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Figure 1: SG2700 inspecting a dual pane window. Note that one reflection column occurs for
each glass surface.
Column 4 on the left:
Column 1 on the right:
reflection off of bottom
reflection off of first surface
surface of 2nd pane
or contacting surface
1. Place the meter on the glass. You will
see two columns of light reflections (one
column for each surface of the glass).
2. Slide the meter over a large portion of the
glass surface, and pay close attention to
the colors of the two columns of light.
• The reflections in column 2 CHANGE
to a different color than column one.
This means that the meter is detect-
ing a stress line in the glass (strength-
ened). See Figure 2.
WARNING! Remember that you are looking
for a CHANGE in color of column 2, with re-
spect to column 1. It is possible that column
2 will start out as different color than column
1. This is NOT signifying strengthened glass.
You must see an actual change of color
(stress line) in column 2 to confirm it is
strengthened. For soft coat (sputtered) Low-
E coatings and other specialty coatings, the
reflection from the surface of glass contain-
ing the Low-E coating may appear as a differ-
ent color (typically green) than the uncoated
surface. Remember you are watching for
column 2 to change colors with respect to col-
umn 1 as you slide across the glass. If column
2 maintains the same color throughout the
travel across the glass, it is NOT strength-
between columns 1 and 2 indicates stress lines
2 1
Strengthened Glass
Both of the examples inside of this box show differences
between columns 2 as compared to column 1. In both in-
stances, this means the meter has detected stress lines
indicating that the glass is strengthened.
For best results in looking for color change in the left column (2), inspect a large portion of
the glass, and rotate the meter in place over suspected stress lines.
between columns 1 and 2 indicates no stress lines
2 1
In both of these examples, there is no difference between
columns 1 and 2. This means that the meter is not detect-
ing any stress lines which indicates that the sample is
regular, non-strengthened glass.
Take special notice of the example to the right. The colors near the top of both columns have
changed color, BUT since both columns changed together, this still means there is no indi-
cation of strengthened glass.
The Strengthened Glass De-
tector identifies if a piece of
glass, or a dual pane window
has been strengthened.
The SG2700 allows the user
to easily view the stress lines
that occur in glass that has
been strengthened. Therefore,
you can determine if the glass
has been strengthened. It also
will estimate the thickness of
the first pane of glass.
• Neither column changes color
• Both columns change color together
5. It can be very helpful to rotate the meter
in place over a suspected stress line. This
often makes it easier to confirm whether
or not you are detecting a stress line.
Figure 2: Reflection of a single pane of glass in
the viewing window:
2 1
Column 2 on
the left hand
side represents
the opposite
surface of the
Monitor the colors in column 2. If the colors
change to a color different than column 1 as
you travel across the glass, this represents
stress lines, indicating that your glass is
Note that the color change of column 2 com-
pared to column 1 in this example indicates
the glass is strengthened.
— or —
— or —
Regular Glass
• Single or double pane testing accomplished
from a single side
• Test single panes of glass or double pane
windows in the production environment
• Test single or double pane windows that are
already installed in the field
• Wide viewing area illuminated by multiple
light sources
• Pane 1 glass thickness measurement
• Head-on viewing of reflections for easy
• Special viewing optics to accentuate the
color changes
• Identify the location of stress lines in the
• Automatic power-off feature to prolong the
life of the battery
• Low power usage allows for standard 9-volt
alkaline battery operation
• Low battery indicator
• Simple operation
1. Place the meter on the glass. You will see
4 columns of light reflections (one column
for each surface of the glass).
2. Slide the meter over a large portion of the
glass surface, and pay close attention to
the colors of the two columns of light far-
thest to the left (columns 3 and 4).
• The reflections in column 4 CHANGE to
a different color than column 3 as you
slide the meter across the glass. This
means that the meter is detecting a
stress line created during the strength-
ening process
• Neither column (3 or 4) changes color
• Both columns (3 & 4) change color to-
Column 1 on
the right hand
5. It can be very helpful to rotate the meter
side represents
in place over a suspected stress line. This
the surface of
the glass that
often makes it easier to confirm whether
the meter is
or not you are detecting a stress line.
