Klein Tools Coax Explorer Guia De Inicio Rapido
Klein Tools Coax Explorer Guia De Inicio Rapido

Klein Tools Coax Explorer Guia De Inicio Rapido

Enlaces rápidos

Coax Explorer
Instruction Manual
The Klein Tools Coax Explorer
verifi es proper continuity of
F-connector terminated cables. The separate test terminator
allows for cable runs between two different locations to be
tested. The tester displays cable status as shorted, open, or
good using a LED.
• Green for good.
• Red for open.
• Orange for shorted.
Note: The tester has no replaceable parts and is permanently
sealed. The tester should be disposed of properly when
the battery is depleted.
tEstINg a cablE
connect test remote to one end of the cable. Use a coupler
(not included) if required to connect the test remote to an
connect coax Explorer
to the other end of the cable.
press the button below the LED. The LED illuminates
showing the test result. Results are displayed while
button is held down.
gENEral spEcIFIcatIoNs
2.7" x 1.1" x 0.7" (6.9 x 2.7 x 1.8 cm)
1.3 oz. (37 grams) with battery and remote
operating temperature:
0°C– 50°C / 32°F –122°F
-20°C – 60°C / -4°F – 140°F
storage temperature:
10% to 90%, non-condensing
10,000 feet (3,000 meters) maximum
life: Lithium primary cell, typical
5 years
2.5 hours, intermittent use
(approximately 900 tests of 10 seconds each)
DIsposal / rEcyclE
Do not place equipment and its accessories in the trash.
Items must be properly disposed of in accordance with
local regulations
Coax Explorer
Coax Explorer
Probador Coax Explorer
Testador Coax Explorer
Testeur Coax Explorer
• Tests coaxial cable.
• Compact size ts easily into pocket
or pouch.
• Bright LED feedback indicates
cable status (good/open/short).
• Simple push-button operation.
• Prueba cable coaxial.
• Su tamaño compacto encaja
fácilmente en el bolsillo o la
bolsa porta herramientas.
• El LED brillante indica el estado del
cable (en buen estado/abierto/en corto).
• Funcionamiento sencillo con botón pulsador.
• Testa o cabo coaxial.
Compact, push button tool
• Tamanho compacto se encaixa facilmente em seu
quickly tests coaxial cable
bolso ou bolsa.
• Resposta de LED brilhante indica o status do cabo
Test and verify coaxial
cable connections
• Operação de botão de pressão simples.
Herramienta compacta con
• Teste le câble coaxial.
botón pulsador que prueba
• Grâce à sa taille compacte, il tient facilement dans
rápidamente cable coaxial
une poche ou une pochette.
Prueba y verifica
• Le témoin DEL brillant indique l'état du câble
conexiones de
(en bon état / ouvert / court-circuit).
cable coaxial
• Fonctionnement simple à l'aide d'un bouton-poussoir.
Ferramenta compacta
de botão de pressão testa
o cabo coaxial rapidamente
Teste e verifique
as conexões de
cabo coaxial
O testador deve ser descartado adequadamente quando a bateria estiver sem carga.
L'outil compact à bouton-poussoir
Le produit contient une pile au lithium non remplaçable.
permet de tester rapidement
Lorsque la pile est épuisée, il faut mettre le testeur au rebut de manière adéquate.
le câble coaxial
Permet de
tester et
vérifier les
d'un câble
Warranty / Garantía / Garantia / Garantie :
Importado por:
S. de R.L. de CV
Av. Uno No. 3, Parque Ind.
Cartagena, C.P. 54918
Tultitlan, Edo de Mex.
RFC KTM-710310-645
Contenido: 1 pieza
Chicago, IL USA
© 2014
Product contains a lithium cell non-replaceable battery.
Tester should be disposed of properly when battery is depleted.
El producto contiene una batería de litio no reemplazable.
El probador se debe desechar correctamente cuando se agota la batería.
O produto contém uma bateria de célula de lítio não substituível.
Made in China
Hecho en China
Feito na China
Fabriqué en Chine
133A46T Rev. 05/14 B

Resumen de contenidos para Klein Tools Coax Explorer

  • Página 1 ® ® ® ® ® • Su tamaño compacto encaja The Klein Tools Coax Explorer verifi es proper continuity of ® fácilmente en el bolsillo o la F-connector terminated cables. The separate test terminator bolsa porta herramientas. Probador Coax Explorer ®...
  • Página 2 Manual de instruções Manuel d’utilisation DEscrIptIoN DEscrIÇão DEscrIptIoN Klein Tools Coax Explorer verifica la continuidad adecuada de cables O Klein Tools Coax Explorer verifica a continuidade adequada Le Klein Tools Coax Explorer vérifie la continuité des câbles à ® ® ®...