Standalone Smoke Detector
Alarm (SSDA)
0 405 27
Certi cate : 0333-CPD-292050
Smoke alarm
Wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted
Safety instructions
Detection systems must be installed by duly quali ed specialist companies.
Incorrect installation and use can lead to risk of electric shock or re. Before
carrying out the installation, read the instructions and take account of the
product's speci c mounting location. All Legrand products must be opened and
repaired only by trained, approved personnel. Any unauthorised opening or
repair completely cancels all liabilities and the rights to replacement and
guarantees. Use only Legrand brand accessories.
The Standalone Smoke Detector Alarm (SSDA) Cat. No. 0 405 27 is designed
for home use. It detects smoke generated by the initial stages of a re, and
warns the user with a loud audible signal. Please read the following pages
carefully before installing and commissioning the SSDA Cat. No. 0 405 27.
Caution: the Standalone Smoke Detector Alarm Cat. No. 040527 does not
detect heat, gases, or ames.
General speci cations
Certi cations
Power supply : Non-replaceable Duracell
Certi cate Number:
Ultra123* lithium battery
Battery life : 10 years
Compliant with the
Smoke detection: optical
following standard:
Acoustic power: > 85dB at 3 metres
NF EN 14604
Battery monitoring : Audible and illuminated
Certifying body:
fault signal
Battery test frequency : Automatic,
AFNOR Certi cation
approximately every 50 seconds.
11 rue Francis de
Mounting : Kit supplied comprising screws
Préssensé F-93571
and wall plugs for solid materials.
La Plaine St-Denis Cedex
False alarm protection :
Tél : +33(0)1 41 62 80 00
With algorithm managed by microcontroller
Fax : +33(0)1 49 17 90 00
Insect protection grid
Functional check : Test button
Email :
* Air transport of lithium batteries intended for
personal use is regulated under Category UN3090.
Further information is available on the website
Table of contents
- User guide
- Positioning advice
- Test
- Installation type: ceiling or wall
- Cleaning
- Positioning in the kitchen
- What to do in case of
- Installing and commissioning a
standalone Smoke Detector Alarm 5
- Certi cations
- Alarm silencing device
- Contact
- Battery fault postponement
- Guarantee conditions 11
- Disabling the Standalone Smoke
- Recycling
Detector Alarm
Technical speci cations
Dimensions : H 61 mm x Diameter 110 mm
Weight : 162 g
Operating temperature : 0 to 55°C
Environment indoor
White ABS
Positioning advice
Minimum installation
One detector per oor, preferably in hallways and stairwells.
Note: If possible, choose areas near the entrance to bedrooms,
because the risk of smoke intoxication is higher during sleep.
Recommended installation
One detector per room. For rooms where false alarms may
occur frequently (e.g., kitchen, garage, etc.), check the
installation precautions. Do not install Standalone Smoke
Detector Alarms in a bathroom.
For installation in the kitchen or garage, refer to the section on
Installation precautions.
Installation type : ceiling or wall
Positioning example
Observe the distances indicated below.
Long hallway
In hallways more than 10 metres long, install at least two SSDA
Cat. No. 0 405 27. Distribute the detectors as evenly as possible,
preferably in areas near bedrooms and staircases.
Positioning precautions
Certain e ects can hinder the operation of the SSDA:
- Condensation in laundry rooms.
- Devices that generate smoke (cooker, oven, vehicle exhaust, etc.).
- Ensure that any rooms containing these types of devices are well
- Smoke dilution caused by ventilation sources (air conditioning,
heating, window, etc.).
- Dust in attics, lofts, workshops, etc.
- Abnormally low (below 0°) or high (above 55°C) ambient
- Water vapour in bathrooms: a Standalone Smoke Detector Alarm
should not be installed there because of the high risk of false alarms.
- Vehicle exhaust fumes (in garages): risk of false alarm.
Positioning in the kitchen
The installation of a SSDA in a kitchen is not recommended because
of the high risk of false alarms and because the detector can quickly
become soiled. The installation of a SSDA in a kitchen smaller than
9 m must be avoided. Leave a distance of at least 2 metres (for a
oor area of at least 9 m ) from any device that emits smoke or vapour.
To prevent spurious alarms, use the silencing feature whenever you
are using a device that emits smoke or vapour.
Installing and commissioning a SSDA
Tools required: Drill, 4 mm bit;
wall plugs and screws are supplied.
