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This publication provides general information on components and procedures that may
be useful when installing or servicing a CT400 circle track crate engine. Please read this
entire publication before starting work.
The information below is divided into the following sections: package contents,
component information, CT400 engine specifications, additional parts that you may need
to purchase, torque specifications, a service parts list, and a baseline chassis set-up.
The CT400 engine is manufactured on current production tooling; consequently you may
encounter dissimilarities between the CT400 engine assembly and previous versions of
the small block V8. In general, items such as motor mounts, accessory drives, exhaust
manifolds, etc. can be transferred to a CT400 engine when it is installed in a race car
originally equipped with a small block V8 engine. However, as noted in the following
sections, there may be minor differences between a CT400 engine and an older small
block V8 engine. These differences may require modifications or additional components
not included with the CT400 engine.
It is not the intent of these specifications to replace the comprehensive and detailed
service practices explained in the Chevrolet service manuals.
Observe all safety precautions and warnings in the service manuals when installing a
CT400 engine in any vehicle. Wear eye protection and appropriate protective clothing.
When working under or around the vehicle support it securely with jackstands. Use only
the proper tools. Exercise extreme caution when working with flammable, corrosive, and
hazardous liquids and materials. Some procedures require special equipment and skills.
lf you do not have the appropriate training, expertise, and tools to perform any part of this
conversion safely, this work should be done by a professional.
CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications
CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications
Specifications Part Number 88960586
REV 20NO17
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Chevrolet Performance CT400

  • Página 1 V8. In general, items such as motor mounts, accessory drives, exhaust manifolds, etc. can be transferred to a CT400 engine when it is installed in a race car originally equipped with a small block V8 engine. However, as noted in the following sections, there may be minor differences between a CT400 engine and an older small block V8 engine.
  • Página 2 This manual also describes procedures and modifications that may be useful during the installation of a CT400 engine. It is not intended to replace the comprehensive service manuals and parts catalogs which cover Chevrolet engines and components. Rather, it is designed to provide supplemental information in areas of interest to “do-it-yourself”...
  • Página 3: Component Information

    Crate Engine Bolt Sealing System: A key part of the Chevrolet Performance parts circle track crate engine program is the sealing of the engines at the assembly plant. When the engines are assembled, eight (8) tamper-proof bolts are installed to ensure the engines have not been modified after initial assembly.
  • Página 4 CT400 Circle Track Crate Engine Specifications: Displacement: 350 Cubic Inches Bore x Stroke: 4.00 Inch x 3.48 Inch Compression: 9.7:1 nominal Horsepower: 404 HP @ 5600 RPM Torque: 406 ft. lbs. Torque @ 4600 RPM Block: Cast Iron, Four-Bolt Intermediate Mains...
  • Página 5: Ignition System

    Water Pump & Cooling System Two different water pumps are recommended for use on the CT400 engine, depending on the application. A long leg, cast iron water pump is available as Chevrolet part number 88894341. A short leg, cast iron water pump is available as Chevrolet part number 12458924.
  • Página 6 Flywheel / Flexplate: Like all small block V8 engines produced since 1986, the CT400 engine has a 3.00” diameter flywheel flange bolt pattern. Small block V8 engines produced from 1958 through 1985 had a 3.58” diameter flywheel flange bolt pattern.
  • Página 7 Headers: A CT400 engine can be equipped with a header exhaust system for maximum performance. The recommended header configuration is 1 5/8” diameter primary pipes, stepped to 1 %” 10 inches from the exhaust port, 32 to 36 inches long primaries, with 3”...
  • Página 8 12. Drive the next 25 laps without high rpm's (below 5000 rpm), hard use, or extended periods of high loading. 13. Change the oil and filter again. 14. Your engine is now ready for racing! 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications PART NO. SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER.
  • Página 9 18 ft.-lbs. / 24 N•m Water pump bolt/screw 30 ft.-lbs. / 40 N•m 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications PART NO. SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER.
  • Página 10 Gasket, rear seal housing ....1 ......12555771 Bolt, rear seal ........ 1 ......14088561 Bolt, rear seal ........ 1 ......14101032 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications PART NO. SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER.
  • Página 11 Bolt, thermostat housing ....2 ......10198997 Bolt, valve cover ......2 ......10066008 All components may vary due to running production changes. 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications PART NO. SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER.
  • Página 12 CT400 lorsqu'il est monté sur une voiture de course équipée à l'origine d'un moteur V8 à bloc compact. Toutefois, comme l'indiquent les sections suivantes, il peut exister de petites différences entre un moteur CT400 et un moteur V8 à bloc compact plus ancien. Ces différences peuvent nécessiter des modifications ou des composants supplémentaires non compris dans le moteur CT400.
  • Página 13 French Information juridique et relative aux émissions La présente publication a pour objet d'offrir des renseignements sur le moteur CT400 et les composants connexes. Le présent manuel décrit également les procédures et les modifications pouvant être utiles pendant la pose d'un moteur CT400. Ces renseignements ne sont pas destinés à...
  • Página 14 Carter d'huile : Le carter d’huile, numéro de pièce Chevrolet 25534354, est installé sur le moteur CT400. Ce carter d’huile a été conçu pour les courses sur pistes circulaires et est de conception à doubles « plaques de chasse ». La capacité de celuici est de huit (8) pintes.
  • Página 15 French Caractéristiques techniques du moteur en caisse de piste circulaire CT400 : Cylindrée : 350 pouces cubes Alésage x course : 4,00 po x 3,48 po Compression : 9.7:1 normal Puissance : 404 HP à 5 600 tr/min Couple : 406 pi-lb Couple à...
  • Página 16 Pompe à eau et système de refroidissement : Deux pompes à eau différentes sont recommandées pour le moteur CT400, selon l’application visée. Une pompe à eau en fonte à long pied est offerte sous le numéro de référence Chevrolet 88894341. Une pompe à eau en fonte à pied court est aussi offerte sous le numéro de référence Chevrolet 12458924.
  • Página 17 Volant moteur / Plateau d'entraînement flexible : Comme tous les moteurs V8 à bloc compact produits depuis 1986, le moteur CT400 présente un cercle de boulonnage de bride de volant moteur de 3,00 po de diamètre. Les moteurs V8 à petit bloc produits de 1958 à 1985 présentaient un cercle de boulonnage de bride de volant moteur de 3,58 po de diamètre.
  • Página 18 French Collecteurs d'échappement : Un moteur CT400 peut être muni d’un système d’échappement à collecteur pour fournir un rendement optimal. La configuration recommandée des collecteurs d’échappement consiste en tuyaux principaux d’un diamètre de 1 5/8 po, échelonnés à 1 % po à 10 po de l’orifice d’échappement, des tuyaux principaux de 32 à 36 po, avec des collecteurs d’un diamètre de 3 po.
  • Página 19 élevée. 13. Vidanger l'huile et remplacer le filtre une fois de plus. 14. Le moteur est maintenant prêt pour la course! 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications PART NO. SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER.
  • Página 20 French Spécifications de couple de serrage du moteur CT400 : Boulon/vis de pignon d’arbre à cames 18 pi-lb / 25 N•m Écrou de bielle Allongement de boulon de 0,006 po préféré à 20 pi-lb + 55° de plus (45 pi-lb si aucun indicateur d’angle n’est disponible) / 27 N•m + 55 °...
  • Página 21 Écrou de joint d’étanchéité arrière . 1 ....10108645 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE PART NO. CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER.
  • Página 22 Culbuteur ........16 .... 19210724 des modifications de production. 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE PART NO. CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER. PRINT ON BOTH SIDES, EXCLUDING TEMPLATES.
  • Página 23 CT400 cuando esté instalado en un vehículo de carreras equipado originalmente con un motor V8 de bloque pequeño. Sin embargo, como se observa en las siguientes secciones, puede haber diferencias menores entre un motor CT400 y un motor V8 de bloque pequeño anterior.
  • Página 24 Este manual también describe los procedimientos y modificaciones que pueden ser útiles durante la instalación de un motor CT400. No está diseñada para sustituir a los exhaustivos manuales de servicio y catálogos de partes que cubren los motores y componentes Chevrolet.
  • Página 25: Información Sobre Los Componentes

