• Position the unit with a slant of less than 45º (the unit should not work with a slant
of 45º or over as it may result in damage in the compressor). The electronics detect
the slant.
• Clear the valve and wastewater pipe obstruction (Remove the outer cover of the
unit for access).
• Replace the EPDM seal (take down the unit and thoroughly clean the surface where
the EPDM seal is to be attached).
• Seal the cable output in the blower and evaporator cabin cover (remove the unit's
outside cover for access).
Verify the load by checking the pressure; if it is below 0.5 bars or above 5.0 bars with
the unit running, restore the load and run empty for at least 30 minutes and introduce
250 g.
• Check and correct the electro terminal block located inside the front (R and N 2-way
wire clamp) by matching the colours of the wires.
• Clean the capacitor with pressurised air.
• Replace the electro.
• Check the pressure; if it is below 0.5 bars with the unit running, clean the faulty
circuit or replace obstructed components (possibly the continuous flow capillary
tube, as this is the component with least diameter).
* Gas recovery must be precise, since part of the gas remains in the tubes of the
pressure gauges.
Air conditioning for vehicles