.2 liters) Bore x Stroke: .....................4.065”...
  • Página 9 Oil Capacity with filter: ................7.0-quart (6.6 liters) Oil Pressure (Minimum, with hot oil): ............6 psig @ 1000 RPM ........................18 psig @ 2000 RPM ........................24 psig @ 4000 RPM Recommended Oil: ......DEXOS1 5W30 or Mobil1 15W-50 (for performance applications) Oil Filter: .....................AC Delco part # PF64 Fuel:………………………………………………………………………………Premium unleaded-92 (R+M/2) Maximum Engine Speed: ................6600 RPM Spark Plugs: ....................Chevrolet 12622441...
  • Página 10 L'assemblage de ce moteur en caisse est effectué en utilisant des composants neufs de première qualité. Il est basé sur l'architecture de série LT1 de 5e génération de Chevrolet et utilise des technologies de pointe, comme la bobine d'allumage individuelle par cylindre et l'injection de carburant direct. Compte tenu de la vaste gamme d'applications de moteurs à bloc compact, si l'on pose en après-vente une application antérieure à...
  • Página 11 L'assemblage de ce moteur en caisse est effectué en utilisant des composants neufs de première qualité. Il est basé sur l'architecture de série LT1 de 5e génération de Chevrolet d'une Chevrolet Camaro 2019 et utilise des technologies de pointe, comme la bobine d'allumage individuelle par cylindre et l'injection de carburant direct. Compte tenu de la vaste gamme d'applications de moteurs à...
  • Página 12 Le système de production fonctionne avec un débit variable antiretour/système de pression intégré à la trousse de commande de moteur Chevrolet Performance. Le circuit d'alimentation en carburant antiretour réduit la température interne du réservoir de carburant en régulant la vitesse de la pompe à carburant et en empêchant le retour de carburant chaud dans le réservoir de carburant provenant du moteur.
  • Página 13 à débit/pression variable doit être commandée par l'ECM afin de maintenir le graissage approprié et de réduire l'alimentation en huile excessive jusqu'aux culasses et au système RGC. De nombreux dispositifs du moteur LT1 utilisent la pression d'huile pour maintenir un bon fonctionnement. L'ECM régule la pression d'huile moteur et le débit de refroidissement de piston par pulvérisation d'huile, le calage de distribution variable, la désactivation de cylindres ainsi que le refroidissement de paliers d'arbre...
  • Página 14 Soupape d'émission de vapeurs de carburant Le système d'émission de vapeurs de carburant peut être utilisé avec la trousse de commande de moteur Chevrolet Performance, mais elle n'est pas nécessaire pour le bon fonctionnement du moteur. Cet orifice doit être bouché ou raccordé à l'absorbeur de vapeurs.
  • Página 15 Il y a deux types de palier guide d'embrayage Chevrolet pour le LT1. Le numéro 14061685 est pour la boîte de vitesses dotée de l'arbre d'entrée long et le numéro 12557583 est pour la boîte de vitesses dotée de l'arbre d'entrée court.
  • Página 16 French Trousse d'entraînement des accessoires avant La trousse d'entraînement des accessoires avant peut être achetée auprès d'un concessionnaire Chevrolet Performance. Veuillez vous reporter au catalogue de pièces Chevrolet Performance. Tampons d'insonorisation de cache-soupapes Les tampons d'insonorisation de cache-soupapes peuvent être achetés pour votre installation. Veuillez vous reporter à...
  • Página 17 12. Vidanger l'huile et remplacer le filtre. Vérifier l'huile et le filtre à huile de nouveau afin de repérer toute particule étrangère pour s'assurer que le moteur fonctionne correctement. Caractéristiques techniques du moteur LT1 Type : ......................V8 à bloc compact de 5e génération Cylindrée : ....................
  • Página 18 French Bielles : ...................... Forgées, métal fritté Pistons : ..................... Aluminium hypereutectique Arbre à cames : ..................Poussoir à galet hydraulique Levée : ....................... Admission 0,551 po, échappement 0,524 po Durée : ....................... 200° admission, 207° échappement à levée de poussoir de 0,050 po Axe central : ....................
  • Página 19 Este manual también describe procedimientos y modificaciones que pudieran ser útiles durante la instalación de un sistema de motor armado LT1. No está diseñada para sustituir a los exhaustivos manuales de servicio y catálogos de partes que cubren los motores y componentes Chevrolet Performance.
  • Página 20: Descripción

    V8 como V4. El juego de control de motor Chevrolet Performance desactiva esta función. El motor no se ha cambiado, así...
  • Página 21: Sistema De Combustible

    El sistema de producción usa un sistema de flujo/presión variable sin retorno que se ha incorporado en el juego de control del motor Chevrolet Performance. Un sistema de combustible sin retorno reduce la temperatura interna del tanque de combustible al controlar la velocidad de la bomba de combustible y no regresar combustible caliente desde el motor al tanque de combustible.
  • Página 22 PCV. Hay varios dispositivos en el LT1 que usan presión de aceite para mantener la funcionalidad adecuada. El ECM controla la presión y flujo de aceite del motor para enfriamiento del pistón de rocío de aceite, sincronización de válvula variable, desactivación de cilindro junto...
  • Página 23 El refrigerante del motor se debe enrutar a la porción inferior del radiador, o la manguera de entrada de la bomba de refrigerante. En calor entonces se retira por el radiador del motor. Consulte el Camaro LT1 2019 respecto a partes adicionales.
  • Página 24 Verifique el ajuste antes de instalar la transmisión u ocurrirá daño. Puerto de vacío de freno El tapón trasero se puede retirar para conectar una manguera de vacío para accesorios de vacío. Consulte el Camaro LT1 2019 respecto a partes adicionales.
  • Página 25 Spanish Juego de transmisión auxiliar delantera El juego de transmisión auxiliar delantera se puede adquirir a través de su Concesionario Chevrolet Performance. Por favor consulte el catálogo de partes Chevrolet Performance. Aisladores de ruido de cubierta de válvula Se pueden comprar los aisladores de cubierta de válvula para su instalación. Por favor consulte el Chevrolet Camaro 2019 respecto a los números de parte correctos.
  • Página 26 12. Cambie el aceite y el filtro. Nuevamente, revise si el aceite y filtro de aceite tienen partículas extrañas para asegurar que el motor funcione correctamente. Especificaciones del motor LT1 Tipo: ......................Bloque pequeño V8 Generación V Desplazamiento: ..................376 pulgadas cúbicas (6.2 litros).
  • Página 27 Spanish Pistones: ....................Aluminio hipereutéctico Árbol de levas: ................... Levantador hidráulico del rodillo Elevación: ....................0.551" admisión, 0.524" escape Duración: ....................200° admisión, 207° escape @.050" de elevación del levantador Línea central: ..................... 116.5° Ángulo de separación del lóbulo (LSA) Proporción del brazo balancín: ..............

Tabla de contenido