    Información sobre los componentes: Culatas de cilindro: El motor CT400 está equipado con culatas de cilindro Chevrolet de bloque pequeño de 23 grados de Quemado Rápido, número de parte Chevrolet 19300955. Estas culatas de cilindro están equipadas con válvulas de admisión 2.00" y escape 1.55", puertos de admisión de 210cc y puertos de escape de 78cc, y cámaras de combustión de 62cc.
  • Página 26 Spanish Especificaciones de Motor armado de pista circular CT400: Desplazamiento: 350 pulgadas cúbicas Diámetro x Carrera: 4.00 pulgadas x 3.48 pulgadas Compresión: 9.7:1 normal Caballos de fuerza: 404 HP @ 5600 RPM Torque: 406 pies lb. Torque @ 4600 RPM...
  • Página 27: Partes Adicionales Que Se Pueden Necesitar

    Carburador / Depurador de aire: Se recomienda un carburador de cuatro barriles Holley modelo 4150 HP, 650-cfm número de parte Chevrolet 19170097 para uso en el motor CT400. El chorro de carburador recomendado para esta aplicación es chorros primarios #73, y chorros secundarios #73.
  • Página 28 Volante de inercia / Placa flexible: Como todos los motores V8 de bloque pequeño producidos desde 1986, el motor CT400 tiene un patrón de perno de brida de volante de inercia de 3.00" de diámetro. Los motores V8 de bloque pequeño producidos desde 1958 hasta 1985 tenían un patrón de perno de brida de volante de inercia de 3.58".
  • Página 29 Cabezales: Un motor CT400 se puede equipar con el sistema de escape de cabezal para un desempeño máximo. La configuración de cabezal recomendada es tubos primarios de 1 5/8", escalonados a a 1 %" 10 pulgadas desde el puerto de escape, primarios de 32 a 36 pulgadas de largo, con colectores de 3"...
  • Página 30 13. Cambie el aceite y el filtro de nuevo. 14. Su motor ya está listo para competir! 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications PART NO. SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER.
  • Página 31 Spanish Especificaciones de torque de motor CT400: Perno/tornillo de corona dentada de árbol de levas 18 pies lb. / 25 N•m Tuerca de biela .006" perno estirado preferido 20 pies-lb. + 55° adicionales (45 pies-lb. si no hay un indicador de ángulo disponible) / 27 N•m + 55°...
  • Página 32 Tuerca, sello trasero ....... 1 ....10108645 Empaque, alojamiento de sello trasero 1 ....12555771 Perno, sello trasero ......1 ....14088561 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications PART NO. SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER.
  • Página 33 Ensamble de cubierta de válvula, juego ........1 ....25534359 88960586 REV 20NO17 TITLE PART NO. CT400 Circle Track Racing Engine Specifications SHEET DATE REVISION AUTH ALL INFORMATION WITHIN ABOVE BORDER TO BE PRINTED EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON 8 1/2 x 11 WHITE 16 POUND BOND PAPER.

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