First Section - FOR THE USER
The dishwashing machine can wash up to 600 dishes per hour.
The machine protection degree is IP21, therefore it should not be washed with direct high-pressure jet water.
The objects to be washed should be correctly arranged for a good washing-up result.
We suggest rescaling dishes, from time to time, in order to remove calcareous and/or starchy sediments by soaking it in
suitable solutions suggested by your cleansing agent supplier.
If you need to buy new dishes remember the following: Dishes and cups: preference must be given to china or non-
porous pottery articles, with smooth surface. Glasses: choose a glass suitable to be washed in dishwashing machines.
Surfaces must be smooth and bottoms the least concave possible.
the cock is open;
the filters and the overflow are in
their housings;
the wash arm and the rinse arm are free to
rinse aid pump and detergent pump are not
the door and put into the tank,
over the pump suction filter, about 54 gr. of detergent.
Then, every 10 cycles, add about 40 gr. of detergent.
If the machine is provided with an automatic dosing
device, check that the detergent is in its container.
Place the dishes in the baskets minding to
previously remove all solid waste and fat. Soak
previously the cutlery and if necessary the dishes too
if they are washed after long time since the use. Do
not overload baskets, dishes must not be placed one
upon the other, water must have the way to run on
each part of the same.
Turn the machines on by the wall switch. At this
moment the thermometers' displays light up and the
cycle pushbutton "C" illuminates itself in RED colour.
The machine is live (stand-by).
The different colours of the cycle pushbutton "C"
indicate in which phase of the cycle your dishwasher is.
Standing red colour: live machine (stand-by).
Flashing yellow colour: heating or filling phase.
Standing yellow colour: tank filling end;
Standing green colour: machine ready;
Standing blue colour: washing phase;
Flashing blue colour: rinsing phase;
Flashing red colour: door is open;
Flashing sky-blue colour: manual drain.
– Press the main switch "A" during 2 seconds.
Cycle pushbutton "C" becomes y ellow and
flashes until the tank filling has been completed.
Open the door and
Choose the washing period cycle and push the
button "B" between the following items:
- lamp 1 flashing – short cycle of 2 minutes
- lamp 2 flashing – medium cycle 3 minutes
- lamps 1 and 2 lightening at the same time
long cycle of 4 minutes.
The washing period cycle has to be chosen regarding
the dirt that has to be removed.
F –
Close the door of the dishwasher.
Before starting the cycle, make sure that the button
cycle "C" is green. This indicates that wash water and
rinse water have reached the good working temperature
Press cycle pushbutton "C".
The dishwasher starts the washing with the duration
you have chosen. Additional to this period there will
be a pause of 5 seconds and a rinsing phase of 18
seconds with clean water at 85- 90°C.
The pushbutton is blue during the washing and starts
flashing in the final rinse phase.
At the end of the cycle, the pushbutton becomes green
and the machine is ready to do a new cycle (if the
pushbutton is yellow , this means that the machine is
reaching the good working temperature).
It is possible to interrupt the washing cycle at any time
simply pushing again the wash time selection button
Rinse will start only at the reached working
temperature. That means that the duration of the
washing cycle you have chosen will be extended up to
having reached the exact temperature (thermocontrol).
– Extracting the basket, incline and shake it
carefully. So the rest of the water drops will be
Leave the dishes in the basket until they will be dry by
evaporation. Take the dishes away from the basket
and pay attention not to touch the dishes on its border
and put them on clean shelves.
introduce the basket in the