100mm faders for special masters
New in this release
It is now possible to switch one or both of the 100mm faders to magic speed masters.
It is also possible to leave the 100mm fader empty.
Fixture sheet view shows values only
New in this release
A new title button was added to the fixture sheet view. It is possible to switch the representation from preset and
channel set names to values only.
DMX-in via network protocols
New in this release
DMX-in (for remote inputs) can now also be used via Art-Net and sACN.
Art-Net and sACN assignable universes
New in this release
The Art-Net and sACN input and outputs are now individually assignable to the dot2 universes.
There is a new calculator in Art-Net. This calculator allows you to make entries in the hexadecimal number system.
It is not possible to set more than one dot2 universe to the same universe within one protocol.
If you try to assign dot2 universe 1 + 2 to the Art-Net universe 0:0 for instance, the active column shows you that
assignment is invalid.
Other Enhancements
Added: All calculators now show the value range available in the title bar.
Added: An identification bar is now displayed in dot2 onPC if executors are switched on.
Added: Header cells in the fixture grid are now interactive, for example press "Off" and tap one of the header
Added: Display of a fader indicator for button executors if the virtual fader position is not at 100 %.
Added: An Info column in cue view.
Added: : If a cue is in edit mode, text is displayed in red in the headline and red frames are displayed in the cues
view and the executor bar.
Update: Newest fixture library Carallon 13.1
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Phone +49 5251 688865-27 | support (at)ma-dot2.com | www.malighting.com
d o t 2 U s e r Ma n u a l
Version 1.3