Changing Tips
This operation should be done while the tip is
hot and at a minimum temperature of 250°C,
so that any tin left inside is still molten.
- Use the special spanner to unscrew the tip
- Fit the new tip, and tighten with the
spanner so that it is airtight.
Compatible Tips
The DR560 uses C560 tips. Find the model that best suits your needs in
See here some of them in real size:
C560-001 A=1,4 B=0,6 max. pin=0,4 mm
(A=0.05 B= 0.02 max. pin= 0.01 in)
C560-014 A=2,5 B=0,8 max. pin=0,6 mm
(A=0.09 B= 0.03 max. pin= 0.02 in)
C560-004 A=3,2 B=1,3 max. pin=1,1 mm
(A=0.12 B= 0.05 max. pin= 0.04 in)
A ø
B ø
C560-002 A=1,8 B=0,8 max. pin=0,6 mm
(A=0.07 B= 0.03 max. pin= 0.02 in)
C560-003 A=2,7 B=1 max. pin=0,8 mm
(A=0.1 B= 0.04 max. pin= 0.03 in)
C560-009 A=5 B=1,3 max. pin=1,1 mm
(A=0.19 B= 0.05 max. pin= 0.04 in)
250º C min.