d o t 2 U s e r Ma n u a l
Version 1.3
When you are done moving the fixtures remember to tap the Edit Layout icon again to turn off the edit mode. Then
you might want to tap the Zoom icon again.
You can also use the zoom bar on the left side of the view and the two scroll bars to move the layout view around.
This is my result:
Figure 3: Fixture Layout View 1 - result.
This is the Fixture Layout view. You can make five different views. They can each contain all or some of your fixtures.
If you press and hold the
key you'll see the fixture name and the color for each fixture - the color part get's
better when we have fixtures that can change color.
Fixture Symbol View
The Fixture Symbol View looks a lot like the Fixture Layout view. The exception is that you can't arrange them and
they are all there. They are arranged by fixture type.
This is what it looks like now:
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