whether or not you wish for Bit S1 to be visible to other BT devices. Tap
BT settings>Visibility, then make your selection.
Clock: Select clock style, tap Clock>Clock type, then scroll and make
your selection. To set time and date, Time Synch must be closed. For
Date, tap Clock>Date, then vertically scroll year, month & day columns to
today's date and select OK. For Time, tap Clock>Time, then vertically
scroll hour, minute & AM/PM then select OK.
Sound: Customize ring tones and notifications. For Alert tone tap
Sound>Ring type then make your selection. For Ringtone, tap
Sound>Ringtone, make your selection then tap OK. For Notification tone,
tap Sound>Notification tone, make your selection then tap OK.
To adjust, tap Settings icon to enter the app, then
follow instructions below.
Bluetooth Settings: Activate or turn o bluetooth,
or disconnect paired devices. Tap BT settings,
then select Power On or O option. Note, battery
charge will last longer with BT O . Also choose