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KITCHEN MIXING PROGRAM PROGRAMME DU MITIGEUR POUR LA CUISINE PROGRAMA MEZCLADORES COCINA OXYGENE HI-TECH Art. 920 Gessi SpA - Parco Gessi 13037 Serravalle Sesia (Vercelli) - Italy Phone +39 0163 454111 - Facsimile +39 0163 459273 www.gessi.com - [email protected]...
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MUST NEVER BE EXCEEDED, as it may damage and/or cause ruptures and/or leakages and/or even break the product, and present a potential hazard and danger to safety, health and/or property. Following are the technical data with respect to the installation of Gessi plumbing products.
Ci-dessous nous indiquons les données techniques concernant l’installation des produits sanitaires Gessi. ► L apressiondeservicenedoitpasêtreinférieureà0,5bar(7,25psi)etsupérieureà5bar (72Psi).Encasdepressionsdeserviceplushautesutiliserunesoupapederéductiondela...
A continuación Lesproporcionamoslosdatostécnicosrelativosalainstalacióndelosproductosdegrifería Gessi. ► L apresióndeejercicionotienequeserinferiora0,5bar(7,25psi)ysuperiora5bar(72Psi). Encasodepresionesdeejerciciomayores,utilicenunaválvuladereduccióndelapresión. ►Presiónmáximadeensayodurantelainstalación:8bar(116psi). ► E vitengrandesdiferenciasdepresiónentrelaalimentacióndelaguafríayaquelladelagua caliente.
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATIONS - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Before installation and setting to work Attention! The feeding pipes have to be rinsed thoroughly before the installation of the mixer, so that no shavings, welding or hemp residual or other dirt can be found in the pipes. Foreign bodies can enter the mixer through the rinsed pipes or the general water plant and could damage the washers/ring washers.
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATIONS - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES - Complying with these indications will maintain the guarantee rights, ensures the declared properties of the products and guarantees full reliability. - Le respect de ces indications, assure les droits de garantie, garantit les caractéristiques déclarées des produits et il en assure la complète fiabilité.
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATIONS - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES - Prolonged contact with any even low aggressive substance can cause external braid damage and subsequent burst of the hose. - L econtactprolongéavecdessubstancesmêmepeuagressivespeutprovoquerladétériorationdela tresseetl’éclatementconséquentduflexible. - E lcontactoprolongadoconsustancias,aunsipocoagresivas,puedeperjudicarlatrenzayprovocar laconsecuenterupturadelflexo. Ø 2 x Ø - Before the start of the bend please leave a straight section twice the external diameter. - Avant le commencement de la courbure laisser une ligne rectiligne d’au moins 2 fois le diamètre extérieur.
INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 4 Fig. 5 iNstAllAtiON Before inserting the single lever mixer in the hole of the sink, make sure that the base gasket is properly positioned in its seat and that the flexible hoses are well tightened to the body of the tap. Place the single lever group in the hole of the sink, orienting the spout toward the sink tank.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN del grifo. Posicionen el monomando sobre el agujero del fregadero, orientando el caño de erogación hacia la cubeta del fregadero Introduzcaneljuegodefijaciónsegúnlasecuenciaindicadayrespectivamente:lajuntamoldurada,la brida triangular y la brida. SÓLO en el caso de que el espesor del llano de apoyo no permita la instalación de todos los componentes defijaciónesposiblenoutilizarlabridatriangulardeplástico.
INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 13 Fig. 14 1/8” [2,5mm] MiXER stEADYiNG Once the mixer is positioned in the hole of the sink, steady it to avoid unpleasant oscillations during the use, due to the large size. Screw manually the rod into the hole on the body of the mixer until it reaches a mechanicalstop,thenslidetheflangeontheroduntilreachingthewall.Useabubble-airleveltoguaran- tee that the mixer is well aligned and mark with a pencil the drilling points on the wall in correspondence withtheholesontheflange....
