.P. SELECTA s.a.
6.5.1 Calibration at one point
The sequence is the following:
Rinse the electrode with distilled water
Introduce the electrode in the buffer solution
Measure the liquid solution with a thermometer. Press the key «TEMP» and correct
it if necessary
Press the key «STD», the display will show «Std, Yes», then press the key «EN-
TER» in order the device recognizes automatically solutions pH 4.00, pH 6.86 or
pH 9.18, in case of other kind of buffer correct manually
Press the key «ENTER» to end the calibration at one point.
6.5.2 Calibration at two points
The sequence is the following:
Follow the instructions from the section «calibration at one point»
Rinse the electrode once again and introduce it in the second buffer solution.
Measure the temperature of the liquid and press the key «TEMP» until the display
show the current temperature.
When the reading be stable pres the key «SLOPE», the display will show «Std
YES» then press «ENTER» so that the display the current pH and temperature.
Press the key «ENTER» to end the calibration at two points
If the device has a temperature probe connected, it must keep introduced in the
liquid in order the equipment adquire automatically its current value. In this case is
not necessary to introduce manually the temperature.
6.6 Potential measurement (mV)
Place the selective ion electrode and the reference electrode on the support holder.
Rinse the electrode fi rst with distilled water and then with sample solution.
Connect the selective ion electrode to the plug (4)
Connect the reference electrode to the plug (6)
Introduce both electrodes in the sample solution and stirr it.Then the display will
show the potential (mV) of this selective ion electrode with its belonging polarity
If the potential of the sample solution is out of range, the display will show «Err»
6.7 Preparing buffer solutions
Together to the equipment several powder satchets are supplied in order to prepare
buffer solutions:
pH4.00. 10.12 gr of powder to solve in 1000 ml of bidistilled.
pH6.86. 3.387 gr of powder to solve in 1000 ml of bidistilled
pH9.18. 3.80 gr of powder to solve in 1000 ml of bidistilled.
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