Bpt VA/100.02 Manual Del Usuario página 3

con l'operatore situato davanti al
monitor, che l'area di ripresa sia
soddisfacente. In caso contrario
modificare l'inclinazione dell'unità
di ripresa (dove è possibile).
7.Se l'impianto è costituito da più
monitor, premere ad uno ad uno
sulla targa esterna i relativi pulsan-
ti di chiamata ed accertarsi che i
monitor entrino in funzione.
8.Rimettere la placca frontale.
NOTA. Se l'impianto è costituito da
più posti esterni, si procederà per
ognuno come precedentemente
1.Accertarsi che, alla chiamata dal
posto esterno, il monitor si accen-
da e regolare la luminosità fino ad
avere un'immagine ottimale.
Regolare, se necessario, il volume
della nota di chiamata tramite l'ap-
posito potenziometro.
2.Verificare il funzionamento del-
l'audio con l'aiuto dell'operatore
situato davanti al posto esterno.
3.Controllare che il tempo di
accensione del monitor sia di 45 s
circa. Tale verifica va effettuata
senza sollevare la cornetta o, negli
apparecchi a viva-voce, senza
azionare il pulsante audio.
Se si desidera variarlo (da 15 a 60
s), agire sull'apposito potenziome-
tro situato nella centralina di con-
trollo VA/100.
4.Controllare il funzionamento dei
seguenti servizi:
Luce scale
Premendo questo pulsante (se
l'impianto è predisposto e nessuno
altro monitor è in funzione) si
dovranno inserire le luci di illumina-
zione (scale, ingresso, giardino,
Premendo questo pulsante (se
nessun altro monitor è in funzione)
si inserirà il posto esterno n. 1.
posti esterni o unità di ripresa sup-
Premendo nuovamente il pulsante
di inserimento-selezione del posto
esterno, si inserirà il posto esterno
n.2 o le unità di ripresa supple-
mentari, e così via, fino all'ultimo
posto esterno (max. 10).
Premendo questo pulsante (se
nessun altro monitor è in funzione)
si eccita l'apriporta.
Premendo i pulsanti di chiamata
per il servizio di intercomunicazio-
ne da ciascun monitor, controllare
la corrispondenza del numero d'i-
dentificazione assegnato e la fun-
zionalità dell'audio.
NOTA. Se l'impianto è composto
da più monitor, ripetere le operazio-
ni sopra elencate per ogni apparec-
It is made up of a transformer
which supplies the system compo-
nents with alternating current and a
mother card into which two other
cards, controlling the system func-
tions, are inserted.
The AC outputs feeding the system
components are:
24 V AC - 1 A: subject illumination.
This output supplies the subject
camera module and panels VZ
18 V AC - 1 A: call button illumina-
tion. This output supplies 10 lamps
(24 V, 3 W), i.e. a total of 20 call
buttons on VZ entry panels, while
the MC modules are supplied by
the VAS/100.
power supplier
(17.5 V DC).
12 V AC - 1A: door lock release
solenoid. This output supplies the
door release solenoid when the
door lock release button on moni-
tor is pressed.
System components connections
It is expected to require 3 terminals
on terminal block C of VA/100, figu-
re 1, which are connected to the
AC components common to com-
pensate the distance between the
VA/100 main control unit and the
entry panel.
For system with more entry panels
installed at different distances from
the power supplier group, connect
each AC entry panel components
common - block D terminal 1 -
directly to block C terminal 1, 1A or
1B of VA/100.
See exemples on figure 6.
Description of electronic circuit
The electronic circuits which con-
trol the system are divided into 2
cards which may be removed for
easy maintenance. The cards have
coupling guides making it impossi-
ble to mount them incorrectly.
Fuctions of card 1
• System activation timer. The time
is adjustable from 15 to 60 s
potentiometer accessible through
slot B, figure 2. This time interval is
increased to a maximum of 3 min if
the handset is lifted. Time is redu-
ced to about 15 s when terminal 0
of block B is connected to terminal
5 (–) of block B.
This connection can also be made
by means of a switch device con-
trolled by the power backup bat-
tery. The VA/100 can be kept in
continuous operation mode if ter-
minal 10 of block B is connected to
a positive voltage between 10 ÷
17.5 V. This in the instance monitor
and camera are required to be
operating at all times.
