Environmental Recommendations - Guarany 405-11 Manual Del Operador

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OPERATOR'S MANUAL | Symetrical Knapsack Sprayers SP


1 - Disposal of liquid effluents
Do not wash the containers, packaging or sprayers in lakes, fountains, rivers or
any other body of water.
Properly dispose of the packaging and product remains. Follow the instructions on
the packaging of agrochemicals.
2 - Apply only the recommended doses and restrict them only to the
targeted areas
Do not carry out the application of agrochemicals in areas located within a distance
of 500 metres from areas of water destined for public use; and within 250 metres
of water springs, isolated homes, concentrations of animals and crops susceptible
to damage from these products.
3 - Recommendations for decontamination, destruction and disposal
of the Guarany knapsack sprayer
When carrying out the procedure for disposing of equipment that has been used
for applying agrochemicals, proceed as follows:
a) Decontamination of tank and other components through which the
chemical products passed:
NOTE: before sending to the sprayer for disposal/recycling, carry out the
washing/decontamination process described below.
1- During the sprayer washing procedure, the operator must use the following
PPEs - protective clothing that avoids the
risk of chemical contamination
(consisting of long sleeve jacket and trousers), apron, waterproof gloves,
waterproof boots and face visor;
2- Washing should be carried out in a ventilated place with impermeable flooring;
3- Completely empty out the contents of the spray tank into a plastic container;
4- Fill the sprayer with clean water up to 1/3 of its rated capacity recommended in
the technical specifications;
5- Close the tank lid and shake the equipment for 30 seconds;
6- Discharge part of the liquid from the tank through the nozzle, spraying for at
least 1 minute, emptying the remainder through the tank opening, collecting up all
the waste liquid into the same plastic container mentioned in item 3. NOTE: this
liquid should not be discarded under any circumstances whatsoever and should be
used whenever possible for the dilution/preparation of new agrochemical mixes;
7- This operation should be repeated 3 times before sending the spray equipment
for the disposal/recycling process;
8- After the triple washing procedure, disable the plastic tank by perforating the
base to avoid possible future use.
Waste disposal carried out incorrectly can impact on the environment causing
significant changes in the quality of the soil, surface waters, groundwater, as well
as impacting on the health of the population.
If you have any questions regarding these disposal procedures, see our website
(www.guaranyind.com.br) or call +55 2118 8400.
Mangueira reforçada com trama de nylon
20 Litros - Código 405-11
16 Litros - Código 439-03
Nova alavanca em "L", maior
Filtro com maior área de filtragem
Dupla agitação, mecânico e hidráulico
Biela com válvula de alívio de pressão
que auxilia na redução da deriva.
Novo sistema de conexão de bicos
Chassi plástico anticorrosão,
super reforçado
Novo sistema de engate e destravamento rápido da correia,
maior segurança e praticidade
Capacidade do tanque 20L..............................5,3gal
Capacidade do tanque 16L..............................4,2gal
Peso vazio 20L ...............................................4,4Kg (9,70 libras)
Peso vazio 16L ...............................................4,3Kg (9,47 libras)
Bomba ..........................................................Tipo Pistão
Vazão da ponta regulável a 45psi ....................600ml/min (0,15gal/min)
Material do cilindro da bomba .........................Poliacetal
Material do acumulador de pressão .................Cobre
Caixa individual..............................................490x175x555mm
Número mínimo de acionamentos da
alavanca/min para atingir pressão de 5 bar* ....17 acionamentos/min
* Tanque com 6 litros d'água
Fivelas reguláveis.
Grande conforto.
Facilitam a colocação do
equipamento nas costas.
Figura 1
Estrutura simétrica que
p e r m i t e
m u d a n ç a
instantânea do lado de
acionamento sem uso de
Figura 3A
Conjunto de descarga completo (Item 45).
Comprimento total 744 mm.
Permite o uso de qualquer
ponta de pulverização que
segue os padrões das normas
internacionais ISO.
Acompanha a ponta regulável
de jato cônico GUARANY.
Figura 3B
Com anéis de fluor-elastômero e filtro
incorporado na manopla.
Trava de fixação do gatilho, permite pulverização
Figura 3C
Válvula de alívio de pressão,
Válvula semiesférica (de elastômero) :
impede a ocorrência de pressões
sistema eficiente de transferência de
excessivas que promovem a deriva.
Parte Inferior
Parte Superior
Figura 4
Figura 2
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