Wall Mount
Note: Light fixture and sensor should be mounted as shown above
when installed (depending upon type of installation).
Mounting the Solar Light Fixture
Make sure there is enough vertical space above the mounting plate
to allow the light fixture to be mounted.
1. Press the bottom tab of the wall mounting plate and slide the
mounting plate from the light body (see Figure 1).
2. Place the mounting plate against the mounting surface and ensure
the mounting plate is level. Mark the hole locations (see Figure
2). Note: The "UP" arrow must point upward.
• If mounting to a wooden surface, drill two 3/32 in. holes into
the mounting surface. Install the two mounting screws through
the mounting plate and into the mounting surface.
• If mounting to wall board or brick, drill two 7/32 in. holes
into the mounting surface. Insert the wall anchors and attach
the mounting plate using the two mounting screws.
3. Slide the rear of the light fixture down onto the mounting plate
until it snaps into place (see Figure 3).
• If wall mounted, make sure the fixture is mounted with the sensor
below the lamp head (see above).
• If eave mounted, mount the fixture with sensor facing away from
the house wall (see above). Rotate the sensor so the controls on the
bottom of the sensor (see Figure 4) face the ground.
Eave Mount
To see operational and troubleshooting information and videos,
go to www.hzsupport.com
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4