Circumferential dressing Application: Avoid use of circumferential dressings except in the
presence of anasarca or excessively weeping extremities, where a circumferential drape technique
may be necessary to establish and maintain a seal� Consider using multiple small pieces of V�A�C�
Drape rather than one continuous piece to minimize the risk of decreased distal circulation�
Extreme care should be taken not to stretch or pull the drape when securing it, but let it attach
loosely and stabilize the edges with an elastic wrap, if necessary� When using circumferential
drape applications, it is crucial to systematically and recurrently palpate distal pulses, and assess
distal circulatory status� If circulatory compromise is suspected, discontinue therapy, remove
dressing, and contact a physician�
Pressure Points: Periodically assess and monitor the location of tubing connectors, caps, clamps
or other rigid components to ensure they do not create inadvertent pressure points in relation to
patient position�
V.A.C.Ulta™ therapy Unit Pressure excursions: In rare instances, tubing blockages with
the V�A�C�Ulta™ Therapy Unit may result in brief vacuum excursions to more than 250 mmHg
negative pressure� Resolve alarm conditions immediately� Refer to the V�A�C�Ulta™ Therapy
System User Manual or contact your KCI Clinical Account Manager for additional information�
AdditioNAl PreCAUtioNs for V.A.C. VerAflo™ therAPy
suitable solutions: V�A�C� VeraFlo™ Therapy is intended for use with V�A�C�
VeraFlo™ Therapy disposables and topical wound treatment solutions and
suspensions� Only use solutions or suspensions that are:
Indicated for topical wound treatment according to solution manufacturer's
instructions for use� Some topical agents may not be intended for extended
tissue contact� If in doubt about the appropriateness of using a particular
solution for V�A�C� VeraFlo™ Therapy, contact the solution's manufacturer
about its suitability for saturated topical wound exposure�
Compatible with V�A�C�
KCI Clinical Account Manager for a list of solutions shown to be compatible
with V�A�C�
Note: Hypochlorous acid solutions applied frequently at high
concentrations can lead to significant material degradation. Consider
utilizing concentrations and exposure durations as low as clinically relevant�
Note: The V.A.C. GranuFoam Silver
with V.A.C. VeraFlo™ Therapy because instillation solutions may negatively
impact the benefits of the V.A.C. GranuFoam Silver
Canister Changes: Monitor fluid level in canisters frequently during use of the
V�A�C� VeraFlo™ Therapy� Frequent canister changes may be necessary depending
on volume of fluid instilled and wound exudates� At a minimum the canister should
be changed weekly and disposed of according to institutional protocol�
Dressings and disposable components� Contact your
Dressings and disposable components�
Dressing is not intended to be used