• System activation from the entry
• System activation from the moni-
• Amplification of monitor audio
• Turning off any live monitor when
another user is called.
• Call note timer. The time is adju-
stable from 1 to 12 s approximately
accessible through slot A, figure 2.
The call note stops when the hand-
set is lifted or if one of the push-
is pressed.
This features is only operating in
system using receivers version 01
and successive versions or moni-
tor VMF/106.
Functions of card 2
• Turns off the system when pres-
sing the door lock button if dip-
switch 2 in position
With dip-switch 2 in
system is turned off automatically
by the timer.
The dip-switch is accessible throu-
gh slot C, figure 2.
NOTE. Make sure all receivers
have dip-switch 4 in the OFF posi-
• Stabilization of the 15 V DC sup-
ply voltage (card 1 and 2).
• Amplification of the entry panel
audio signal.
• Door lock release activation
This circuits limits the time the vol-
tage output is applied to door
release solenoid (adjustable from 1
to 15 s by turning the potentiome-
ter accessible from slot D, figure 2)
even if the door lock release button
is kept depressed (dip-switch 1 to
, figure 2).
It is possible to turn off this facility
when continuous output, for the
time the door lock release button
on monitor is pressed, to door
release solenoid is required by set-
ting the dip-switch 1 to position
figure 2.
The dip-switch is accessible throu-
gh slot C, figure 2.
• Activation auxiliary service.
• Generation of electronic two-tone
call. The pitch of the call tone can
be changed by connecting termi-
nal 12 of block B to a positive vol-
tage (10 ÷ 17.5 V).
If the system has more entry
panels it is possible to assign a dif-
ferent call tone pitch to one of them
to identify when this is calling.
For this purpose connect terminal
12 of block B to VSI/110 terminal
block L of relevant entry panel
(figure 5).
• Signal detecting when any hand-
set is off the cradle or if one of the
For the connection see diagram SE
7012 on page 16.
Function of each terminal, figure 1
Terminal block G
Terminal block B
signal detecting mains failure
+ 17.5 V supply voltage
– from VAS/100
video signal
video signal shield
– 17.5 V supply voltage
+ to monitor
audio signal to monitor
audio signal to entry panel
10 signal activating system
11 conversation in progress (con-
tact closed at the negative
power supply by a transistor,
24 V DC 50 mA max., for the
duration of the conversation)
12 facility for altering call tone
Terminal block C
1B AC common for distances up to
150 m
1A AC common for distances up to
100 m
position the
AC common for distances up
to 50 m
24 V AC for subject illumination
lamps (MVTC/100 camera and
entry panels VZ series).
18 V AC for call buttons lamps
or modules MC
12 V AC for additional door
lock release
– 17.5 V supply voltage
+ to entry panel
call no. 1
call button common
video signal shield
10 video signal
11 audio signal to monitor
12 audio signal to entry panel
13 door lock release, 12 V AC
14 entry panel enabling
Stair light output
17 common
18 relay contact normally closed
19 relay contact normally open
Technical features
• Supply voltage: 230 V 50/60 Hz.
The transformer primary is protec-
ted by the slow fuse F1, T 500
• Power absorption: 50 VA.
• DC current demand: 40 mA
(max. 100 mA when relays ener-
• Secondary output voltages for
system components:
24 V AC 1A protected by the
slow fuse F2, T 1.25 A.
18 V AC 1A protected by the
slow fuse F3, T 1.25 A.
12 V AC 1 A protected by the
slow fuse F4, T 1.25 A.
• Max.
demand: 1 A at 12 V AC (max.
load to relay conctact: 5 A at 24 V
• Max. current demand to auxiliary
is pres-
service relay: 5 A at 250 V AC (2
A if load is inductive).
• Enables up to 30 receivers to be
connected to same call button.
IMPORTANT. However additional
VAS/100 power supplier must be
added for every additional 2 (3)
monitors connected to the same
call line.
• Working temperature range: from
0 °C to +35 °C.
• Dimensions: 12 DIN units, high
profile module, figure 4.
The equipment can be installed
without terminal covers into boxes
provided with DIN rail (EN 50022).