RS V8531 Hoja De Instrucciones página 3

This phase and continuity tester is fitted with a standard 16A, 4-pin, 3
phase and earth BS4343 style plug. This allows the unit to be used to
confirm continuity and phase rotation at a 3 phase socket subsequent
to installation, or to quickly check for continuity and rotation at a socket
prior to plugging in portable 3-phase equipment.
Use extreme care when you work around electrical circuits. A severe
shock hazard exists. The tester is not intended to replace good
electrical practices.
In order to avoid the danger of electrical shock, it is important that
proper safety measures are taken when working with voltages
exceeding 30Vac rms, 42V peak or 60Vdc.
Always check that the tester is operating correctly before proceeding.
These instructions contain both information and warnings that are
necessary for the safe operation and maintenance of the unit. It is
recommended that you read the instructions carefully and ensure that
the contents are fully understood. Failure to understand this leaflet and
to comply with the warnings and instructions contained herein can
result in serious injury or damage.
The unit must only be used under the conditions and for the purposes
for which it has been constructed. Particular attention should be paid to
the safety instructions, the technical specifications, and the use of the
unit in dry surroundings.
Instructions for use
1. To prove continuity
Plug the tester into the socket you wish to check, switch on the
supply and, if continuity is complete, the three top neons of the
indicator will light as shown in figure 1 or figure 5. One of the two
bottom neons will also light, but should be ignored for this test.
Note: The product does not include supply loads.
2. To ascertain faulty line if continuity is not proved
The fault phase is indicated by only one of the three top neons
lighting, e.g. should the neon marked R light, it indicates that the
neon line is faulty (see figure 2). Similarly yellow and blue line faults
are indicated by their respective neons being lit (see figure 3 and 4).
When the fault has been corrected, phase continuity will be
indicated as figure 1 or figure 5.
3. To ascertain the sequence of phase rotation
The bottom two neons of the tester are used for this test. First
ensure that continuity is complete as test (1). If the phases arise at
their source in the order red, yellow, blue the neon R.Y.B. will light
as figure 1, or the neon marked R.B.Y. If the order is red, blue,
yellow (see figure 5).
Note 1. The tester may be used to check 3 phase supplies with
phase to phase voltages from 100V to 600V (peak), and
frequencies from 40Hz to 60Hz.
Note 2. Before using the tester, check for correct operation on a
known voltage. The tester,plug and lead should also be
periodically examined for damage to insulation etc. lf any
damage is evident, the unit should not be used.
Note 3. Ensure neutral and/or earth integrity of the supply before
the testers.
RS Stock No.
There are no user serviceable parts in this phase and continuity
After removal from any sockets, it may be cleaned using a soft, damp
Storage Conditions
The unit should be kept in warm dry conditions away from direct
sources of head and in such a manner as to preserve the working life
of the unit. It is strongly advised that the unit is not kept in a tool box
where other tools may damage it.
Technical Specifications
Voltage range (phase to phase): ____________100V to 600V (peak)
Frequency range: ______________________________40Hz to 60Hz
Power consumption: ________________________________<2.3W.
Temperature range: ______________-10°C to 40°C at max 60% RH
Power supply: __________________________________from mains.
Overvoltage category: ____________________________600V cat.III
Pollution degree: ________________________________________2
RS Components shall not be liable for any liability or loss of any nature (howsoever
caused and whether or not due to RS Components' negligence) which may result
from the use of any information provided in RS technical literature.
Dieser Phasen- und Durchgangsprüfer hat einen 4-poligen
Standardstecker nach BS4343 mit 16A-Sicherung, drei Phasenleitern
und einem Schutzleiter. Daher eignet sich das Gerät zur Prüfung des
Durchgangs und der Phasenfolge nach der Installation von
Drehstromsteckdosen sowie zur schnellen Prüfung des Durchgangs
und der Phasenfolge vor dem Anschluß eines Drehstromgeräts an eine
Arbeiten Sie nur mit äußerster Vorsicht an elektrischen Schaltungen.
Es besteht immer erhöhte Stromschlaggefahr. Das Prüfgerät ist nicht
dafür vorgesehen, übliche Vorsichts- und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zu
Damit elektrische Schläge vermieden werden, ist es wichtig, die
richtigen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, wenn an elektrischen
Betriebsmitteln gearbeitet wird, an denen Spannungen von über 30V
AC effektiv, 42V Spitze oder 60V DC anliegen.
Überzeugen Sie sich vor jeder Prüfung, daß das Gerät einwandfrei
Diese Bedienungsanleitung enthält sowohl Betriebs- als auch
Sicherheitshinweise, die für den sicheren Betrieb und die gefahrlose
Bedienungsanleitung daher aufmerksam durch, und achten Sie darauf,
daß Sie alle Angaben vollständig verstehen. Falls Sie diese
Bedienungsanleitung nicht vollständig verstanden haben oder die in
dieser Bedienungsanleitung enthaltenen Sicherheitshinweise und
Anweisungen nicht befolgen, sind gravierende Personen- (Verletzung
oder Tod) und Sachschäden (am Gerät und an anderen Sachen)
Das Gerät darf nur für den vorgesehen Verwendungszweck und unter
den vorgesehenen Betriebsbedingungen eingesetzt werden. Beachten
Sie insbesondere die Sicherheitshinweise, die technischen Daten und
RS Best-Nr.