Familiarise yourself with the information in this document
minimum protection
Installation instructions
Optimum protection
Caution: For mounting on hollow materials, we recommend the use
of appropriate expansion wall plugs.
1 - Place the base on the ceiling.
2 - Orient the test button so that it will be visible and accessible.
3 - Mark the locations where the two holes must be drilled to insert
the wall plugs.
4 - Drill the holes, and insert the wall plugs.
5 - Secure the base using the two screws.
Anti-theft device
The built-in locking device prevents the detector from being
stolen, e.g. in a communal residence.
Break the two studs (see location below). The detector can now
be locked and immobilised.
If necessary, you can simply actuate the mechanical locking
lever by inserting a small screwdriver in the opening in the base
(see illustration below).
Enabling the SSDA battery
1 - Remove the tab by pulling towards yourself. The SSDA becomes
operational after 20 seconds (see below left).
2 - Store the tab in the holder provided (see below right).
At the end of detector life, you can disconnect the battery using the
tab to stop the audible fault alarm and avoid any electrical risk during
recycling (see the section on 'Disabling the SSDA').
Detector installation
1 - Place the detector on the base.
2 - Rotate clockwise until it locks.
If the test button is not oriented towards the entrance to the room,
you can unlock it (anticlockwise) and turn the detector through 180°.
3 - Press the test button to check detector operation.
Alarm silencing device
The SSDA Cat. No. 0 405 27 is equipped with an alarm silencing
- when the source of the smoke has been identi ed.
- preventively, before the possible presence of smoke.
Example: smoke from a toaster, fryer, or cigarette. The silencing
feature is disabled automatically after 10 minutes.
The SSDA then returns to its normal operating mode. This allows
you to air the room without hearing the alarm signal.
Kitchen installation example
Silencing the alarm in
Recommended location
the presence of smoke
Position the detector in the area
furthest from any source of
smoke or vapour
1 - Presence of smoke:
- 1 red ash / 1 sec
- audible alarm signal
2 - Press the Test button.
The alarm signal stops.
Re-enabling of a Standalone Smoke Detector Alarm in silent mode:
Silencing can be cancelled before the end of the 10 minutes.
1 - SSDA silenced:
1 red ash / 7 sec
in the presence
of smoke.
Battery fault postponement
In the event of a battery fault, the SSDA beeps approximately once
every 50 sec. This signal can be temporarily postponed.
1 - Battery fault
1 long beep + 1
red ash
every 50 sec.
Disabling the Standalone Smoke Detector Alarm
(temporarily or for disposal)
Stud to immobilise the locking mechanism
1 - Remove the tab from its holder.
Mechanical locking lever
2 - Insert the tab between the tip of the battery and the metal part.
3 - Press the Test button to check that power has been removed.
For disposal, deposit your products at a reprocessing collection point.
User guide
Identi cation of audible event signals
Audible signal
5 short fast beeps
1 short beep / 1 sec
2 consecutive short beeps Event acknowledgement (quitting silent mode)
3 consecutive short beeps Event acknowledgement (silent mode
Identi cation of illuminated event signals
Visual signal
1 red ash / 1 sec
1 red ash / 7 sec
1 red ash / 2 sec
1 red ash / 50 sec Standalone Smoke Detector Alarm in normal
Identi cation of audible and illuminated event signals
1 red ash + 1 long beep / 50 sec: : Battery fault (main power source,
see instructions above).
Silencing the alarm before
smoke is present
1 - Before smoke is present:
- Standalone Smoke Detector Alarm in
stand-by mode
- 1 red ash / 50 sec
2 - Hold the Test button down for two
seconds. After the audible test signal,
three short beeps con rm that the alarm
has been silenced.
3 - Silencing is enabled for 10 minutes:
-1 red ash / 7 sec (if smoke is present: 1 red ash / 2 sec)
2 - Press the Test
3 - Returning the
button; there are
SSDA to stand-by
2 short beeps and
mode: 1 red ash
silencing is cancelled.
every 50 sec.
2 - Press the Test button.
3 - 12 hours later:
3 short beeps con rm
1 long beep + 1 red ash
postponement of the
approximately every 50
battery fault signal for
sec. The error is indicated
approximately 12 hours.
Power up
Detected smoke level close to alarm level
Switchover to alarm mode
Silencing device enabled without smoke
Silencing device enabled in the presence of smoke
operating mode