Modes of Operation
Progressive Alarm Mode:
The audible alarm increases in pitch as the concentration of re-
frigerant gas seen by the sensor increases. The number of lit
LED's in the bar graph indicator increases with the refrigerant
concentration. Three blue LED's indicate the current setting.
Large Leak Setting (L):
Alarm begins to indicate at about 0.5 oz / year (14 g / yr.)
depending on the refrigerant. Alarm saturates at very large leaks.
Medium Leak Setting (M):
Alarm begins to indicate at about 0.1 oz / year (2 g / yr.) and
saturates at approximately 0.5 oz / year (14 g / yr.).
Small Leak Setting (S):
Alarm saturates at approximately 0.125 oz / year (4 g / yr.) leak
Threshold Alarm Mode
The audible alarm sounds a low pitch tone interrupted twice per
second until a given leak rate is found. When the leak is found,
the audible alarm sounds a high pitch tone and all the LED in
the bar graph turn on at once. Three white LED's indicate the
current setting in this mode.
Large Leak Setting (L):
Signals with leaks of 0.5 oz / year (14 g / yr.) or greater.
Medium Leak Setting (M):
Signals with leaks of 0.25 oz / year or greater.
Small Leak Setting (S):
Signals with leaks of 0.125 oz / year or greater.