The charging station uses RGB LEDs to inform the client about the status and indicate which actions need to be
carried out. The status indication (READY, CHARGING, ERROR) is also provided in the "I-CON MANAGER" APP (if it
is near the charging station and the devices are connected with each other). The meanings of the various colours
are explained below.
Colour and status
Fixed green
Flashing green
Fixed blue
Flashing blue
Fixed red
The station is ready to start a charging session. No problem detected.
The recharging station is waiting for the vehicle to be connected or disconnected.
The charging session is in progress and the vehicle is absorbing energy.
The charging session is in progress, but the vehicle is not absorbing energy (battery charged, or
vehicle not ready for recharging).
An internal error has been detected by the station, and the charging process cannot be
The charging station does not have the necessary power supply