How to Test Glucose Control
1. Allow Control, vial of Strips and Meter to
adjust to room temperature 59-86°F. Write date
first opened on both Control label and Strip
vial label.
Note: Running a Control Test at
temperatures outside the range
listed above may cause Control
to read as a blood test.
2. Check dates on Control label and Strip vial
label. Do not use Control or Strips if either
3 months after opening or after date
printed next to EXP on label. Discard
out-of-date products and use new
products if either date has passed.
3. Swirl or invert bottle gently to mix Control.
4. Remove Strip from vial. Recap Strip vial
Note: Use Strip quickly after removal
from vial. Strips that have been
left out of vial too long will give
an error message. If error
message appears in Display,
discard old Strip and use new
Strip for testing.
5. Insert Strip into Test Port. Meter
turns on.
May 30, 2010