Press the "Neck
Massage" button to
control the neck jet
12. Confirm Proper Operation
Fill the Whirlpool
NOTE: Please read these steps carefully before you operate your whirlpool.
- Position the jet nozzles so they face down toward the basin. Turn the jet trim rings fully counterclockwise.
- Fill the whirlpool to a water level at least 2" (5cm) above the top of the highest jet.
NOTE: The water temperature in the whirlpool should not exceed 104_F (40_C).
Operating Sequence
NOTE: A built in heater automatically maintains the water temperature when the whirlpool is running.
- Press the On/Off" button to turn on the whirlpool. The whirlpool will start at high volume.
- Increase or decrease the water flow by pressing either the up or down arrow keys on the On/Off" switch.
- Adjust each jet for optimum air/water mixture. Turn the trim ring clockwise to reduce the air flow, and
counterclockwise to increase the air flow.
- Press the On/Off" button a second time to turn off the whirlpool.
NOTE: A built in timer automatically stops the whirlpool after approximately 20 minutes of operation.
Neck Jet Operation – "-N" Series Only
- Make sure the slip cover is in place on the pillow, and the pillow is attached to the neck jet body.
- With the whirlpool running, press the Neck Massage" button to turn on the the neck jets. The neck jet pulsing
action will start at medium speed.
- Increase or decrease the neck jet pulsing action by pressing either the up or down arrow keys on the Neck
Massage" switch.
- Increase or decrease the water flow by pressing either the up or down arrow keys on the On/Off" switch.
- Press the Neck Massage" button a second time to turn off the neck jets.
Kohler Co.
Use the arrow keys to
adjust the water flow
Press the "On/Off"
button to control the
whirlpool functions
Use the arrow keys
to adjust the neck jet
pulsing action
Turn the jet trim
ring clockwise to
decrease the flow
Turn the jet trim ring
counterclockwise to
increase the flow