4 3 2 1
Both of the examples inside this box show differences between columns 3 and 4. In both
instances, this means that the meter has detected stress lines indicating that the second
2 1
pane of glass is strengthened.
In this example, there is no difference between columns 3 and 4. This
means that the meter is not detecting any stress lines in pane 2, which
indicates that the sample is regular, non-strengthened glass.
2 1
745 Capital Commons Drive
Toledo, Ohio 43615 USA
PHONE: (419) 861-1030
FAX: (419) 861-1031 Email: [email protected]
• Convenient push-on/push-off power switch
• Small, portable convenient size
• Protective carrying case
Place the SG2700 flat against the glass to
be tested. When possible, place the meter
on the side of the glass that will allow for the
darkest background behind the glass. Turn
the meter on, and look through the special-
ized viewing port to view reflections off the
glass surface. Single panes of glass will re-
sult in two columns of reflections (one from
each glass surface) while double pane win-
dows will result in four columns of reflections.
For best viewing results, look at the reflec-
tions in the viewing port head-on, not at
an angle. You will use these reflections to
determine if the glass has been strength-
Figure 3: Reflection shown from 2 panes of
Column 3
(second from
left) represents
the closest
surface of
the second
pane of glass.
Column 4
(farthest to the
left) represents
the opposite
surface of the
second pane of
For second pane detection, monitor the col-
ors in column 4. If the colors change to a
different color than column 3 as you slide
across the glass, this represents stress lines
indicating that your second pane of glass is
Note that the color change of column 4 with
respect to column 3 in this example indicates
that the second pane of glass is strengthened.
between columns 3 and 4 indicates Stress lines
— or —
Strengthened Glass in pane 2
Both of the examples inside this box show differences
between columns 3 and 4. In both instances, this means
that the meter has detected stress lines indicating that
the second pane of glass is strengthened.
between columns 3 and 4 indicates no stress lines
— or —
Regular Glass in pane 2
glass & air space laser meters, tempered
glass detectors, SHGC, solar, visible, & uv
meters Low-E type detectors, 4 point sheet
resistance meters, tin side detectors, self-
clean coating detectors, sales kits, tem-
perature guns & sales kit accessories.
© Copyright 2012 Electronic Design to Market, Inc. All rights reserved.
Column 1
(farthest to
the right)
4 3 2 1
represents the
surface of glass
the meter is
Column 2
(second from
represents the
opposite sur-
face of the first
pane of glass.
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1

Resumen de contenidos para EDTM SG2700

  • Página 1 • Special viewing optics to accentuate the glass surface. Single panes of glass will re- color changes sult in two columns of reflections (one from The SG2700 allows the user • Identify the location of stress lines in the each glass surface) while double pane win- to easily view the stress lines glass dows will result in four columns of reflections. that occur in glass that has • Automatic power-off feature to prolong the For best viewing results, look at the reflec- been strengthened. Therefore,...
  • Página 2 Batteries are not covered by warranty. indicator the left column (2) is closest to. this measurement becomes quick and easy. will contain numerous lines and be very The manufacturer assumes no liability for the simple to identify while others may contain consequential damages of any kind through only a few. Test the glass thoroughly be- the use or misuse of the SG2700 product by fore reaching your conclusion. LIGHT BLOCKING CLOTH the purchaser or others. No other obligations or The SG2700 detector can be difficult liabilities are expressed or implied. All damage to read in bright daylight conditions. or liability claims will be limited to an amount The Light Blocking Cloth will aid in equal to the sale price of the SG2700 as es- tablished by the manufacturer.