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN varillaenelagujerodelfregaderohastaeltopemecánico;sucesivamentedesplacenlabridasobrela varilla hasta alcanzar la pared. Utilicen un nivel para asegurarse que el mezclador quede bien alineado ymarquenconunlápizlospuntosdehoradaciónenlapared,encorrespondenciaconlosagujerosde la brida. Alejenlabridayhoradenenlospuntosmarcadosutilizandounabrocade1/4”D.[Ø6mm];introduzcan lostacosincluidosenelsuministro.Vuelvanaacercarlabridademaneraquelosagujeroscoincidan conlostacos.Fijenalaparedutilizandolostornillosautorroscantesincluidosenelsuministro.Alineen elmezcladorconlaayudadeunnivelyasegúrenloconelauxiliodelaclavijadefijaciónincluidaenel suministro.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 15 Fig. 16 1/8” [3mm] stEADYiNG OF tHE MiXER If the fastening set cannot be installed over sink top, place it on the stem under the top proceeding in the samewayandusingtheappropriateadaptersupplied.Thenusethefinishplugsuppliedtoconcealthe seat of the upper fastening placed on the back of the mixer. stABilisAtiON DU MitiGEUR S’iln’estpaspossibled’installerlejeudefixationdestabilisationsurleplandel’évier,onpeutlepo- sitionnersurlatigesituéesousleplanaveclamêmeprocédureetenutilisantl’adaptateurspécifique...
INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 17 Blue 5/8” [16mm] 5/8” [16mm] Cold CONNECtiON tO tHE HYDRiC NEt Carry out the connection of the feeding flexible hoses to the water net. Important: we recommend installing angle stop valves for easier cleaning of filters inserted in the pre- assembled connections to supply hoses.
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USE - USAGE - USO Fig. 18 Fig. 19 Openthehandletotherighttostartwatersupply;themorethehandleisopenedthemorewaterissupplied. Whenidlethehandleisplacedwiththelevertowardsthetopandwhenopenedcoldwaterissupplied.Toget mixed water and hot water turn progressively the handle to the bottom. Whenwaterisopeneditissuppliedfromthespoutofthemixer.Pushingtheleverofthehand-heldshowerin automatictheflowwillbedivertedtothelatter,releasingit,itwillstillbesuppliedbythespoutofthemixer. To stop the supply close the handle UsAGE Ouvrirlapoignéeversdroitepourouvrirl’eau;lepluslapoignéeestouverteleplusledébitd’eauseragrand. En position de repos la poignée est positionnée avec le levier vers le haut et en ouverture sera débitée de l’eau froide.
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MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 20 spare parts: Pièces de rechange: Piezas de repuesto: 1-Completelever 1-Leviercomplet 1- P alancacompleta 2 - Cartridge fastening ring nut 2 - Virole de fixation cartouche 2-Viroladefijacióndelcartucho 3 - Cartridge 3 - Cartouche 3 - Cartucho 4-Aerator 4-Brisejet 4-Aireador...
MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 21 Fig. 22 1-1/8” 1/8” [28mm] [2,5mm] CARtRiDGE REPlACEMENt Before carrying out this operation make sure that water connection is closed. Unscrewthefasteningscrew(A)usinganAllenwrench,takeoutthehandle(B),removingitfromthecar- tridge(F).Liftthefinishingringnut(C)usingthereferencenotch.Removetheindicatorring(D),unscrew thefixingringnut(E)andtakethecartridge(F)outformthemixerbody(G). Put the new cartridge into the body checking that the two centering pins enters into the respective seats (X)andthatgasketsarewellpositioned.
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MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO iNtERNAl GAsKEts REPlACEMENt (A) / FlOW PRiORitY sYstEM REPlACEMENt (B) Identify the damaged parts to be replaced and, before actually replacing them, close the system water supply as a precaution. In case the tap is fastened to a wall, remove the supporting screws before carrying out the maintenance operation.
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MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO iNtERNAl GAsKEts REPlACEMENt (A) / FlOW PRiORitY sYstEM REPlACEMENt (B) Witha15/16”[24mm]wrench,unscrewthelockingringnuttheflexiblepipeisstillconnectedtoandlift it from tap body. Remove the plastic bushing by lifting it upwards. Witha1/8”[3mm]wrench,unscrewthedowelfixingtheshower-holdingarmandlifteverythingbyremo- ving it from the body of the single-lever mixer. Withthesamewrenchusedonthepreviouspoint(1/8”[3mm]),unscrewtheholdingdowelofthecover ring and lift everything. REMPlACEMENt DEs GAiNEs iNtERNEs (A) / REMPlACEMENt DU sYstEME DE PRiORitE DE FlUX (B) Ens’aidantavecunecléde15/16”[24mm],dévissezleblocauquelletuyauflexibleestencorereliéet...
