2 General description
2.1 Operating principle of the Spring Panel
DualSun Spring is a new generation hybrid solar panel that provides both electricity (photovoltaic) and hot (thermal)
water for housing.
Protected by several patents, the Spring Panel produces 2.5 times more energy than a photovoltaic panel of the same
surface. This innovative technology allows a space saving and total integration into the roof, for a competitive energy
Our technology is derived from a double observation on photovoltaic panels:
they produce much more heat (80%) than electricity (20%) when they are exposed to the Sun,
their performance decreases when their temperature rises.
The Spring panel uses the heat emitted by the photovoltaic cells to heat the domestic water, thus improving the
efficiency by cooling photovoltaic cells (potential gain from 5% to 15% by suitable cooling).
With a vertically integrated design of photovoltaic and thermal components in a single panel (protected by 3 patent
families), the Spring panel is specifically designed for an optimized industrial manufacturing, making it more efficient,
more aesthetic and cheaper than competitors.
With the same shape as a conventional photovoltaic panel, the Spring offers:
harmonious design and total integration into the roof,
a real space saving thanks to a more efficient solar panel per m²,
a simple and safe installation.
2.2 Principle diagram of a Spring module
1. Heat exchanger: completely integrated in the Panel, it allows an excellent heat transfer between the
photovoltaic front and the water circulation.
2. Low thickness (35 mm frame): standard dimensions of a conventional photovoltaic panel (60 cells of 6 inches)
Solar photovoltaic cells: monocrystalline, high efficiency, they are cooled by water circulation.
Installation, operation and maintenance instructions - DualSun XXXM – 60 – 3BBP
Figure 1 : Exploded view of the DualSun Spring Panel
V1.2 – March 2020
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