  • Página 3 Si possible, placez le détecteur du côté du verre nêtre à double vitrage a été • Visualisation immédiate des réflexions pour qui offre le fond le plus sombre à l’arrière du renforcé. des mesures plus faciles verre. Mettez le détecteur sous tension et re- • Optiques spéciales de visualisation pour ac- gardez dans le port spécial de visualisation pour Le SG2700 permet à l’utilisa- centuer les changements de couleur visualiser les réflexions à la surface du verre. teur de visualiser facilement les • Identification de l’emplacement des lignes de Les fenêtres à simple vitrage offrent deux co- lignes de contrainte propres à un contrainte dans le verre lonnes de réflexion (une de chaque surface du verre renforcé. De ce fait, vous • Fonction d’extinction automatique pour prolon-...
  • Página 4 Le fabricant ne saurait être responsable des dégâts 4. Chaque verre renforcé comporte un nombre la plus proche. indirects de tout type suite à une utilisation ou une différent de lignes de contraintes. Certains mauvaise utilisation du SG2700 par l’acquéreur ou verres contiendront de nombreuses lignes un tiers. Aucune autre obligation ni responsabilité et seront très simples à identifier alors que n’est clairement ou explicitement exprimée. Toutes TISSU DE BLOCAGE DE LA LUMIÈRE d’autres en contiendront seulement quelques poursuites en dommages-intérêts seront limitées à...
  • Página 5 Fenster verfestigt wurde. • Spezielle Betrachtungsoptik zum Akzentuie- glas-scheiben werden 2 Reihen von Reflexi- ren der Farbveränderungen onen (einer für jede Glasoberfläche) und bei Mit dem SG2700 kann der Be- • Ermitteln der Lage von Rissen im Glas doppelverglasten Fenstern 4 Reihen von Re- nutzer problemlos Risse in ver- • Automatische Abschaltfunktion zur Verlän- flexionen angezeigt. Um beste Ergebnisse zu festigtem Glas feststellen. Auf gerung der Batterielebensdauer...
  • Página 6 Tuch unterstützt die Messung des lich oder stillschweigend übernommen. Alle Glases unter diesen Bedingungen, in- Schäden oder Haftungsansprüche sind, wie von dem blendendes und störendes Licht der Hersteller festgelegt, auf einen Betrag in aus anderen Quellen abgeschirmt wird. Höhe des Verkaufspreises des SG2700 be- schränkt. Um das Tuch zur Lichtabschirmung zu verwenden: 1. Öffnen Sie das Fenster und entfer- nen Sie die Blenden 2. Drücken Sie den Saugnapf fest an die weitest entfernte Stelle (Nr. 1 in diesem Beispiel) gegen die äußere Glasscheibe. 3. Halten Sie das Tuch fest und spannen Sie es über das Fenster. Achten Sie darauf, den ersten Saugnapf nicht zu lösen. 4. Drücken Sie den zweiten Saugnapf fest (Nr. 2) gegen die Glasscheibe.
  • Página 7: Detector De Vidrio Fortalecido

    • Visión de las reflexiones de frente para la cristal. Prende el metro, y mire a través del medida fácil. puerto especializado para ver reflexiones de El SG2700 permite que el • Opticas de encargo para acentuar el cam- la superficie de cristal. Los vidrios singular usuario vea fácilmente las bio de color. darán lugar a 2 columnas de reflexiones (una líneas de la tensión que ocu- • Identifique las lineas de tensión en el vidrio. de cada superficie de vidrio) mientras que las rren en el vidrio que se ha • Function automatic que apaga el instru-...
  • Página 8 Esto realiza los cambios del color mucho El fabricante autoriza todos los modelos del 4. Después que haya ajustado hace al más fáciles ver. Esto es especialmente SG2700 para estar libre de defectos en centro el reflexión del columna 1 con la provechoso en los días asoleados en que material y ejecución bajo uso normal y los linea “zero”, mira hace al reflección del usted está en el interior del edificio que servicios según lo especificado dentro del columna 2 (sin moverse la cabeza) y mira hacia fuera. Los resultados mejores...