We are delighted that you have chosen this product. Our high-quality product has been tried and tested for
racing and specially developed for sporting challenges. Correct installation of the product is essential for gua-
ranteeing the maximum level of safety and functionality. Please follow the fitting instructions or contact an aut-
horized dealer. The (quasi-)manufacturer or supplier cannot be held accountable for incorrect installation or
usage of this product.
The fitting instructions contain the latest information for this model series at the time of going to print. However,
minor differences due to further developments in design cannot be ruled out completely.
All specifications contained are non-binding. Husqvarna Motorcycles GmbH specifically reserves the right
to modify or delete technical specifications, prices, colors, forms, materials, services, designs, equipment,
etc., without prior notice and without specifying reasons, to adapt these to local conditions, as well as to stop
production of a particular model without prior notice. Husqvarna Motorcycles accepts no liability for delivery
options, deviations from illustrations and descriptions, as well as misprints and other errors. The models
portrayed partly contain special equipment that does not belong to the regular scope of supply.
© 2019 Husqvarna Motorcycles GmbH, Mattighofen Austria
All rights reserved
Reproduction, even in part, as well as copying of all kinds, is permitted only with the express written permission
of the copyright owner.
Husqvarna Motorcycles GmbH
Stallhofnerstraße 3
5230 Mattighofen, Austria