Referencias de paquetes de cálculo
Referencias de paquetes de cálculo
1. Edad gestacional y peso estimado del feto por biometría fetal
a. Hadlock FP, Deter RL, Harrist RB, Park SK. Estimating fetal age: computer-assisted analysis of multiple fetal
growth parameters. Radiology. 1984 Aug;152(2):497-501.
b. Hadlock FP, Harrist RB, Carpenter RJ, Deter RL, Park SK. Sonographic estimation of fetal weight. The value
of femur length in addition to head and abdomen measurements. Radiology. 1984 Feb;150(2):535-4.
c. Anderson NG, Jolley IJ, Wells JE. Sonographic estimation of fetal weight: comparison of bias, precision and
consistency using 12 different formulae. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Official Journal of
the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2007 Aug;30(2):173-9.
2. Índice de líquido amniótico
a. Phelan JP, Ahn MO, Smith CV, Rutherford SE, Anderson E. Amniotic fluid index measurements during
pregnancy. The Journal of reproductive medicine. 1987 Aug;32(8):601-4.
3. Volumen de la vejiga: elipsoide prolado
a. Dicuio M, Pomara G, Menchini Fabris F, Ales V, Dahlstrand C, Morelli G. Measurements of urinary bladder
volume: comparison of five ultrasound calculation methods in volunteers. Archivo Italiano di Urologica e
Andrologica. 2005 Mar;77(1):60-2.
b. Ecuación de elipsoide prolado: volumen = 0,52 * (D1) * (D2) * (D3)
Paquetes de cálculo manual