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MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 31 Fig. 32 iNtERNAl GAsKEts REPlACEMENt (A) / FlOW PRiORitY sYstEM REPlACEMENt (B) Unscrew manually the spout locking ring nut and remove it. Remove the spout from its own housing taking care not to lose the two plastic rings shown in the figure. REMPlACEMENt DEs GAiNEs iNtERNEs (A) / REMPlACEMENt DU sYstEME DE PRiORitE DE FlUX (B) Dévissezàlamainlaviroledeblocagedubecetenlevez-le.Enlevezlebecdesonpropresiègeen...
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MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO iNtERNAl GAsKEts REPlACEMENt (A) Remove the damaged lip seals and carefully clean the housing from impurities in order to be able to positionthenewlipseal(gaco)there.Duringthisoperationpayattentionnottodamagetheseatsinorder not to impair gaskets’ tightness. Beforeinsertingthenewlippackingseals(gaco)intothehousingssetforthepurpose,itisadvisableto lubricatethem(usespecificlubricantsforthehydraulicbranch,thatshouldnotbeharmfultothehealth and the environment) in order to make their insertion easier and prevent them from being damaged during the assembly operations.
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MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 38 Fig. 39 3/8” [10mm] FlOW PRiORitY sYstEM REPlACEMENt (B) Unscrew the ring nut and remove the flow priority system. Ifthesystemiscloggedjustrinseitwithrunningwater,withoutusinganydetergents.Ifitisdamagedyou can replace it and reassemble all in the opposite order. REMPlACEMENt DU sYstEME DE PRiORitE DE FlUX (B) Dévisser la virole et extraire le système de priorité...
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MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 40 Fig. 41 AERAtOR ClEANiNG / REPlACiNG Ifthesupplyisnotfluidunscrewmanuallytheaerator-holder,removethefilterwithoutdamagingand/ orlosingthegasket.Ifthefilteriscloggedjustrinseitwithrunningwaterwithoutusinganydetergents. If it is damaged it can be replaced, together with a new gasket, and they have to be reassembled in the opposite sequence. NEttOYAGE / sUBstitUtiON DE l’AERAtEUR Siledébitn’estpasfluidedévissermanuellementleporte-aérateur,extrairelefiltresansabîmeret/ou perdrelagaine.Silefiltreestobstruéilsuffitdelerinceravecdel’eaucourantesansutiliserdedéter- gents.
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MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO Fig. 42 Fig. 43 CHANGiNG tHE HAND-HElD sHOWER JOiNt Thehand-showerhasaspecialfilterjoint,thereforethewaterflowmaydecreasebecauseofthe impuritiesthatthegrateofthefilterretainsthroughouttime.Tocleanthejointpleasefollowthesein- structions:firstofallbesurethatthewaternetworkisclosed,thenunscrewtheflexibleasshowninthe pictureandpulloutthefilter-joint;removetheimpuritiesandthenputthejointinthehoseandfastenit by screwing it to the hand-held shower. sUBstitUtiON DE lA GARNitURE DE lA DOUCHEttE Ladouchetteaunespécialegarnitureavecunfiltre,doncavecletempslagrilledecefiltrepourrait s’obstruer avec les impuretés en causant la diminution du débit de l’eau. Pour nettoyer la garniture, suivrecesindications:s’assurerqueleréseauhydrauliquesoitfermé,doncdévisserletubeflexible commeindiquédanslafigureetextrairelagarnitureaveclefiltre;enleverlesimpuretésquiobstruent lagrilleetpuismettrelagarnituredansletubeflexibleetlafixerenlavissantàladouchette.
MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO OPEN CLOSE FILTERS CLEANING Before this operation make sure that the water network is off. Close the stopcock valve. Loosen with a coin the filter- cover ring nut. Remove the filter from its seat and rinse thoroughly the interior with running water.
MAINTENANCE - MANUTENTIÓN - MANTENIMIENTO MiXER ClEANiNG Watercontainslimestoneindifferentqualities,whichremainskeptonthesurfacesoftheproduct,leaving deposits after the water has been evaporated. It is possible to prevent the forming of limestone deposits and to keep your product clean by drying it always with a soft cloth immediately after use. DETERGENTS, SOLVENTS,CHEMICALAGENTS,ABRASIVESPONGES,WIREWOOL,ALCOHOL,ETC.SHOULD NOT BE USED as these could irreparably damage products’...